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Non-leafy Vegetables Treats for Rabbits – Safe & Unsafe

Can Rabbits Eat Sweet Potatoes?

No. Rabbits shouldn’t have sweet potatoes since they are starchy, yet these pets don’t depend on foods high in starch or carbohydrates. However, they are not toxic or poisonous, and a minimal amount of sweet potato, including its skin, is unlikely to harm or hurt your furry friend.
On the other hand, bunnies can have sweet potato vines (leaves and stems) as part of the leafy greens they eat. They are nutritious and high in protein and have vitamin A, C, riboflavin, folic acid, niacin… Read more.

Can rabbits eat cucumber?

Yes. Rabbits can eat cucumber together with their skin and seeds. They are all safe to these animals but should be fed in moderation as a treat. Two small slices are ok. Similarly, you can give them cucumber peels if you prefer peeling. Otherwise, you can eat them with peels too.
Besides the vegetable, rabbits can also eat cucumber plants (leaves, stems, and flowers). They are safe. Leaves and stems can be part of their leafy greens, while flowers should be an occasional treat. Read more.

Can rabbits eat eggplants?

Yes. Rabbits can eat eggplants or aubergine as a rare treat. Keep the amount to one or two small slices since it is slightly higher in solanine, a glycoalkaloid poison, which, if ingested in large amounts, may cause toxicity. Some studies show aubergine benefits.
However, please don’t give your rabbits eggplant leaves, stems, or flowers are they are high in solanine, making them harmful. Read more.

Can rabbits have asparagus?

Yes. Rabbits can eat asparagus stems and ends as a treat. It is nutritious with vitamin B6, zinc, calcium, magnesium, as well as protein, vitamins C, E and K, niacin, folic acid, potassium, selenium, manganese, rutin, copper, iron, among other nutrients.
Also, it has antioxidants vital in preventing chronic conditions, among other benefits. When offering asparagus to your bunnies, keep the amount small. In the broader side, give them about two inches and double the length on the thinner side. Read more.

Can rabbits eat courgette or zucchinis?

Yes. Rabbits can eat zucchinis as a treat, a few times a week with their seeds and skin. Courgette seeds don’t present any choking risk. 1-2 slices or about a teaspoon is enough for your two-pound rabbit. Please don’t overdo it.
Similarly, rabbits can eat zucchini plants (leaves and stem) as a part of their greens and flowers as a treat. They are all safe and nutritious to these pets. However, are they your rabbit’s favorite or not? Read more.

Can rabbits eat kohlrabi?

Yes. Kohlrabi is ok for rabbits in moderation. Give them kohlrabi greens (leaves and stalks) as part of their greens mix, while the bulbous stem should be a treat. Kohlrabi is a Brassica oleracea cultivar rich in nutrients and some antioxidants. Read more.  

Can rabbits eat beetroot and beet greens?

Yes. Rabbits can eat both beetroot and beetroot greens or tops. For beetroot, let it be an occasional treat, while beetroot greens can be an occasional part of their vegetable mix.
While quite nutritious, note that beetroot and beet greens are high in oxalic acid, which is harmful to your furry friend. Also, the leaves are high in calcium. Read more.

Can rabbits eat sugar beets?

No rabbits shouldn’t eat sugar beets since they are high in sugars. Diets high in sugars are linked to a shift in microflora balance in a rabbit’s digestive system as well as weight gain or obesity. Read more.

Can rabbits eat potatoes?

No rabbits shouldn’t eat raw or cooked potatoes, potato peels, leaves, flowers, stems, or fruits. They are either unhealthy or toxic to these animals. While raw or cooked potatoes, including potato chips, don’t have enough solanine to cause toxicity, they are high in carbohydrates, especially starches, making them unhealthy foods to feed your furry friend.
On the other hand, potato peels, sprouts, leaves, stems, flowers, or fruits are high in solanine, and a high amount may cause toxicity to your rabbits. Do rabbits even like them? Read more.

Can rabbits eat carrots and carrot tops?

Yes. Rabbits can eat carrots as an occasional treat. Once or twice a week is enough. They are healthy and have lots of nutrients and other vital phytonutrients. Otherwise, a lot may cause obesity, dental problems, and digestive troubles. Also, please don’t give them every day.
Similarly, rabbits can eat carrot tops as part of their leafy green mix a few times a week, and rabbits will really like them. Even in the wild, they love carrot greens, lettuce, peas, blackberries, pansies, roses, and clovers, etcetera.
Finally, for baby rabbits, let them only eat carrots if they are at least 12 weeks old and begin with small amounts. Read more.

Can rabbits eat butternut squash?

Yes. Rabbits can have butternut squash, also known as gramma or butternut pumpkin, occasionally as a treat. This winter squash popular in North America is very nutritious, and your furry friends will like its nutty, sweet taste.
Also, you can let them have butternut squash leaves, flowers, or stems. Stems and leaves will be part of their vegetable salad while flowers a treat. Read more.

Can rabbits eat marrow?

Yes. Bunnies cat eat marrow a winter and summer squash depending on when it is harvested as a treat together with its skin. However, if harvested after maturing fully, please remove any seeds as they choke your pet and are unhealthy.
Also, the leaves, stems, and flowers squash are safe for your bunny. However, ensure you know how to feed the greens and flowers to your rabbit correctly. Read more.

Can rabbits eat squashes?

Yes. Bunnies can eat all squashes edible to us (humans) as a small treat like once or twice a week. Both the winter (harvested after maturity) and suffer (harvested immature) are safe, and you can give them plus their skin. However, for winter squashes, remove any seeds as they are high in carbs, fats, or choke your rabbit.
Therefore, various species, subspecies, varieties, and cultivars like the yellow, butternut, acorn, yellow, pumpkins, scallop, zucchinis, spaghetti, buttercup, Hubbard, Calabaza, just but to mention are safe to your rabbits, including their plants. Read more.

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