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What Veggies Do Rabbits Eat and those They Don’t?

Can rabbits eat Tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and tomato leaves?

Yes, rabbits can eat ripe tomatoes including cherry tomatoes or any other cultivar as a treat. One or two small slices or a small cherry tomato is enough. They have beneficial nutrients, will boost hydration, and have antioxidants which have many health benefits.
However, don’t feed your rabbits any part of the tomato plant (stem, leaves, flowers, or flower stalks) or unripe tomatoes since they have solanine and tomatine which are, glycoalkaloid poisons that may harm your furry friend.  Read more

Can Rabbits Eat Onions?

No. Rabbits shouldn’t eat red (purple), yellow (brown) or white onions (Allium cepa) or any other member of the genus Allium. We have looked at most members we have looked at separately, including garlic, shallots, scallions (green or spring onions), garlic, and chives.
While they may be flavorful and very healthy to us, they have organosulfur compounds, which, when degraded to disulfides that cause hemolytic anemia. Also, they may suppress immunity and cause severe allergic reactions. Read more.

Can Rabbits Eat Spring or Green Onions

No. Bunnies shouldn’t have green or spring onions, otherwise known as scallions or sibies. These are nothing other than milder kinds of onions that don’t have a fully developed bulb with some not having it at all. They include White Lisbon, White Lisbon Winter Hardy, Calçot, A. cepa var. cepa, shallots as well as Chinese, Welsh, and Tree onions.
All parts of scallions are toxic to rabbits since they have organosulfur compounds that may result in a blood disorder, suppress immunity, or cause fatal allergic reactions. Read more.

Can rabbits eat endive?

Yes. Rabbits can eat endive, a genus Cichorium for several species in the family Asteraceae in moderation. Wild endive, curly endive frisée, and escarole are all safe to rabbits, and you can include them as one of the leafy greens these animals eat.
Endive is nutritious, has vitamin A, K, folate, and flavonoid antioxidants known as kaempferol, which is good for… Read more.

Can Rabbits eat Escarole?

Yes. Rabbits can eat Escarole (Cichorium endivia var. latifolia) in moderation as one of the vegetables you include in their leafy green mix. It is nutritious, has vitamins A, C, and K as well as iron, zinc, and copper. Did you know it also has an inflammation-reducing antioxidant known as kaempferol? Read more

Can rabbits eat frisée?

Yes. You can feed frisée to your rabbit in moderation. This bitter, nutty-flavored veggie is safe for your furry friend. It is one of the endive varieties (Cichorium endivia, i.e., var. crispum) and a good source of vitamins A, C, and K. It also has some manganese and iron. Read more.

Can rabbits eat rhubarb?

No. rabbits shouldn’t eat rhubarb leaves, stalks, or flowers (greens) as well as rhizomes or roots. All parts of the plant are toxic to rabbits since it is high in oxalic acid. Consumption is associated with oral irritation, reduced appetite, stomach pain, lethargy, severe dehydration, and other symptoms.
Also, since it contributes to the formation of calcium oxalate stones, expect your rabbit’s kidney and bladder to have these stones. Furthermore, prolonged consumption may cause acute kidney failure. Read more.

Can rabbits eat radishes and their greens (leaves)?

Yes. Rabbits can eat radishes as part of their non-leafy vegetable treat. Keep the amount to about two small slices or a teaspoon per two-pound body weight. They are safe, have antioxidants, and some nutrients.
Similarly, rabbits can eat radish tops (greens or leaves) in moderation as a part of their leafy greens. They are also safe and very nutritious. However, they are high in oxalic acid and calcium. Therefore, ensure you know how to feed them radish greens properly. Read more.

Can Rabbits Eat Mushrooms?

No. rabbits shouldn’t eat mushrooms as most of them are toxic, and some that aren’t harmful to use still may be harmful to their digestive systems. There is no type of mushroom bunnies can have, and some of them are deadly.
Therefore, if you love them, don’t offer them to your furry friend. They don’t even have the fiber that bunnies need and don’t belong to their digestive system. Read more.

Can rabbits eat lettuce?

It depends. Rabbits can eat some kinds of lettuces, while others are harmful and less beneficial nutritionally. For instance, rabbits can eat romaine lettuce in moderation as one of the leafy greens you offer a few times a week. Also, Butterhead, leaf, red leaf, and oak lettuces are ok or safe.
However, please don’t give them wild or iceberg lettuce as they have lactucarium, which is potentially harmful to rabbits. Also, avoid any other variety that has light-colored as they tend to be nutritionally worthless. Read more.

Can Rabbits Eat Leeks

No. Rabbits shouldn’t eat leek leaf sheaths, flowers, or any part this Allium ampeloprasum cultivar as it may cause blood abnormality, mostly if consumed for an extended time.
Naturally, rabbits don’t like leeks or other alliums like garlic, onions, shallots, scallions, Chinese onions, and so on. However, they may nibble them, especially domestic bunnies. Read more.  

Can rabbits eat Chinese cabbage?

Yes. Rabbits can eat Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa subsp. oleifera, Bok choy, pak choi, turnip nape, etc.) in moderation. Feed it to them as part of the leafy veggies that these animals eat. It is nutritious and healthy.
Additionally, ensure you know how to introduce and go for an organically grown Chinese cabbage properly. Read more.

Can rabbits eat fiddleheads

No. We don’t recommend fiddleheads for rabbits. Also known as fiddlehead greens, these are curled fronds of young ferns eaten as a vegetable. They are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, potassium, and antioxidants.
However, most ferns have enzyme thiaminase that will degrade thiamine leading to deficiencies, some have toxins, and others are carcinogenic. Read more.

Can rabbits eat water spinach?

Yes. Rabbits can eat water spinach (Ipomoea aquatic), a semi-aquatic vegetable that has no relationship with spinach in moderation. It is nutritious, has antimicrobial and antioxidants properties. Read more.

Can rabbits eat spinach?

Yes. Rabbits can eat spinach in sparingly. Make it an occasional part of the greens you offer them. They will enjoy its crunchy texture and taste. Spinach is very nutritious, has vital antioxidants and other essential phytochemicals. 
However, give them sparingly because spinach is high in oxalic acid that will cause calcium oxalate stones, and a long-term, may result in acute kidney damage. Also, it is high in calcium that may cause calcium sludge. Read more.

Can Rabbits eat chives

No. Rabbits shouldn’t eat Chives (Allium schoenoprasum), green stalks (scrapes and leaves), flowers, or bulbs. All parts of chives are toxic to rabbits since they have disulfides and thiosulfates known to cause hemolytic anemia (a blood disorder) if ingested in large amounts
Also, chives may suppress immunity or cause a severe allergic reaction. Some of the symptoms of onions toxicity lethargy, loss of appetite, weakness…, read more.

Can rabbits eat mizuna?

Yes, rabbits can eat mizuna or water greens (spider mustard or Japanese mustard greens) as part of their veggie mix. Like any other healthy veggie, they should have it in moderation. Mizuna is rich in antioxidants, vitamin A and K and has calcium, vitamin C, and iron, among other nutrients. Read more.

Can rabbits eat Broccoli rabe?

Yes. Rabbits can eat broccoli rabe or rapini leaves, stem, stalk, flower, and flower heads. All these parts are safe and have various nutrients valuable to your bunny.
However, you need to know how to feed them properly. For the stalk, flower head, and stem, provide to them as a treat while leaves can be part of their green mix. Read more.

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