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Can Dogs Eat Nopales?

Are you thinking of adding nopales into your dogs’ diets but still having second thoughts? Are you worried about the health and safety of your dogs when you feed them with nopales? If you’re still unsure whether your dogs should eat nopales, this article is for you. 

Nopales are vegetables made from the pads of prickly pear cacti. These pads are often green, but some varieties come in purple. Nopales taste similar to green peppers with a green bean texture. This vegetable has gained popularity worldwide because it can be cooked in different ways. 

To answer the question in this article: yes, your dogs can eat nopales. This vegetable is actually dog-friendly and provides tons of health benefits to your furry friends, namely:


Nopales are a low-calorie snack for your dogs because it only contains about 22 calories per cup. Feeding your dog this vegetable will help keep their weight in check and reduce their risk of excessive weight gain and obesity. 

Tons Of Vitamins

Nopales are packed with different vitamins, such as vitamins A, C, K., and B-complex — all of these are essential to the health and wellness of your dogs. 

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that supports healthy vision in dogs. A diet rich in vitamin A also ensures proper bone growth and cellular differentiation in dogs. 

Vitamin C is an important antioxidant in dogs that reduces inflammation and cognitive aging in dogs. Vitamin C also boosts the immune system of your dogs and lessens their risks of being sick or spreading diseases. 

Vitamin K does a lot of things to your canine friends. For one, vitamin K is essential in strengthening the bone structure of your dogs and preventing joint problems and hip dysplasia. Vitamin K also prevents anemia, promotes a healthy heart, maintains healthy gums, and aids in glucose metabolism in dogs. 

Vitamin B-complex assists cellular rejuvenation and metabolism in your dogs’ body. This vitamin also produces energy to ensure that your furry friends remain active during the day. Vitamin B-complex also impacts your dogs’ ability to produce blood cells. 

Mineral Overload

Nopales are also an excellent source of several minerals that are necessary for the growth and development of your dogs. This vegetable contains calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. 

Similar to humans, dogs also need calcium to have stronger bones, teeth, and nails. Calcium also improves the immune system of your dogs, prevents health complications, and ensures good health. 

Iron is one of the most vital minerals your dogs need in order for their bodies to function properly. Iron is necessary for your dogs to produce energy and transport oxygen in their cells. Iron deficiency in dogs can lead to several symptoms, such as weakness and lethargy. 

Aside from being able to treat or reserve constipation and urinary disorders, magnesium can also minimize anxiety in dogs due to its external calming effects. Magnesium helps maintain normal muscle and nerve functions, keeps the heartbeat steady, and supports a healthy immune system in dogs.   

Potassium is one type of electrolyte that is necessary for your dogs’ overall health. Potassium plays a vital role in the proper functioning of the electrical charges in your dogs’ heart, nerves, and muscles. Dogs that don’t receive enough potassium from their diets experience loss of appetite and lethargy.

Sodium works by maintaining the cellular functions in your dogs’ bodies. This mineral also supports proper nerve signal transmissions and produces hydrochloric acid in your dogs’ stomach. 

Dietary fiber is important in your dogs’ health because it keeps their intestines moving, prevents constipation, and manages sugar and blood sugar levels. Dietary fiber also supports your dogs’ heart health. 

Can Nopales Be Bad For Toxic?

Yes, nopales can also trigger several health risks in your furry friends. Just like any other human food, serving nopales to your dogs in large amounts or too frequently can be hazardous. Feeding them the vegetable raw can also cause them to choke or experience intestinal blockages. 

So, before you add nopales into your dogs’ diets, it’s important to consider the following risks:

Stomach Upset

Since the digestive tracts of humans and dogs are different, expect that your canine friends will likely experience some stomach issues when you feed them the vegetable. The chances are usually higher when it comes to nopales because of their high fiber content. Dogs need fiber in their diets, but giving them too much can make it challenging for them to digest their foods. 

Oxalate Crystals

Nopales contain high levels of oxalic acid when raw. This acid is naturally strong and can irritate your dogs’ mouth and skin if these areas rub against the vegetable. In extreme cases, oxalic acid from nopales can cause kidney damage in dogs. 

How Much Nopales Should Your Dogs Eat?

Nopales are snacks that should only compromise no more than 10% of your dogs’ diet. Generally, you should feed your dogs with bite-sized chunks of nopales once a week. Feeding them more can lead to health problems, as mentioned in the previous section. 

If your dogs have never eaten nopales before, start by giving them small amounts of the vegetable and see if they develop any symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach ache. When it comes to puppies, it’s best to stick to regular puppy food to ensure that they meet their body’s nutritional needs. 

How Should You Prepare And Serve Nopales To Your Dogs?

You need to scrape off the spines of the vegetable using a sharp knife as these can be too tough for your dogs to chew. Once you have removed the spines, remove the dark areas of the vegetable. Then, wash the nopales carefully to remove any dirt, dust, and residue. 

Cut the nopales into small pieces and cook them either by steaming, boiling, baking, or air frying. Cooking is an important step to deactivate the oxalate crystals found in the vegetable. 

Regardless of how you’re going to cook nopales, avoid adding spices or seasonings, as these can be toxic to your dogs. Let the cooked nopales cool down for a few minutes and serve them to your dogs as treats or as toppings to their regular meals. 

Work With A Vet 

Nopales are generally safe and healthy for dogs, but feeding them too much of the vegetable can lead to several health risks. Stay on the safe side and consult a vet before adding nopales into your dogs’ diets. They can provide you with easy-to-follow to ensure that you can add nopales into your dogs’ diets safely. 

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