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Can Dogs Eat Scallops?

It’s silly to think of terrestrial animals such as canines going deep-sea diving for food. But the fact is, dogs can eat various seafoods – including scallops.

Surprisingly, yes, dogs can eat scallops. Does that mean you can give your dog a bucket of scallops to enjoy? No. Dogs should only eat scallops in small quantities. You should also ensure scallops are prepared in a way that’s appropriate for dogs.

Read on as we discuss scallops as food for dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Scallops?

What are scallops?

“Scallop” is an umbrella term for various species of marine bivalve mollusks. They’re typically identified by their hinged, fan-shaped shell and the delicious meat found within.

Scallops are extremely nutritious and are prized among many cultures as a delicacy.

The health benefits of scallops

Scallops boast a wealth of nutrients crucial to a dog’s health.


Scallops contain an impressive amount of protein – a nutrient that allows the canine body to function correctly.

Protein plays an important role in muscle development; the maintenance and repair of bones, muscles, skin, hair, and other tissues; and the production of enzymes, antibodies, and hormones.

Protein also helps keep the immune system healthy, which protects the dog from various medical conditions, illnesses, and infections.


Scallops are abundant in minerals crucial to dogs.

They’re particularly rich in selenium, which keeps the immune system in good health. By preventing cellular damage caused by oxidative stress, selenium helps ward off chronic diseases like cancer and diabetes. Selenium also helps the thyroid to function normally so that the body is supplied with the hormones required for biological processes.

Scallops contain a considerable amount of phosphorus, which is important for protein and amino acid production, cell growth, and energy storage and use.

Zinc is involved in wound healing, immune system function, protein formation, enzyme function, and carbohydrate metabolism.

Iron is used by red blood cells to transport oxygen throughout the body to make various biological processes possible.

Potassium and magnesium assist in biological processes such as nerve impulse transmission and osmotic balance maintenance. Magnesium also helps metabolize fats and carbohydrates to provide your dog the energy they need to move around and stay alive.

Then there’s copper, which plays a role in cardiac and immune function; hemoglobin, bone, and myelin formation; connective tissue development; and enzyme production and function.

Scallops also contain a bit of calcium, which strengthens bones and teeth.

Can Dogs Eat Scallops?


Scallops have a significant amount of vitamin B12 (cobalamin), which is essential for cell growth, red blood cell formation, protein formation, and the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats to create energy.

Cobalamin also plays a role in nervous system function.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids help strengthen the immune system, improve heart health, reduce inflammation, and fight cancer. They can also improve the condition of your dog’s coat, help alleviate joint pain and allergies, and promote healthy skin.

Dogs can’t produce their own omega-3 fatty acids, but they can obtain them from dietary supplements such as fish oil and nutritious foods such as scallops.

Low fat

Scallops contain only a small amount of fat, so they won’t make your dog gain unnecessary weight. If you have an obese dog that would benefit from losing weight, scallops are good for them to eat. Scallops are also good for dogs with diabetes or heart disease.

Can Dogs Eat Scallops?

Potential problems caused by eating scallops

Scallops are a nutritious, non-toxic, and delicious food for dogs.

Not all dogs react to scallops the same way, however. Some may even get sick after consuming them. This is why it’s highly recommended to ask your veterinarian for advice before giving scallops to your pet.

Here are the possible issues a dog may experience after eating scallops:

Allergic reaction

Some 10% of all canine allergy cases are food allergies. And like humans, dogs can be allergic to seafood.

If your dog has a scallop allergy, they may exhibit any of the following symptoms:

  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Weight loss
  • Hyperactivity
  • Aggression
  • Itching
  • Excessive grooming
  • Lethargy

If scallop consumption causes your dog any of the above concerns, bring them to the vet immediately.

Digestive issues

Because dogs have a sensitive digestive system, feeding them any new food can cause issues such as an upset stomach, diarrhea, or vomiting.

In addition, seafood sometimes contains toxins that can lead to digestive problems in both humans and dogs. Therefore, you should obtain your seafood from reliable suppliers only.

How scallops are cooked can also cause your dog problems. We’ll discuss how you should cook scallops for dogs further below.


Raw scallops can poison your dog. In fact, any type of raw meat can be home to bacteria and parasites that are harmful to dogs.

Thankfully, cooking can kill such microorganisms to make scallops safe for consumption.

A dog being treated for bladder stones

The right way to feed dogs scallops

Scallops have to be prepared in a dog-friendly way before your furry friend can eat them.

Cook the scallops

As mentioned above, raw scallops can contain microorganisms that can harm your dog when ingested. This explains why you should cook scallops before feeding them to your dog.

When cooking scallops for your dog, make sure not to use any seasonings or ingredients. The food shouldn’t contain any salt, spices, herbs, dairy, fat, or oil. These substances are bad for dogs.

In other words, the scallops must be as plain as possible.

Keeping the above in mind, you can steam, bake, roast, or boil scallops. Steaming is ideal as it’s effective in preserving the meat’s nutrients. In contrast, boiling removes nutrients from the scallops.

Don’t give your dog fried scallops (more on this below).

Use fresh scallops

Before you cook scallops for your dog, make sure they aren’t expired or nearing expiration.

The further from fresh scallops are, the more dangerous they are to eat. Rotten scallops can cause stomach upsets, vomiting, or diarrhea. If they’ve become contaminated by bad bacteria, they can even make your dog life-threateningly ill.

Don’t feed dogs scallop shells

Because scallop shells are hard, they can be a choking hazard especially if swallowed whole (and let’s face it, some dogs like swallowing their food whole). Scallop shells can even cause a blockage in the stomach or intestines, which can be deadly if not removed early.

Even if the shell is bitten into smaller pieces, the tough, sharp edges can injure your dog’s gastrointestinal tract, causing internal damage and bleeding.

Moderation is key

Dogs should eat scallops in moderation. Otherwise, they could end up absorbing an excess of nutrients. As they say, too much of anything can be bad.

Don’t give your dog a full bowl of scallops. Around 2 scallops per serving and around 2 servings per week should do. You can chop scallops up into tiny pieces, then mix those pieces into your dog’s meal, or you can give them scallops as treats between meals.

Consider your dog’s age

Don’t give puppies scallops. Puppies have different nutritional needs from older dogs. In addition, their sensitive digestive system isn’t ready to handle such food.

Dogs that don’t require much protein – such as inactive dogs and old dogs – shouldn’t be fed scallops, either.

Can Dogs Eat Scallops?

Introduce scallops to your dog gradually

When introducing new food to your dog, do so gradually.

For your dog’s first taste of scallop, give them only a tiny piece of meat, then observe them for any symptoms of discomfort, such as abdominal pain or vomiting. If your dog experiences no problems, wait a few days before giving them a slighter larger piece of meat. For the next couple of weeks, continue giving them increasingly larger scallop pieces. Once it’s clear the food is safe for them to eat, your dog can enjoy the recommended serving size and frequency.

If your dog experiences discomfort after eating scallops, contact your vet for help.

Can dogs eat fried scallops?

No. Dogs can’t eat fried scallops. Fried food, in general, is bad for dogs.

Because fried scallops are oily, they can cause problems in your dog’s digestive system, resulting in diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. They can even lead to bloating, which is the potentially deadly twisting of the gut.

Like all fried foods, fried scallops are also high in fat, so your dog can gain weight and even grow obese from eating them frequently. Obesity is associated with many health risks, including heart disease and diabetes.

Fatty foods can also cause the pancreas to become inflamed or damaged – a dangerous condition known as pancreatitis.

Always consult a vet first

Always ask a vet for advice before giving new food to your dog. They can determine if scallops are safe for your pet and how often they can eat such meat. This will prevent allergic reactions and other potential problems.


Scallops are not only delicious but also highly nutritious, making them a great occasional addition to your dog’s meal. Just make sure to talk to a vet first about giving your dog scallops, and keep all scallops cooked, plain, and unseasoned. Your dog will thank you for it!

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