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Can Dogs Eat Skittles?

It’s no secret that dogs love to get into anything and everything they can find, and that includes your food.

If you have a dog, then you’ve probably had to deal with them trying to grab something off of your plate while you’re eating. It can be hard to keep some of your favorite human snacks away from them, even if you try to hide them in the cupboard or the fridge.

Those cute eyes begging for a taste of whatever you are eating can be irresistible. So what happens if your dog gets into a bag of Skittles? Are they safe for dogs, or do they need to see a veterinarian?

Can your dogs eat Skittles?

Skittles are perfectly safe for humans but are they the same for your dogs? The quick answer is yes, dogs can eat Skittles.

Skittles also don’t contain Xylitol, a sugar alternative that is known to be toxic for dogs. However, it is not recommended to let your dogs eat Skittles. Giving your dogs Skittles as a regular treat can cause them health problems that can affect their day-to-day lives.

Here’s why.

Skittles contain loads of sugar. 

Skittles are a sugar-heavy candy that doesn’t really offer any nutritional value for your dogs. Like other sugary treats, Skittles is an empty-calorie food. Excessive sugar intake can lead to a number of illnesses for your furry friends.

Weight Gain and Obesity

Dogs can be prone to weight gain or obesity due to high sugar intake. If the body cannot metabolize sugar as glycogen, the excess sugar turns to fat. This causes your dogs to gain more weight, or worse, become obese.


Diabetes is another health issue caused by too much sugar. According to the American Kennel Club, there are two types of diabetes in dogs: insulin-deficiency and insulin-resistant diabetes.

Insulin-deficient diabetes is the most common type of diabetes in dogs. It means that your dog’s body isn’t producing enough insulin to regulate its metabolism. This also means that your dog’s pancreas is not functioning correctly or may be damaged.

Meanwhile, insulin-resistant diabetes refers to the non-utilization of insulin in your dog’s body. Their pancreas still functions and produces insulin, but their body doesn’t utilize insulin as it should. This type of diabetes can occur in older and obese dogs.

Excessive sugar in their bodies can lead to organ damage because the amount of glucose or sugar in their bloodstream increases. This affects their blood chemistry which, in turn, can cause damage to their heart, kidneys, blood and blood vessels, eyes, and nerves.

Here are the symptoms of diabetes you should look out for:

  • Increased appetite
  • Excessive thirst and panting
  • Frequent urination
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Depressed attitude
  • Lack of energy

If you are worried about your dog possibly getting diabetes, you should be in touch with your vet and set up an appointment for a laboratory test. They can check your dog’s blood sugar level, as well as the sugar level in their urine.

High Blood Pressure

Dogs can also suffer from elevated blood pressure because of overconsumption of sugar. Because of high blood pressure or hypertension, their blood vessels can stretch out and eventually tear.

If your dog is hypertensive, they can also experience potential complications such as heart failure, chronic kidney disease, or blindness.

Other Health Problems

Aside from the serious medical problems your dogs might encounter because of high sugar intake, they can also get stomach upset, dental problems, and hyperactivity or sugar rush.

Too much sugar can also cause dehydration, so avoid giving them sugary treats. Just like in humans, sugar can affect your dog’s health in many ways.

Skittles can be a choking hazard for small dogs.

While it is highly unlikely, there might still be a slight chance that Skittles can cause choking, especially for puppies or smaller dog breeds. Just to be sure, keep any Skittles or candies away from their reach.

Skittles may cause allergies.

Skittles’ tagline says “taste the rainbow” as the candy comes in different colors, which means it contains artificial food colors. Skittles also have artificial food flavors.

These food colors and flavors can cause an allergic reaction to your dogs. Dogs have a more sensitive stomach than humans, and the artificial ingredients from Skittles may trigger their allergies.

Are Skittles toxic for dogs?

Skittles don’t contain toxic ingredients for your dogs. The main ingredients of Skittles are sugar, corn syrup, and partially hydrogenated soybean oil, along with fruit juices, artificial colors, and flavors.

So yes, Skittles are perfectly safe for your dogs to eat. and you won’t need an emergency trip to the vet clinic. As long as you don’t give it to them on a daily basis, of course!

The same goes for any type of candy. You can give it to them as an occasional treat only. Also, make sure that the candy doesn’t have any ingredients that are considered toxic for dogs, like chocolates, raisins, walnuts, macadamia nuts, and xylitol.

What to do if your dog accidentally ate a bunch of candies

If your dog happens to eat a single piece of candy, they’ll probably be fine. They might show slight symptoms of hyperactivity or stomach upset.

However, if your canine friend accidentally ate a bunch, you should watch out for any symptoms of dehydration, vomiting, or stomach upset. Give them enough water to avoid dehydration and induce urination.

Also, make sure to check which type of candy they accidentally ate and check for the presence of xylitol. If your dog happens to ingest a candy containing xylitol, you should go to your local veterinarian and seek immediate care.

In case of choking, try to dislodge the candy from their throats either by removing it by hand or doing the Heimlich maneuver to your dog.

Conclusion: Can dogs eat Skittles?

Skittles are not toxic to dogs, and they can eat Skittles, but they’re not recommended for them. 

Skittles are high in calories and full of sugar that can cause a number of health issues for your dogs. Some of these health issues are diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. Skittles also contain artificial flavors and food colors which can cause stomach upset or allergies for your furry pals.

While Skittles are not toxic for your dogs, it is still recommended to give them healthier treats like fruits and vegetables to keep them healthy and prevent any diseases that can affect them in the long run.

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