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Can Dogs Eat Radishes?

Radishes are root vegetables that offer plenty of health benefits to people. But can dogs enjoy those same benefits? Or are radishes bad for dogs?

Here’s the short answer: dogs can eat radishes. However, consuming too many radishes can cause a dog issues, so they’re best eaten in moderation.

Read on as we discuss radishes as food for dogs!

Can dogs eat radishes?

Are radishes good for dogs?

Thanks to their nutritional content, radishes can benefit dogs in various ways:


Radishes are packed with vitamins dogs need for survival.

For instance, Vitamin B1 (thiamin) helps the nervous system function properly, while Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is involved in many biological functions. Then there’s Vitamin B3 (niacin), which plays a role in many enzymatic reactions; and Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), which helps with the metabolism of amino acids to give dogs the energy they need to move around and stay healthy.

Radishes also contain a surplus of vitamin C, which is good for stressed and/or ill dogs.


The minerals found in radishes can help a dog live a healthy, happy life.

Calcium is required for strong bones and teeth. Potassium helps in many biological functions, including muscle contraction and nerve impulse transmission. Iron allows red blood cells to transport oxygen throughout the body, which supplies dogs with much-needed energy. Manganese helps in cartilage and bone development as well as metabolizes carbohydrates and fats to produce energy.


Radishes are high in fiber, which keeps a dog’s gut healthy to prevent digestive problems including diarrhea and constipation.

Fiber also allows your pet’s colon to recover quickly from injury. It may even help ward off colon cancer.


Radishes are loaded with antioxidants that protect a dog’s cells from the damage caused by oxidative stress. Antioxidants can therefore improve your pet’s immune system response and lower their risk of chronic diseases and illnesses, such as diabetes and several cancers.

Low fat, low calories

Radishes are low in fat and calories, making them essential to weight management and weight loss.

Can dogs eat radishes?

Why should dogs eat radishes in moderation?

There are two main reasons why dogs can eat radishes in moderation only.

Excess vitamin C is bad for dogs

As stated previously, radishes are rich in vitamin C.

The thing is, dogs rarely need extra vitamin C because they create their own vitamin C in their liver. The average dog produces some 18 mg of vitamin C for every pound of their body weight daily. If they eat any food that’s high in vitamin C, they ingest more of this nutrient than they need.

Therefore, vitamin C supplementation is generally unnecessary. It could even cause a dog digestive problems such as diarrhea.

The regular ingestion of vitamin C-rich foods can also lead to the formation of calcium oxalate stones in a dog’s bladder. If such stones aren’t removed, they can completely block the urethra to prevent urination. Urine then collects in the bladder, causing it to swell in size until it explodes. This is a potentially deadly situation and should always be treated as an emergency.

However, there are occasions when vitamin C supplementation is beneficial. If your dog is stressed and/or ill, eating food with high vitamin C content can boost their immune system and energy levels, helping them to get better sooner and protecting them against additional issues. Just make sure you ask a vet for advice before giving your dog vitamin C supplements.

Gastrointestinal problems

Dogs need fiber to maintain a healthy digestive system. Unfortunately, consuming an overabundance of fiber isn’t good for your pet, either.

Eating lots of high-fiber food such as radishes can result in a fiber imbalance in your dog’s body. This makes it harder for a dog to absorb the minerals essential to their health. They can also experience loose stools, increased defecation frequency (and defecation in inappropriate places), and diarrhea.

The more sensitive your dog is to excess fiber, the more likely they are to experience these concerns.

In short…

Don’t feed dogs radishes daily.

A radish sliced into smaller, bite-sized pieces around two times per week should suffice. However, the best way to determine how many radishes your dog can eat (and whether or not your dog needs to eat radishes in the first place) is to consult a vet.

If your dog experiences any of the aforementioned problems after eating radishes, call up a vet so they can inform you how to make them feel better.

Other considerations

There are good reasons to never feed a dog radish.

For instance, if your dog is already suffering from gastrointestinal issues, don’t give them radishes as they could just add to your dog’s suffering.

Some dogs are also allergic to radishes. Food allergy symptoms include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Asthma-like symptoms
  • Inflamed ears
  • Itchy skin, leading to excessive scratching
  • Repeated licking or chewing of the paws
  • Lethargy

If your dog displays such symptoms after eating radishes, take them to the vet for treatment as soon as possible.

Can dogs eat radishes?

Other commonly asked questions about radishes for dogs

In this section, we answer more frequently asked questions about radishes as food for dogs.

Are radishes healthy for dogs?

Yes, they contain vitamins, minerals, and other essentials your dog needs to stay healthy. However, radishes are best eaten in moderation as they can make a dog ill if consumed in abundance.

Also, keep in mind that there are far more nutritious alternatives to feed your dog, such as carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, kale, spinach, celery, green beans, and beats.

And don’t forget to ask a vet for advice before feeding your dog any new food!

Can dogs eat cooked radishes?

It depends on how the radishes are cooked. Salt, sugar, spices, herbs, fat, and oil can harm dogs, so radish recipes that include seasonings and ingredients aren’t good for your pooch.

As long as you keep them plain and unseasoned, radishes can be steamed, roasted, grilled, baked, or boiled. Boiling extracts some of the vegetable’s nutrients, however, so the other cooking techniques are preferable.

Don’t feed your pooch fried radishes, as fried foods are exceptionally fattening and thus bad for dogs.

Can dogs eat pickled radishes?

No. Pickled radishes are high in salt, and excess salt consumption can cause digestive issues in a dog. Worse, it can result in potentially lethal salt poisoning.

Can dogs eat raw radishes?

You can feed dogs raw radishes in moderation. However, your dog may not enjoy their spicy and bitter taste.

Also, make sure you thoroughly wash any raw radish you plan on giving your dog. This will remove any chemicals it may contain.

To ensure the radish has no potentially harmful chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides, and synthetic fertilizers, only buy organically grown (or non-GMO) radishes.

Can dogs eat expired radishes?

No. Any food that’s gone bad can give your dog indigestion. Worse, your dog can suffer from potentially life-threatening toxicity caused by dangerous microbes.

Any radish you give your dog should be fresh.

Can dogs eat radish leaves?

Radish leaves are best avoided as their spiciness can irritate your dog’s tummy.

Can dogs eat radish sprouts?

Radish sprouts are rather spicy, so your dog can experience issues after eating them.

Can dogs eat radish pods?

The seed pods are similar to the vegetables themselves, so dogs can eat them in moderation.

Can dogs eat white radishes?

Also known as daikon or winter radish, white radishes are a subspecies of radish. Everything discussed in this article applies to white radishes; as they’re high in vitamin C and fiber, they’re best eaten in moderation.

What other types of radishes can dogs eat?

There are many subspecies of radish, including Korean radishes, black radishes, purple radishes, and watermelon radishes. These are all rich in fiber and vitamin C and thus should be eaten in moderation only.

Can dogs eat wild radishes?

No. Wild radishes are different from radishes that are cultivated for consumption.

Wild radishes have seeds that can poison your dog. Thankfully, you can identify wild radishes by their yellow or white flowers and hairy green leaves. If you see any during a hike with your dog, don’t let your dog approach them.

Can dogs eat horseradish?

The horseradish belongs to the same vegetable family as the radish, but they’re two different plants.

As horseradish is far too spicy for dogs, eating it can upset your pet’s stomach and cause other digestive issues. We don’t recommend feeding dogs horseradish.

Can puppies eat radishes?

It’s a bad idea to give puppies radishes. Radishes can negatively impact a puppy’s highly sensitive stomach to cause digestive issues such as vomiting and diarrhea. As a puppy’s nutritional requirements also differ from an adult dog’s, ingesting radishes can supply them with an unnecessary surplus of nutrients, which can lead to illness.

Can dogs eat radishes?

To conclude…

Radishes boast nutrients that can boost your dog’s health. However, they’re also high in substances that can harm your dog if consumed in abundance. For this reason, radishes are best fed to dogs in moderation.

If you’re considering feeding your pooch radishes, make sure to seek veterinary advice, first!

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