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Can Dogs Eat Tacos?

Because they’re highly versatile, easy to prepare, and convenient to eat, it’s easy to see why many people love to eat tacos. This Mexican dish has become a favorite because it’s also delicious and satisfying. Plus, it’s available almost anywhere!

If you’re a pet owner, the thought of sharing some of your tacos might come to mind too often. But should you? Would your fur babies love tacos just as you love them?

Unfortunately, you can’t share even a tiny amount of tacos with your dogs because they contain harmful ingredients, such as:


If you have owned dogs for years, you probably know how toxic onions are for them. Most tacos contain slices of fresh onions and a generous amount of onion powder — ingredients that can cause a breakdown in your dogs’ red blood cells, resulting in anemia. When consumed excessively, any form of onion can also cause sudden death among canines.


Garlic belongs to the same family as onions and is just as harmful to dogs. Aside from putting your dogs at risk of anemia, garlic can also cause gastric upset in dogs. 


Not all human foods are healthy and safe for your fur babies, like avocados. Avocado is highly toxic for dogs because it contains persin, a type of fungicidal toxin that causes several health problems: diarrhea, vomiting, and myocardial damage. In worse cases, avocados can also cause death. 


For added flavor, a lot of salt is usually added to tacos. This ingredient can be harmful to dogs as they don’t need salt in their bodies. In fact, giving your dogs food that contains too much salt can cause salt toxicity. This can trigger many symptoms, such as vomiting, weakness, diarrhea, seizures, and muscle tremors. 

When your dogs have insufficient water intake and consume too much salt, they can also experience dehydration. When this happens, your dogs will lose their appetite and skin elasticity, become lethargic, and have dry, sticky gums. 


Most tacos use sugar to add that tangy effect. Feeding your dogs foods that contain too much sugar can cause dental problems, such as red or bleeding gums, bad breath, and loose teeth. Additionally, too much sugar can also cause weight gain and obesity in dogs. 


To add a little spice and heat, tacos are often flavored with a few slices of jalapeños. And while this ingredient is harmless to humans, it has a different effect when given to dogs. 

Jalapeños aren’t toxic to dogs but cause several side effects to dogs. For one, jalapeños can cause excessive thirst and bloat to canines. This happens because jalapeños contain capsaicin, a compound that creates a burning sensation. 

Moreover, jalapeños can also trigger stomach issues, vomiting, and diarrhea in dogs. These symptoms can worsen and cause stomach inflammation or other similar problems when left untreated. 


Tomatoes are safe for dogs only when they’re served ripe. Raw tomatoes contain tomatine, a chemical that can cause gastrointestinal upset in dogs, as well as drowsiness, confusion, and abnormal heart rates. 

It’ll be challenging for you to determine whether store-bought tacos use ripe or raw tomatoes, which is why it’s best to avoid the dish. As they say, “It’s better safe than sorry!”

Sour Cream

While some dogs can tolerate sour cream, those who are lactose intolerant can’t. If your dogs belong to the latter, feeding them tacos might cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, due to their sour cream content.

Chili Powder

Similar to jalapenos, chili powder also contains capsaicin, which causes a burning sensation in your dogs’ mouths when ingested. Aside from extreme thirst and bloat, this ingredient also causes stomach upset in canines. 

Can Dogs Eat Taco Bell Meat?

Unfortunately, no. According to Mashed,Taco Bell meat contains 88% ground meat, and 12% consists of other ingredients, such as chili pepper, onion powder, sea salt, and garlic powder. This 12% can cause health problems in your dogs, especially when fed consistently or in large amounts. 

Can Dogs Eat Taco Shells?

Yes, but only if your dogs are not allergic to wheat and grains. Keep in mind that taco shells are primarily made using flour, which can trigger an upset stomach, bloating, and diarrhea in dogs who have wheat and grain allergies. 

Before feeding your dogs store-bought taco shells, check the ingredient list first. Avoid taco shells that contain any seasoning to ensure your dogs’ health and safety. 

Are There Healthier Alternatives to Tacos?

Yes! You can actually make homemade tacos for your fur babies. This is a healthier option than feeding them store-bought tacos as you can always customize the ingredients based on your dogs’ dietary requirements. 

For the taco shell, mix flour, baking soda, and a pinch of salt. Add water and oil to the mixture, and knead the dough until it’s smooth. Flatten the dough, create small size tortillas, and fry until golden brown. 

You can use plain rice and unseasoned ground beef for the filling of these dog-friendly tacos. If your dogs can tolerate lettuce, cabbage, and other leafy vegetables, chop some and add them on top of the meat. 

Never Share Tacos With Dogs 

Tacos are delicious snacks for humans, but the same isn’t true for dogs. This is why you should always resist the temptation to share some of your tacos with your pets. Sure, this can be challenging at first (especially when your dogs start to show those puppy eyes), but if it’s for their health, you should be more than willing to do it! 

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