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Can Dogs Eat Deviled Eggs?

Deviled eggs are easy to make — you just need to hard-boil some eggs, cut them in half, and fill them with a paste made from egg yolk and a variety of ingredients, like mayo and mustard. Deviled eggs are usually served cold as an appetizer, side dish, or main course during parties. 

And while hard-boiled eggs are generally harmless and even healthy for your dogs, you need to think twice before giving them any deviled eggs. Deviled eggs use different ingredients, and some of these might not be safe for your fur babies. 

The answer to the question posted here is: No, you should never feed your dogs with deviled eggs. Deviled eggs should never be a part of your dogs’ diets because they can trigger the following health problems:

Digestive Distress

Because of the fat in the mayonnaise, feeding your dogs with deviled eggs will cause digestive distress, such as tummy aches and diarrhea. Adding different spices to the sauce placed in the middle of the egg (usually paprika and other seasonings) can also cause your dogs to vomit a few hours after ingesting the food. 


Pancreatitis is an inflammatory reaction within the pancreas that triggers several symptoms, such as vomiting, inappetence, and abdominal pain. Adding deviled eggs to your dogs’ diets can increase their risk of developing this health condition due to its high-fat content. 

Dangerous for Senior Dogs and Puppies

Senior dogs and puppies don’t have the same immunity as healthy adult dogs, which is why they tend to develop health issues quickly after eating deviled eggs. Giving your senior dogs and puppies deviled eggs might cause extreme or long-term symptoms — symptoms that can eventually lead to more serious health conditions. 


Similar to humans, your fur babies can also have allergies. In fact, eggs are one of the most common allergens in dogs. Some of the most common symptoms of allergies in dogs are itchy paws, ears, and skin and digestive disturbances, like vomiting and diarrhea. 


Deviled eggs are a delicious snack but feeding too many too often to your dogs can cause obesity. Deviled eggs are extremely high in fat, which can cause excessive weight gain. Obese dogs develop an increased risk for diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and different types of cancer. 

What Should You Do When Your Dogs Eat Deviled Eggs?

If you notice or suspect that your dogs eat deviled eggs behind your back, it’s crucial to know what to do. While eating one deviled egg might not have drastic effects on your dogs’ health, eating too many in one sitting can cause several symptoms. 

If your dogs have eaten several pieces of deviled eggs, reach out to your vet immediately. Let the vet know how many pieces your dog ate (if possible) and relay any symptoms your dogs manifest. The treatment options will depend on these factors. 

If your dogs only consume a few deviled eggs and don’t manifest any symptoms, give them a couple of hours to see if they vomit. During this time, refrain from giving them any other solid food. Give them access to clean water, so they can get rid of the ingredients of the deviled eggs from their bodies. 

Are There Any Dog-Friendly Deviled Eggs?

Fortunately, there are! You can substitute some of the ingredients used in making deviled eggs to make them more dog-friendly. For example, instead of mixing the yolk with mayo, mustard, and other seasonings, mix yogurt with the cooked yolk. As long as your dogs aren’t lactose intolerant, yogurt can improve their heart health, immune system, and digestive health. 

Refrain from adding any type of seasonings or flavoring to the deviled eggs. These can trigger upset stomachs in dogs, causing them to vomit or produce loose stool. 

Can Dogs Eat Hard-Boiled Eggs?

Yes! Plain, hard-boiled eggs are actually healthy for canines as they’re packed with fatty acids, vitamins, and proteins. Eggs also contain iron that ensures the proper functioning of your dogs’ bodies. 

How Many Eggs Should a Dog Eat Every Day?

Healthy adult dogs should have no more than two hard-boiled eggs a day. To minimize your dogs’ risks to any health condition, make sure to give them eggs at irregular intervals and only as occasional snacks or treats. 

Can Dogs Eat Eggshells?

Yes, it’s totally okay to feed your dogs with eggshells. Just make sure to boil the eggshells and mash them into tiny pieces to avoid any choking hazards or intestinal blockages. Eggshells are an excellent source of calcium for dogs that supports healthy bones and teeth. 

Can Dogs Eat Raw Eggs?

No, you should never give your dogs any raw eggs as they contain salmonella. Salmonella can trigger extreme diarrhea, lethargy, fever, and vomiting in dogs. Left untreated for long periods, salmonella poisoning can cause sudden death among canines, especially for senior dogs or dogs who have poor gut health.

Deviled Eggs Are For Humans Only

Deviled eggs are a no-no for dogs, so avoid giving them any. Regardless of how much you want to spoil your fur babies, you should have the discipline not to share the dish with them. Doing this might be hard (especially when they start to paw at you or show those puppy eyes) but it’s for the best. 

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