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Why Does My Dog Stare at Me While I Sleep?

Have you ever woken in the middle of the night and gotten the feeling that you were being watched, only to turn around in your bed to find your dog staring at you? Maybe the experience unsettled you. Or maybe you just found the whole thing bizarre. However you felt, we’re sure you wondered what was going on in your dog’s head to make them behave that way.

The fact is that dogs don’t stare at their owners without reason. But what, exactly, are those reasons?

Keep reading to find out!

Why Does My Dog Stare at Me When I Sleep?

5 Reasons Why Your Dog Stares at You While You Sleep

Below, we discuss the five potential reasons why your dog stares at you while you’re snoozing.

1. They love you

Sometimes, your dog stares at you for one very simple reason: they love you.

In 2015, a Japanese study discovered that when dogs and their owners looked into each other’s eyes, the hormone oxytocin was released into the bloodstream of both canines and humans. This hormone strengthens the bond, trust, and affection between individuals, which is why it’s also triggered when lovers, friends, or a mother and her baby engage in mutual staring.

Of course, your dog doesn’t need to gaze into your eyes to feel happy; seeing you and being close to you is often enough.

2. They’re protecting you

Just like their wolf-like ancestors and wolf cousins, domestic dogs are pack animals.

Pack members rely on one another for survival. Dogs therefore make efforts to ensure their pack mates are free from physical harm, and standing guard over their family as they sleep is one way to protect them.

To your dog, you and the other humans and pets in your family are their pack. So if one night you wake up and notice your dog staring at you, they could simply be obeying their instinct to protect a loved one.

Natural guard dogs like German Shepherds, Doberman Pinschers, Bullmastiffs, and Rottweilers are more likely to watch over you as you sleep.

Why Does My Dog Stare at Me When I Sleep?

3. They noticed you stirring awake

Most dogs are light sleepers. They’re also curious and observant creatures.

If you wake up earlier than usual then start rolling around in bed, your movements and any noise you make can wake your dog up. Fueled by curiosity, your dog may then start observing you to figure out what you’re up to.

Because your dog loves you, they want to be a part of your life. Scrutinizing your every action is their way of figuring out what you’re about to do, which lets them know how to join you in whatever activity you have planned!

4. They have behavioral issues

If your dog is always staring at you, they may have a mental health issue known as separation anxiety.

A dog with separation anxiety fears abandonment. Maybe their previous owner left them on the side of the road before speeding away in their car. Maybe they dropped them off at the nearest shelter and then vanished from their life forever. However they were discarded, the dog is now convinced their next owner will do the same thing to them.

If your dog is afraid you’ll abandon them, they may end up watching you while you sleep to make sure you aren’t going anywhere.

Not all dogs with trust issues are rescue dogs who were deserted by their last owner. Any kind of change, such as a change in schedule, residence, and household membership can trigger separation anxiety.

Take note that separation anxiety isn’t the only issue that can encourage your pooch to gaze at you while you sleep. Any problem that makes a dog overly anxious, fearful, or stressed can result in this behavior.

Medical concerns that affect your dog’s mental health can also encourage staring.

For these reasons, it’s a good idea to have a vet or veterinary behaviorist examine your dog if their staring becomes excessive. A professional can determine the root of the problematic behavior, then determine the best way to solve your dog’s problems. For example, if your dog is suffering from a medical issue, they can use drugs to treat the ailment and improve your pet’s behavior. They can also prescribe anti-anxiety medication to relieve them of psychological distress.

Why Does My Dog Stare at Me When I Sleep?

5. They’re trying to gain your attention so you can do something for them

Dogs stare at their owners for various reasons, and chief among them is to gain your attention.

If your dog wants your attention but you’re asleep, they’ll first try to wake you up, usually by licking you or making a noise (such as barking, grumbling, or whining). It’s when you open your eyes that you’ll notice them staring at you. By that time, it’s too late for you to say no to them!

Why does your dog want your attention? It’s because they need something that only you can give them, as you’ll see below.

They need to go to the bathroom:

What’s one of the first things we humans do when we get up in the morning? That’s right—we go to the bathroom to do our business.

It’s the same with dogs. The problem is, they can’t exactly open the door to their bathroom (the yard), so you have to do it for them.

The solution to this issue is simple: wake up at the same time every day. Dogs are creatures of routine, and they usually pattern their routine after their owners’. If your schedule is consistent, then your dog will eventually start waking up at the same time as you, so there’s no need for them to cut your sleep short.

They’re hungry:

The other thing we do after getting out of bed is have breakfast.

If you’ve been oversleeping, chances are you haven’t been feeding your dog their breakfast on time. And if there’s something dogs don’t like, it’s going hungry! Therefore, they wake you up to remind you it’s time you fed them.

The solution to this issue is the same as the above. Observe a consistent routine; wake up at the same time every day, and do your best not to change your dog’s mealtimes.

They’re bored:

Dogs require regular physical activity and mental stimulation to stay happy. In fact, boredom is among the chief causes of strange and sometimes destructive behaviors, such as chewing the furniture, digging up the yard, and eating rocks.

Have you been walking your dog daily? Do you play games with them? Do they have toys to play with? If your answer to such questions is “no,” then your dog may be waking you up then staring at you because they’re begging you to do something fun with them. Keep your dog happy; make sure you allocate some time each day to meet your dog’s need for physical activity and mental stimulation.

They feel neglected:

If you’ve been too busy to spend time with your dog, then they likely feel neglected or maybe even unloved. When a neglected dog stares at their owner, it’s a sign they’re looking for proof you still love them. They may even try to climb your bed to cuddle with you!

It’s for this reason you should always find time to show your dog affection. Give them belly rubs, scratch them behind the ears, speak to them in soothing tones, and give them lots of hugs (if they’re the type of dog who enjoys hugs).

They’re upset about something and need your help:

Dogs may turn to their owners for help when they’re not feeling well. Maybe your dog is ill? Maybe they’re feeling anxious or fearful about something? Whatever the reason behind their distress, they may wake you up and stare at you to tell you they need your help.

To ensure your dog stays healthy, it helps to have a vet give them a thorough medical examination at least twice a year. Contact a vet for advice if your pet’s staring is accompanied by symptoms of health issues, such as vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, excessive panting, pacing, and the like. 

A veterinary behaviorist or regular vet can also determine if your dog has mental health issues, then develop strategies to help them overcome them.

Why Does My Dog Stare at Me When I Sleep?


Does your dog stare at you while you sleep? It’s a good idea to find out why. Knowing the reason behind such behavior can help you determine whether you have nothing to worry about or your pet needs the help of a professional as soon as possible.

So keep an eye on your dog, and shower them with affection. Your love and dedication will ensure their safety and joy!

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