When choosing a dog for your family, it’s best to ask yourself several questions. Is this dog friendly? Are they good with children? Can you train them to be well-behaved pets?
If your answer to such questions is “yes,” then do yourself and your family a favor and get a Golden Retriever. These wonderful dogs are blessed with many qualities that make them the ideal family pet.
Read on to know more about why Golden Retrievers are such good family dogs!

10 Reasons Why Golden Retrievers Make Good Family Dogs
There are many reasons why golden retrievers make good family dogs, including the following:
1. They’re extremely friendly
If you’ve never seen a Golden Retriever get mad, you’re not alone. These lovely dogs are known for their friendly and affectionate disposition, so much so that seeing one pull back their lips in an angry snarl can break your brain.
The fact is that Golden Retrievers do experience a wide range of emotions just like other dogs; it’s just that they’re so darn nice all the time. When you get home, they’ll greet you with the excitement of someone who hasn’t seen their beloved friend in years. When you call them over, they’ll rush into your arms like it’s the best thing in the world. They’re always wagging their tails and giving everyone a big, goofy grin – not to mention they’re never too tired to play! You can always, always trust the Golden Retriever to love their human family above all else.
Goldies are also eager to please their owners, which is among the reasons why they’re so highly trainable.
2. They’re intelligent
On the list of the smartest dog breeds, the Golden Retriever ranks #4, putting them just behind the German Shepherd, the Poodle, and the most intelligent domestic canine, the Border Collie.
This intelligence makes Golden Retrievers easy to train into becoming obedient, well-behaved pets. Do you want them to Sit, Stay, Come, and Leave it? Don’t worry, these dogs can master commands in less than five repetitions, so they can be wowing you with their new abilities within a day. Not to mention it won’t take them long to learn not to chew your furniture to shreds or poop and pee in the house.
It’s also because of this intelligence that Golden Retrievers are easy to socialize with humans, dogs, and other animals. In other words, their brilliance is one of the reasons behind their friendliness.
Their cleverness and other positive qualities make them especially suitable for work as guide dogs, emotional support dogs, search and rescue dogs, and more.
3. They’re patient
The patience of the Golden Retriever is nothing to be scoffed at. These dogs will tolerate anything, from your attempts to annoy them to the shenanigans of the most rambunctious children. Kids who play rough may tick off other breeds, but not the sweet and gentle Goldie.
Nevertheless, you should never abuse this dog’s calm, forgiving nature, for while they’ll never hurt you or your loved ones, they can experience stress and anxiety. And the worse your pooch’s mental health, the more likely they are to develop behavioral and even physical problems.
As a dog owner, you should respect and be kind to your Golden Retriever (and other dogs), and teach any children in your household to do the same.
4. They’re energetic
Goldies are brimming with energy, making them the ideal pet for families that enjoy physical activities.
Do you enjoy playing sports and games in your backyard or at the park? Your Goldie will gladly join in if allowed. Do you like taking walks, jogging, and running? You can take your dog with you! These dogs also make wonderful playmates for fun-loving children.
Because these dogs are so high in energy, they need daily exercise. Without any physical stimulation, they can get bored and unhappy. So if you’re the type of person who enjoys sitting at home and watching TV all day, the Golden Retriever is the wrong dog for you.
5. They’re super loyal
Unlike some other breeds, Golden Retrievers aren’t standoffish but instead take to humans quickly. They also form strong bonds with humans and become extremely loyal pets. This means they’ll love you as much as you love them – likely even more!
A Goldie that feels accepted and adored will turn into nothing short of a beloved family member, and they will dedicate themselves to keeping you, your kin, and your other pets safe. Small wonder there are so many stories of these dogs rescuing children and protecting their owners against deadly perils.

6. They’re silent
Ever heard a German Shepherd barking up a storm? Or a pack of Siberian Huskies singing the song of their people? As loveable as our canine pals are, many of them can kick up a cacophony earsplitting enough to invite a bunch of angry neighbors to our doorsteps.
Thankfully, you don’t have to worry about Golden Retrievers annoying your neighbors. While they do bark, they’re far calmer than other breeds, and they don’t see every human or animal approaching your home as a potential threat.
However, remember to keep your pooch physically and mentally stimulated, as boredom and unhappiness are among the chief reasons behind behavioral problems such as excess barking. Therefore, make sure you walk your dog daily, play games with them, and give them lots of toys to entertain themselves with.
7. They’re good with children
Not all dog breeds are kid-friendly. Some are grumpy. Some are lazy. And there are those that can’t handle the energy and curiosity of children.
Thankfully, Golden Retrievers are the opposite of all that. As mentioned previously, these canines are joyful. They’re also energetic, gentle, patient, and always eager for fun.
These are all qualities that make them great with children. After all, you need a patient dog who won’t get mad when a child pulls their ears and who’ll have the enthusiasm to play all sorts of games in the yard. Their boundless glee is also sure to cheer up anyone who’s down in the dumps. And if their young friend is ever exposed to danger, you can be confident they’ll protect them with their life.
Make no mistake about it: a Golden Retriever can be the companion a child needs as they navigate the maze of their youth.
8. They can live in apartments
Despite being fairly large dogs, Golden Retrievers can adapt well to apartment living on one condition – you have to meet their needs.
A Goldie who’s fed a proper diet and who gets lots of physical and mental exercise will be happy in an apartment. Their lack of barking also ensures no neighbors will make any noise complaints against you.
Of course, if your apartment is tiny, consider getting a smaller dog. A Golden Retriever may be happy by your side, but they might find the cramped conditions a little uncomfortable.
9. They can live with other animals
Golden Retrievers are friendly not just to humans but also to other animals. So if you have another pet dog, you won’t have to worry about your Goldie trying to kill them. Unless the other party starts a fight, they’ll get along just fine.
Goldies can also make friends with all sorts of other animals, including cats, rabbits, birds, and more.
10. They’re not picky eaters
Some dogs turn their noses up at certain food, refusing to budge until they get what they want. Even a change in the brand of dog food can make them averse to eating what you provide them with.
You won’t experience the same issues with Golden Retrievers. These adorable canines will be happy to eat anything, whether it’s vet-approved dog food or a nutritious, canine-friendly treat.
Of course, it’s a bad idea to feed your dog anything that comes to mind. Brush up on the types of edibles that canines can safely eat, and ask a vet for advice before feeding your pooch any new food. You should also get your doggo tested for allergies so you can avoid feeding them something that can make them ill.

What Are the Negatives of Golden Retrievers?
While Golden Retrievers make amazing family dogs, they aren’t perfect. Below are some of the things you should consider before getting a Goldie as a pet:
1. They need regular exercise
As discussed previously, Golden Retrievers are high-energy dogs who need lots of exercise to stay happy. That means at least two walks daily, games such as fetch, and other types of active play.
2. They love to chew
Goldies love picking up things with their mouth, carrying them around, and gnawing on them. Make sure you train this behavior out of your pet to spare your home unnecessary destruction. You can also give them lots of chew toys to play with.
3. They get bored quickly
The downside to being intelligent and high-energy dogs is that Golden Retrievers also get bored quickly – and bored dogs are prone to destructive behaviors such as chewing. Prevent this issue by ensuring your pooch gets lots of physical and mental stimulation in the form of daily walks, games, and other activities that nourish the body and mind. Give them lots of toys to play with, too.
4. They require moderate maintenance
These dogs may not be as high maintenance as breeds such as Poodles and Yorkshire Terriers, but they still need regular appointments at the groomer’s to keep their long hair clean and untangled. They also shed heavily, so be prepared to clean your house often.
5. Their puppies are exceedingly exuberant
Golden Retriever puppies are hyperactive and love to chew things that don’t belong in their mouth. You’ll have to keep a close eye on them to ensure they don’t get into trouble or destroy your possessions. Training is also a must to prevent any of such issues.

Golden Retrievers are gentle, affectionate, good with kids, and a bunch of other things that make them the perfect family dog. So if you’re hoping to welcome a dog to your family, look no further than the Goldie!