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Can Dogs Eat Arugula?

Because of its tart and peppery flavor, arugula is often used as a part of a lettuce blend or added to sandwiches, pasta dishes, soups, and vegetable sautés. Arugula is a staple among many households because it’s sold anywhere and works well with various dishes.  

The joy of eating arugula makes you want to share the vegetable with your dogs. They deserve to be spoiled at all times — and that usually means sharing your snacks and meals with them. 

The quick answer to the question posted here is: yes, you can feed arugula to your dogs. This vegetable is safe and healthy for them because it provides the following benefits:


Like humans, your dogs need a sufficient amount of calcium every day to develop and strengthen their bones. This nutrient is essential, especially in the first year of their lives. 

Arugula is an excellent source of calcium that prevents your dogs’ bones from being brittle. Calcium can also prevent joint and muscular discomfort in your dogs’ ordinary activities, such as running, walking, or jumping. Calcium also ensures that your dogs’ nerves are working properly.    

Vitamin C

The vitamin C found in arugula can effectively boost your dogs’ immune systems. As a result, your dogs have lesser risks of getting and spreading diseases. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant that protects your dogs from the effects of aging and keeps their cells healthy. 

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is necessary for your dogs’ blood to clot better and faster. Having enough vitamin K in their diets will increase their chances of survival after suffering from minor hemorrhages. This vitamin also expedites the ability of your dogs to heal from injuries, lessening their risk of getting infections from open wounds.  


Also known as folic acid, folate is highly beneficial for pregnant dogs as it supports the development of normal genetic material. This ensures that the puppies are going to be born with no serious illnesses and nervous dysfunctions. 

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is also a powerful antioxidant that provides a number of health benefits to your furry friends. For starters,  vitamin A supports cell growth and boosts your dogs’ immune system. This vitamin can also maintain healthy vision in dogs even during their senior years. Lastly, vitamin A also supports healthy heart, lungs, and kidney functions in dogs. 


Every 100-gram of arugula only contains 24 calories, making the vegetable a great snack or treat for overweight dogs. Feeding your dogs with arugula can keep them full, and you won’t have to worry about them piling on the pounds. 

What Are The Risks Of Feeding Your Dogs Too Much Arugula?

Moderation is key when feeding arugula to your dogs. Yes, arugula is healthy but keep in mind that your dogs’ bodies aren’t naturally built to consume high amounts of vegetables. Instead of improving the health of your furry friends, feeding them too much arugula can lead to:

Allergic Reaction

Dogs will have different responses when fed arugula. While some can tolerate the vegetable, others will experience allergic reactions. The latter will likely happen, especially if you’re feeding arugula to your dogs for the first time. For this reason, it’s best to serve your dogs very small amounts of arugula to see if allergies arise. 

Some of the most common symptoms of food allergies in dogs are itching, sneezing, pigmented skin, and hot spots. Some dogs can also develop leathery skin texture after consuming foods their digestive tracts can’t tolerate.

Oxalic Acid

Arugula contains oxalic acid that can cause renal health issues and poisoning when fed in large amounts or on a regular basis. Fortunately, you can mitigate the effects of oxalic acid on your dogs’ bodies by steaming or boiling the vegetable. 

Thyroid Pathologies

Goitrogens are substances that can stop your dogs’ thyroids from functioning properly and, in worse cases, can impair your dogs’ abilities to secrete thyroid hormones in their bodies. 

Fortunately, goitrogens can only create this effect in your dogs’ bodies when you feed them too much arugula. Additionally, the goitrogens in this vegetable are naturally released while steaming or boiling. 

How Much Arugula Is Safe For Dogs?

You should only feed your dogs one tablespoon of arugula per week. Giving your dogs more can put them at risk of the side effects mentioned above. 

Can Dogs Eat Baby Arugula?

Yes, your dogs can eat baby arugula. Baby arugula is more tender but has a stronger flavor. It contains the same nutritional value as regular arugula but with higher levels of protein and phosphorus. As long as given in moderation, baby arugula can provide countless health benefits to your furry friends. 

How Should You Prepare And Serve Arugula To Dogs?

As mentioned, it’s best to steam or boil arugula before giving it to your dogs. These cooking methods will lower the quantities of oxalic acid and goitrogens, making the vegetable safer for your dogs. 

Before cooking, don’t forget to wash the vegetables and remove the stems and yellow leaves. These steps are essential to avoid choking hazards and intestinal blockages in dogs. 

How Can You Make Your Dogs Love Arugula?

Arugula is a healthy vegetable, but not all dogs will love it. Many dogs will find the peppery taste of arugula unpleasant, causing them to turn away from the vegetable. Here are simple yet effective ways to make your dogs love arugula:

Mix It With Other Veggies

Instead of feeding your dogs with arugula on its own, mix it with other vegetables, such as broccoli, carrots, green beans, and peas. This method masks the peppery taste of arugula and ensures that your dogs get plenty of nutrients from different vegetables. 

Add It To Their Kibble

After boiling or steaming the arugula, slice it into small pieces and mix them with your dogs’ kibbles. Start by mixing small amounts of arugula into their kibbles and then gradually increase the amount if your dogs don’t exhibit symptoms. This will help your dogs adapt to the vegetable and prevent upset stomachs. 

Consult A Vet 

Before sharing arugula with your dogs, consult a vet first. Arugula is healthy for canines, but giving them too much or not preparing the vegetable properly can lead to several health risks. 

Talk to a vet first, so you’ll know what you should and shouldn’t do when feeding arugula to your fur babies. In this way, you can spoil them without consistently worrying about their health and safety!  

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