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Can Dogs Eat Biscuits?

Biscuits are a popular breakfast food for humans worldwide. Depending on the type of ingredients used, biscuits can taste savory or sweet. Another reason why people love biscuits so much is because they’re available anywhere: from convenience stores, groceries to vending machines. 

If you’re a dog owner who’s very tempted to share some of your biscuits with your pets — good news! Biscuits are one of those human foods that you can feed to your furry friends. As long as given in small quantities, your dogs can enjoy the following health benefits from biscuits:

Supports Healthy Brain and Cognitive System

One of the most common ingredients used in making biscuits is eggs. Eggs are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids known to support healthy brain development and improve cognitive functions in dogs. Omega-3 fatty acids also have positive effects on your dogs’ renal and circulatory systems. 

Aids in Muscles And Bones Development

Feeding your dogs with protein-rich biscuits can aid in their proper muscle development. Biscuits that contain calcium can also strengthen the bones and teeth of your dogs and prevent growth complications in puppies. Having healthy muscles and bones is crucial for your dog’s training and exercise. 

Provides Relief From Arthritis

Another ingredient present in biscuits is glucosamine. This is beneficial because it improves the mechanical functioning of your dogs’ joints and minimizes the effects of arthritis on their bodies. Arthritis can be very painful for your four-legged friends; fortunately, feeding them with some tasty biscuits can provide relief. 

Promotes Balance In Diet

Similar to humans, your dogs need to eat different types of foods to meet their bodies’ nutritional needs. This is something biscuits can help you with as they contain tons of health components, namely vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and fiber. All of these play an important role in maintaining or improving the overall health of your furry friends. 

Great For Exercise And Training

Your dogs can get calories from biscuits, which means that feeding them some can help increase their energy. This is especially important if your dogs regularly train or love to take on physical exercises every day. You can also use biscuits as treats whenever they follow commands, so they’ll be encouraged to stay obedient long-term. 

Can Dogs Experience Side Effects When Eating Biscuits?

Biscuits are packed with several vitamins and minerals but giving too much to your dogs can also lead to the following side effects:

Over Indulgence

Biscuits are a common treat for dogs. However, when you feed them too many biscuits at a time, chances are, their stomachs can no longer consume other foods. This can lead to nutritional deficiencies, making your dogs prone to infections and illnesses.

Feeding your dogs with biscuits isn’t enough for them to stay healthy, especially for larger breeds. You should only give biscuits as treats or snacks to your dogs, not as a replacement for their meals. 


Due to its high calorie, fat, and sugar content, feeding your dogs excessive amounts of biscuits can also lead to obesity. This health condition can have detrimental effects on your dogs’ wellness because too much weight can put stress on their joints, resulting in arthritis. Obese dogs also have shorter lifespans. 

Which Types Of Biscuits Are Unsafe For Canines?

The term “biscuit” is very broad and can mean different things to different people. When it comes to your dogs’ nutrition, stay on the safe side and never feed them with the following biscuits:

Biscuits With Xylitol

If you have been a dog owner for years, you know how toxic xylitol is for dogs. Even a small quantity of xylitol can cause liver failure, seizure, and hypoglycemia in dogs. Feeding your dogs biscuits with xylitol can also cause constant vomiting, weakness, incoordination, and even sudden death. 

Biscuits With Excessive Salt

Salt isn’t as harmful as xylitol but should still be avoided when choosing biscuits for your dogs. A diet with high amounts of salt can cause high blood pressure and heart attack in dogs. 

Raisin Biscuits

Raisin and other grape-flavored biscuits are a no-no for your dogs as these can cause kidney and liver failure. In worse cases, raisin and grape-flavored biscuits can poison your dogs.

Chocolate Biscuits

Regardless of how much you want to spoil your dogs, never give them chocolate biscuits. Chocolates are highly toxic to dogs because they contain theobromine and caffeine that can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and excessive thirst. Over time, these ingredients can trigger abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, and seizures. 

How Many Biscuits Should Your Dogs Have?

Ideally, biscuits should only make up 10% of your dogs’ diet. Never give them more as it can cause several symptoms and health conditions, as discussed in the section above.   

When Should You Take Your Dogs To The Vet?

Since biscuits are generally harmless for your dogs, there’s no need to worry if they consumed a piece or two. However, if they ate too much or consumed biscuits with harmful ingredients, such as xylitol, that’s another story. You should immediately take your dogs to the vet if you notice any of these signs after eating biscuits:

  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • Excessive sneezing 
  • Itchy or red skin
  • Swelling

Ask Help From Professionals

Moderation is key when feeding biscuits to your dogs. Biscuits are safe and healthy for them but feeding them too much can also lead to several health risks. 

If you have any questions about biscuits and your dogs’ nutritional needs, book an appointment with your vet. Dogs have highly sensitive digestive tracts, and abruptly changing their diets to add biscuits might do more harm than good. Work with a vet to ensure that you’re not harming your dogs as you introduce them to biscuits.  

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