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Can Dogs Eat Black Eyed Peas?

Black eyed peas are a type of legume that’s filling, healthy, and delicious. You can eat black eyed peas as a snack or add them to your favorite recipes. And since you enjoy eating black eyed peas so much, you might be thinking of sharing some with your dogs.

The answer to the question posted in this article is: yes, you can feed black eyed peas to your furry friends. In fact, adding black eyed peas to your dogs’ diets can keep them healthy because it offers the following benefits:

High In Protein

Thanks to its high protein content, giving your dogs black eyed peas as occasional snacks can ensure that their bodies function properly. Protein also provides amino acids to help your dogs build strong muscles, cartilages, ligaments, and tendons. This nutrient also plays a crucial role in maintaining your dogs’ healthy skin, hair, and nails. 

High In Complex Carbs

Unlike simple carbs that only give your dog a sudden spike in energy for a few minutes, complex carbohydrates found in black eyed peas provide energy to your dogs throughout the entire day. Complex carbs also digest more slowly, which means that they can keep your dogs fuller for longer periods. This can help keep your dogs’ weight in check. 

Great Source Of Fiber

Your dogs need to have fiber to stay healthy. Fortunately, feeding your dogs with black eyed peas can help meet this nutritional requirement as this vegetable is packed with fiber. 

Fiber supports a healthy digestive tract in dogs because it helps prevent the overgrowth of bad bacteria in their gut. Additionally, the amino acids in fiber can help maintain a healthy colon and treat diarrhea and constipation in dogs. 

Rich In Iron

When given in small quantities, black eyed peas can help your dogs meet their necessary iron requirements. This mineral is essential in creating red blood cells in your dogs’ bodies. 

When your dogs receive a sufficient amount of iron from their diets, you won’t have to worry about them suffering from anemia. This condition can cause several symptoms, such as shortness of breath, dizziness, and weakness. 

Rich In Vitamin A

Looking for ways to keep your dogs’ skin and coat healthier? Feeding them with black-eyed peas might be the answer! Black eyed peas are actually packed with vitamin A that can help form soft tissues in your dogs’ skin. As a result, your dogs will have smoother and healthier skin and coats! 

Contains Vitamin K

Another nutrient your dogs can get from black eyed peas is vitamin K. This vitamin is important to ensure normal blood function in dogs. Without enough vitamin K in their bodies, your dogs can have excessive bleedings as their bodies can’t clot blood properly. 

Vitamin K also strengthens your dogs’ bone structure, supports a healthy heart, and aids in glucose metabolism. Your dogs can also heal quickly from wound infections if their diets contain enough vitamin K. 

Can Black Eyed Peas Be Bad For Dogs?

As discussed in the previous section, black eyed peas can provide a plethora of health benefits to your four-legged friends. However, this doesn’t mean that you should feed your dogs with black eyed peas every day. 

Just like with other human foods, moderation is the key when feeding black eyed peas to your dogs. Giving your dogs too much black eyed peas too often can trigger the following:

Digestion Issues

Not all dogs can digest black eyed peas. Highly sensitive dogs will experience diarrhea and constipation when you overfeed them with black eyed peas.

Choking Hazard

Dogs usually gulp down their meals and don’t take time to chew them. Offering your dogs too many black eyed peas at a time can become a choking hazard, especially for small-breed dogs. 

Smelly Gasses

Because of its fiber content, feeding too many black eyed peas to your dogs can also trigger bloating and excess gassiness. This can cause pain and discomfort to your fur babies. 

Can Dogs Eat Raw Black Eyed Peas?

No, you should never give raw black eyed peas to your dogs as they contain saponin. Saponin is a toxin that can disrupt your dogs’ digestive systems and cause severe diarrhea, vomiting, and cramping. In extreme cases, saponin poisoning in dogs can also cause weight loss, muscle twitches, abnormal heart rate, and seizures. 

How About Cooked Black Eyed Peas?

Yes, your dogs can eat cooked black eyed peas as long as they’re mixed with other vegetables and given in small portions. Feeding your dogs excessive amounts of cooked black eyed peas can cause digestive issues, especially for highly sensitive dogs. 

Can Dogs Eat Canned Black Eyed Peas?

Yes, your dogs can eat canned black eyed peas but in moderation. Canned black eyed peas contain calories and can become a choking hazard. Giving your dogs too much canned black eyed peas can also increase their risk of gastric stasis, a disorder that slows the rate of stomach emptying. 

Can Dogs Eat The Leaves Of Black Eyed Peas?

No, you should never offer the leaves of black eyed peas to your furry friends. This part of the vegetable contains high levels of oxalates. Oxalates are highly acidic compounds that interfere with the absorption of calcium in your dogs’ digestive tracts, resulting in several bone problems. 

How Can You Serve Black Eyed Peas?

Although safe and healthy for dogs, black eyed peas should only be served as an occasional treat or food topper and never as a replacement to your dogs’ regular meals. Your dogs need a well-balanced diet to stay healthy, and consuming black eyed peas regularly isn’t enough. 

How Should You Prepare Black Eyed Peas?

The best way to serve black eyed peas is to soak them overnight and then boil them until they’re soft. For a quicker method, soak the black eyed peas in a pot of water and bring the pot to a boil. Let the peas boil for about two minutes, remove the pot from the heat, and soak the peas in cold water for an hour or until they’re soft.

How Much Black Eyed Peas Should Your Dogs Eat?

The answer to this question depends on the size of your dogs. If you have small-breed dogs, such as Chihuahuas, feed them with only a quarter of a cup of black-eyed peas. For large-breed dogs, like Great Dane, you can give them one whole cup of black eyed peas. 

Since dogs still need to consume other foods to stay healthy, make sure to give them black eyed peas no more than once a week. Giving too much black eyed peas can keep your dogs full and prevent them from getting vitamins and nutrients from other food groups. 

Partner With A Vet 

Black eyed peas are safe and healthy for your dogs, but this doesn’t mean that you should start giving them some right away. Dogs have sensitive digestive tracts, and abruptly changing their diets can lead to several health risks. 

Consult a vet before adding black eyed peas to your dogs’ diets. Vets have the skills and experience to help you change your dogs’ diet while making sure that they remain safe throughout the process. 

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