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Can Dogs Eat Calamari?

Calamari originated in the Mediterranean in 1975 and has quickly become popular worldwide. It’s a delicious appetizer primarily made with squid and has a gummy texture. Calamari can be prepared in different ways, namely steamed, boiled, grilled, roasted, or fried. 

If you love eating calamari, the idea of giving some to your dogs might come to mind. But can you? Is calamari safe for your furry friends? Is it ideal to incorporate some into their diets?

Yes, your dog can eat calamari. As long as given in moderation and limited frequencies, your dogs can enjoy the following health benefits from calamari:


Protein is essential to your dogs’ diets as it aids in tissue and muscle repair. Protein is also necessary for your dogs to form new skin cells, build muscle tissues, and grow healthy hair and coat. Your pets also need protein to keep their immune systems strong and have energy every day. 


Worried about your dogs’ weight? Calamari is a great snack to give to your dogs because of its low-calorie content. Giving your dog calamari as an occasional treat can help keep their weight in check and lessen their risk of obesity. 


Calamari is rich in copper, an essential mineral in the formation of your dogs’ bones, collagen, and connective tissues. Copper also helps your dogs absorb more iron to ensure that they have sufficient red blood cells in their bodies. As a result, your dogs will have lesser risks of developing anemia (a life-threatening disease caused by the lack of red blood cells) in their lifetime. 


Your dogs’ diets should always include zinc, as this mineral is responsible for a healthy immune system and good thyroid function. Zinc also keeps your dogs’ skin and fur healthy. 

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Calamari is also packed with omega-3 fatty acids that can bring several health benefits to your four-legged friends. Omega-3 fatty acids can support the brain development of your puppies and alleviate pain caused by arthritis (a health condition common among senior dogs). This mineral can also boost your dogs’ immune systems and keep their hearts and kidneys healthy. 

Are There Any Health Risks In Feeding Your Dogs Calamari?

Calamari offers tons of vitamins and minerals to dogs, but their ability to enjoy all of these depends on your chosen method of preparation. Although convenient, frying calamari and giving some to your dogs can actually lead to the following health risks:

Salt Poisoning

Your dogs need salt or sodium to maintain a well-balanced diet, but their intake of dog food already covers this requirement. Fried calamari has high sodium levels, which is why this method of preparation can trigger several symptoms and even cause salt poisoning. 

Some of the common symptoms of salt poisoning in dogs include muscle spasms, body weakness, and breathing difficulties. In severe cases, your dogs can also experience coma, seizures, and even sudden death due to salt poisoning. 


Fried calamari contains a lot of saturated fat that can cause your dogs’ pancreas to inflame. Dogs with pancreatitis often have diarrhea and tend to vomit more. These symptoms can adversely affect the digestive tracts of your dogs and cause fever, depression, and severe abdominal pain.      

Puts Pressure On Your Dogs’ Digestive System

Dogs are carnivores and don’t require too many carbohydrates in their diets; they need more protein and healthy fats to stay healthy. Dogs also lack amylase enzymes in their saliva that break down starch. 

Fried calamari can put a lot of stress on your dogs’ digestive systems because their bodies aren’t built to tolerate its high carbohydrate content. As a result, feeding your dogs calamari will put them at a higher risk of developing diabetes, obesity, and some types of cancer. 

Can Dogs Eat Raw Calamari?

No, you should never give your dogs raw calamari. Raw seafood contains bacteria and parasites that can cause several health issues to your furry friends. Some of the most common symptoms dogs experience after eating raw calamari are diarrhea and vomiting.

Can Puppies Eat Calamari?

No, you shouldn’t offer calamari to your puppies. Puppies have more sensitive stomachs than adults, and giving them calamari might cause stomach upset. 

What‘s The Best Way To Feed Calamari To Your Dogs?

The safest way to feed calamari to your dogs is by boiling or steaming it without any spice or additional ingredients. Start by thoroughly washing the calamari with running water and then removing the head and innards. 

The next step includes boiling or steaming the calamari in clean water until the meat is soft and tender. Let the calamari cool for a few minutes, slice it into small bite-sized pieces, and then feed them to your furry friends. 

How Much Calamari Should You Feed Your Dogs?

Ideally, calamari should be mixed with your dogs’ regular meals and never served as a single meal. You should only give your dogs one spoon of calamari per serving no more than twice a week. Feeding them more can lead to health risks, as mentioned in the previous section. 

What Are The Common Signs Of Calamari Allergy?

Dogs react differently to human foods, so pay attention to their behavior after feeding them calamari. If they exhibit any of the symptoms mentioned below, it’s best if you take them to the vet as soon as possible:

  • Hives
  • Red skin
  • Scratching
  • Sneezing
  • Swollen face, mouth, eyelids, and ears

Team Up With A Vet

Although calamari is healthy for your dogs, you should never feed them some unless approved by your vet. As mentioned, dogs have different sensitivities, and abruptly changing their diets to add calamari can negatively impact their health. 

Talk to your vet first before giving calamari to your dogs. In this way, you’ll have professional guidance as you change your dogs’ diets.  

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