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Can Dogs Eat Candy Canes?

It doesn’t have to be the festive season for us to enjoy candy canes. These delicious treats are available all year round to satisfy even the most demanding sweet tooth.

Dogs like sweet foods, too. So can we feed our pets candy canes?

No, we don’t recommend feeding dogs candy canes. These confections contain ingredients that can make any dog ill. Some varieties can even cause lethal damage.

But what, exactly, makes candy canes bad for dogs? You’ll have to keep reading to find out!

Are Candy Canes Bad for Dogs?

Yes, candy canes are bad for dogs. In fact, they can cause your pooch the following problems:

Xylitol toxicity

Xylitol is an artificial sweetener used by many candy manufacturers to make their sugar-free products tastier. Because of their lack of sugar, these products are healthier for humans. Unfortunately, xylitol is a deadly toxin to canines.

Xylitol can harm dogs regardless of their age, size, sex, and breed, and it’s dangerous enough that even a tiny amount can threaten your pet’s life.

If your dog munches on candy canes that contain xylitol, they could end up with xylitol poisoning, whose symptoms include:

  • Upset stomach
  • Reduced activity
  • Exhaustion
  • Weakness
  • Lack of coordination
  • Trembling
  • Seizures
  • Collapse
  • Unconsciousness

These issues emerge once the dog’s body absorbs xylitol, which usually occurs some 10 to 60 minutes after the ingestion of artificially sweetened food. However, there are cases of dogs not exhibiting such signs for up to 24 hours after xylitol suggestion, which has tricked owners into believing their pets haven’t been poisoned.

If your dog eats a candy cane that contains xylitol, you should bring them to a pet clinic or hospital immediately. Hesitation can lead to a dangerous drop in blood sugar (hypoglycemia), liver failure, and ultimately death.

Sugar-related issues

So we should keep our dogs away from artificially sweetened candy canes to avoid xylitol toxicity. Does this mean it’s safe to feed dogs traditional, sugar-rich candy canes, instead?

Sugar isn’t toxic to dogs. Nevertheless, some dogs can’t tolerate sugar as well as others. If your pooch has low sugar tolerance, feeding them candy canes may result in gastrointestinal problems such as:

  • Gas
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach pain

The long-term effects of regularly eating sweet treats are much worse, however, as all that excess sugar can cause problems such as:

  • Obesity
  • Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar level)
  • Pancreatitis
  • Dental problems
  • Sugar addiction

Obesity increases the risk of serious chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. It also leaves your dog more susceptible to heatstroke and osteoarthritis. The joint pain caused by the latter, in particular, can discourage your dog from exercising, preventing them from losing weight.

Sugar addiction can reduce your pet’s appetite for healthy foods. This can lead to malnutrition, which weakens your dog’s constitution, making them more vulnerable to illness, infection, and disease.

Contact a vet for help if your dog exhibits any of the above symptoms after eating candy canes high in sugar.

Dental issues

Dogs love chewing on crunchy things. Unfortunately, candy canes are hard enough that they can crack or chip your pet’s teeth. They could even lose a tooth or two.

Sugary candy canes can damage your dog’s teeth in another way.

When sugar enters the mouth, mouth bacteria release acid to break it down. Excess acid can erode the hard outer layer of the teeth (a.k.a. the enamel) to cause tooth decay.

Because candy canes are hard, it will take your dog a long time to finish one. Throughout this long feeding session, the mouth bacteria keep producing acid, overexposing your pet’s teeth to its corrosive effects. This increases the risk of cavity formation, which in turn can result in painful infection and/or tooth loss.

If your dog develops dental problems due to sugar consumption, take them to the vet for treatment.

Can Dogs Eat Candy Canes?

Gastrointestinal injury

Candy canes can be chomped into smaller pieces – smaller pieces with tough, sharp edges.

Anything sharp your dog swallows can injure their esophagus or intestines. Such injuries can cause your dog pain or even kill them if left untreated by a vet. It’s for the same reason dogs shouldn’t eat cooked chicken bones.

Below are the signs your dog is suffering from intestinal bleeding or blockage:

  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Straining to defecate
  • Bloody stool
  • Lethargy
  • Bloated abdomen
  • General discomfort

Alternatively, the sharp fragments can get stuck in your dog’s throat or esophagus and choke them.

If your dog displays any of these problems after eating candy canes, contact a vet for help immediately.

Wrapper-related dangers

Dogs will eat anything that smells even remotely delicious, and candy cane wrappers are no exception.

If eaten, a wrapper may get stuck in your dog’s intestine to cause an obstruction. This can lead to the following symptoms:

  • Vomiting
  • Reduced appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Straining or inability to defecate

An intestinal blockage requires immediate veterinary care.

Wrappers can also get lodged in the throat or esophagus to cause choking – another issue a vet can help with.

Chocolate poisoning

Chocolate is bad for dogs because it contains a chemical called theobromine and a small amount of caffeine, both of which are toxic to dogs.

Chocolate-flavored candy canes may not have enough of these substances to cause severe toxicity in your dog, but they can still cause digestive problems such as vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain. And the smaller your dog is, the more likely they are to experience these or worse concerns.

Here are the symptoms of chocolate toxicity:

  • Irregular heartbeat (heart arrhythmia)
  • Shivering
  • Seizures
  • Internal bleeding

A dog that’s been poisoned by chocolate needs emergency care by a professional, so rush them to the vet.

Allergic reaction

Chocolate isn’t the only candy cane flavor out there. And some of those other flavors can cause allergic reactions in your dog.

Food allergy symptoms include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Asthma-like symptoms
  • Sneezing
  • Inflamed ears
  • Itchy skin
  • Excessive scratching, licking, and/or chewing of the paws and other body parts
  • Rubbing the face on a surface (e.g. the carpet)
  • Seizures

If your dog experiences such problems after eating a candy cane, they may be allergic to one or more of its ingredients. Take them to a pet clinic so a vet can help them.

Can Dogs Eat Candy Canes?

FAQs About Candy Canes for Dogs

It’s time to answer more frequently asked questions about candy canes for dogs!

My dog ate a candy cane. What should I do?

Remain calm and figure out 1) how many candy canes your dog ate and 2) what kind of candy canes your dog ate.

Check the candy canes’ ingredients list. If they contain toxic ingredients such as xylitol, contact a vet immediately. You’ll likely have to rush your pet to the clinic as xylitol poisoning usually requires emergency treatment. If you’re quick, there’s an excellent chance your dog won’t suffer any permanent damage.

If no xylitol was consumed, stay observant of symptoms of other problems, such as digestive issues caused by sugar ingestion, dental concerns, gastrointestinal injuries, and allergic reactions. These problems typically cause vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain, so the emergence of these symptoms should tell you your dog’s in trouble. Call a vet for assistance and follow their instructions. If they want you to take your dog to the clinic, do so as soon as you can; waiting can worsen their condition.

If you can’t reach any pet clinics or hospitals, those in North America can call the Pet Poison Helpline at (855) 764-7661 or Animal Poison Control at (888) 426-4435.

Are candy canes bad for all dogs?

Any candy cane that contains xylitol is an absolute no-no for all dogs as this toxin can kill them. Chocolate-flavored candy canes should also be off-limits to your pooch.

Candy canes high in sugar may not harm a dog if only a small amount is eaten. Remember, however, that vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain are always possibilities.

Never feed candy canes to pregnant and nursing dogs, and dogs with health conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and kidney disease.

Are there other reasons candy canes are bad for dogs?

Yes. Candy canes contain other substances that can harm dogs.

Those red stripes? They’re created using a food dye or synthetic food additive called Red 40, which is made from petroleum. This dye may be linked to the development of cancer in lab animals.

Similarly, the green stripes are created using the food colorant copper chlorophyllin, which is toxic to dogs.

Peppermint is extremely toxic to dogs if eaten in large amounts. And guess what? Some candy canes contain peppermint, too.

These are but a few of the many candy cane ingredients that can harm your pooch.

Can Dogs Eat Candy Canes?


Candy canes are bad for dogs for various reasons, from harmful ingredients to the hardness of the candy itself. So if you want the best for your dog, avoid giving them candy canes.

If your dog experiences any problems after stealing and eating a candy cane, make sure to seek veterinary aid. Your dog will thank you for it!

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