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Can Dogs Eat Egg Rolls?

If you love to eat egg rolls at home, seeing your dog begging for the food might be a common scenario. Dogs have very sensitive noses and can easily smell whenever you’re eating. 

And while it can be tempting to share some of your egg rolls with them, you need to be cautious. Foods that are delicious and healthy to humans are often hazardous to your fur babies. In some cases, feeding them even just a small amount of the wrong human food can cause death. 

Unfortunately, egg rolls are one of those human foods you should never share with your dogs. Dogs have highly sensitive bodies and don’t tolerate oily and processed foods well. To paint a clearer picture of why you should never feed egg rolls to your dogs, read the info below:

Egg Rolls Have Ingredients Harmful To Dogs

The most common ingredients used in making egg rolls are onion powder, garlic powder, and MSG. Additionally, no egg roll is complete without adding a generous amount of soy sauce. 

Regardless of the form, garlic and onion are highly toxic to canines. They belong to the allium family, which is known to cause severe oxidative damage to your dogs’ red blood cells. When left untreated, this can trigger hemolytic anemia and cause several symptoms, such as fever, weakness, dizziness, and confusion. 

Another ingredient present in most egg roll recipes is cabbage. Although this ingredient isn’t toxic to dogs, some are highly sensitive to it. Some dogs experience stomach discomfort, abdominal bloating, and excessive gas when fed with cabbage. 

Egg Rolls Are Fried Food

Fried rolls are unhealthy to dogs, just like how unhealthy they are to humans. Incorporating oily foods into your dogs’ diets can increase their risk of developing many health problems, namely cardiovascular diseases, liver diseases, and an inflamed pancreas. 

Additionally, eating too much fried foods can also lead to weight gain and obesity among canines. When this happens, the quality of your dogs’ lives is at risk. They’ll be more prone to cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and even arthritis. 

Egg Rolls Contain Sodium

Dogs need different vitamins and minerals to stay healthy — but sodium isn’t one of them. On the contrary, excessive consumption of sodium can cause salt toxicity. When there is too much salt in your dogs’ bodies, they can experience vomiting, dehydration, tremors, and seizures. 

Egg rolls contain high amounts of sodium as it’s present in the filling and wrapper. It’s best not to feed your dogs any egg rolls to keep them safe from salt toxicity. 

Eggs Rolls Contain Carbs

Your dogs need carbohydrates to stay active and healthy. But since dogs are carnivores and only require a tiny amount of carbs, feeding them foods containing too many carbs can only create adverse effects. For one, a high-carb diet can cause the formation of kidney stones in dogs. Too many carbs can also lead to weight gain and obesity. 

Another reason why egg rolls are a big no-no for your dogs is because they contain carbohydrates. Every 100 grams of egg rolls contain about 29 grams of carbohydrates. This is already way too much for your furry friends, given that they can get a sufficient amount of carbs from their kibbles.

Are There Safer Alternatives to Egg Rolls?

Fortunately, there are! Instead of sharing some of your egg rolls with your dogs (and worrying about their health afterward), give them slices of fruits or vegetables as snacks. Apples are dog-friendly treats as they contain high levels of vitamins A and C. You can also let your dogs snack on bananas as they’re packed with fiber, copper, and potassium. 

As for veggies, you have several options to choose from. Cucumbers are excellent options as they contain little carbs, which are ideal for overweight dogs. Pumpkins are also great for dogs as they’re packed with vitamins and minerals to keep your pets’ coats and skin healthy. 

Can Puppies Eat Egg Rolls?

No, you should never give your puppies egg rolls. Since their bodies are still developing, they are highly sensitive to human foods  — and that includes egg rolls. 

Aside from the unhealthy ingredients present, egg rolls can also become choking hazards for puppies. Egg rolls are fried, and the crispy outer wrapper can easily get lodged in your puppies’ throats. 

Seek Veterinary Help When Necessary 

Egg rolls aren’t the best choice for your dog, so make sure not to give any to them. If your pets stole egg rolls from your plate, take them to the vet immediately. The sooner you do this, the easier it’ll be for the vet to treat your babies! 

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