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Can Dogs Eat Fried Rice

Fried rice is a dish that originated in China but has gained worldwide popularity through the years — and it’s easy to see why. Fried rice is versatile (as you can use whatever ingredients you have at home) and easy to prepare (mix ingredients with rice, and you’re good to go). 

And because you enjoy fried rice so much, you’re probably thinking of sharing it with your dogs. But because their bodies are different from yours, you need to be very careful when feeding them human foods because not all are safe and healthy for them. 

The answer to the question posed in this article depends on where the fried rice is from. Fried rice from Chinese takeout or commercially sold fried rice is a no-go for dogs because it uses the following ingredients:

White Rice

White rice isn’t the best option for your dogs because it has a higher glycemic index that can cause their blood sugar levels to rise to abnormal levels. Short-term, blood sugar spikes can cause frequent urination, increased thirst, blurred vision, and fatigue. Long-term, it can damage your dogs’ blood vessels, nerves, and organs. 

Onion and Garlic

Fried rice uses tons of onion and garlic to add more flavor and aroma to the recipe. And while these ingredients are harmless to humans, they can significantly harm your dogs’ health. 

Onion and garlic are highly toxic to dogs because they can trigger red blood cell destruction and cause anemia. Anemic dogs often have little energy or stamina and get tired easily. They also experience extreme weight loss, labored breathing, and signs of blood loss (blood in the stool, urine, or vomit). 


Fried rice is made by “frying” leftover rice with oil. When given in large amounts, oil can cause stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea in your dogs. Over time, oil can also contribute to your dogs’ excessive weight gain, putting them at risk of several health conditions, such as arthritis. 

Soy Sauce

Soy sauce is usually added to bring color to fried rice. However, because of its high sodium content, soy sauce is also harmful to your furry friends. Sodium poisoning is actually common among dogs and can cause many symptoms, namely decreased appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, and incoordination. 

In extreme cases, sodium poisoning can also result in tremors, seizures, and sudden death. 

Is There A Canine-Friendly Fried Rice Recipe?

Fortunately, there is. This recipe requires ingredients that are safe for dogs as cooking oil will not be used. You can use the ingredients listed here as a base, but you can add other dog-friendly ingredients.

You’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 3 cups cooked brown rice (preferably leftover rice from the day before, stored in the fridge)
  • 1/2 pound ground turkey meat (lean)
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup frozen mixed vegetables

Once you have all the ingredients mentioned, heat up a large pan and put all three cups of rice followed by the meat. If you see that the meat is cooked, you can proceed with adding the eggs and vegetables. Stir everything for about five minutes and let it cool before serving it to your dogs. 

What Other Ingredients Can You Use In Making Canine-Friendly Fried Rice? 

Aside from turkey meat, you can also use chicken breast, chuck steak, or roast when making canine-friendly fried rice. When it comes to vegetables, almost all are safe for dogs except onion, garlic, chives, and mushrooms. 

How Often Should You Feed Fried Rice To Your Dogs?

Generally, fried rice should only compose about 10% of your dogs’ daily diet. Large dogs can eat up to 1/3cup of fried rice no more than thrice a week, while small dogs should consume much less. Feeding too much fried rice to your dogs can put them at risk for many health conditions. 

Are There Any Health Risks Of Over-Feeding Your Dogs With Fried Rice?

When giving human foods to your dogs, moderation is key. Even if you cook fried rice with canine-friendly ingredients, feeding your dogs too much too often of the dish can result in the following:


Even if you use brown rice to make fried rice for your dogs, keep in mind that this ingredient still contains sugar. Although less than white rice, excessive consumption of brown rice can also cause obesity in dogs. 


Canine pancreatitis is an inflammatory reaction within the pancreas that causes abdominal pain, vomiting, and inappetence. Dogs with pancreatitis have lesser energy levels and shorter lifespans.

Consult A Vet 

With the right ingredients, fried rice can be safe and healthy for your fur babies. This dish can even become an excellent source of minerals and ingredients for them. 

But before feeding your dogs with fried rice, talk to a vet first. Ask for recommendations on which ingredients you should add (and avoid) in making your dogs’ fried rice. With their help, you can create healthy and safe fried rice for your dogs! 

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