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Can Dogs Eat Hot Cheetos?

We know junk food is bad for us humans. Here’s a tip: if something is bad for people, there’s a good chance it’s bad for dogs, too.

So can dogs eat Hot Cheetos?

No, dogs can’t eat Hot Cheetos. While it’s unlikely a few Hot Cheetos will do significant harm to your pet, their spiciness can cause your dog great discomfort and other troubling issues. Feed them eight, ten, or more Hot Cheetos, and you’re already flirting with disaster.

With that in mind, let’s dive into the reasons Hot Cheetos are bad for dogs.

Are Hot Cheetos Bad for Dogs?

Spicy or not, Cheetos are bad for dogs.

Here are some of the problems that may arise after a dog eats several Cheetos:

  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Incoordination
  • Lethargy

On the other hand, the frequent consumption of Cheetos can increase the risk of dangerous conditions such as:

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease

But why would eating Hot Cheetos lead to such problems? The answer lies in their ingredients, which include the following:

Capsaicin and chili powder

Anything “flamin’ hot” contains seasonings such as capsaicin and chili powder, which can cause a dog the following problems:

  • Gas
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach pain

In fact, you should avoid feeding dogs spicy food altogether.

Spiciness isn’t a taste but the nervous system’s response to chemicals such as capsaicin. This response creates the hot, burning sensation we humans love so much.

Dogs don’t enjoy this sensation as we do, however, so they’ll likely back off the moment spicy food is offered to them. If they do take a bite, expect them to show signs of discomfort, such as whining, excessive drinking, head shaking, pacing, and lip licking.


Like most junk food, Hot Cheetos contain a lot of salt. Consuming excess salt causes your dog’s cells to lose water too quickly, leading to extreme, rapid dehydration. This can lead to death.

A medium-sized dog needs to eat around 100 mg of salt daily. A 1-ounce bag of Hot Cheetos contains as much as 250 mg of sodium. This means that even if your dog eats less than half of a bag, they’ll end up ingesting more salt than they need.

Also, keep in mind that dog food already boasts a healthy amount of salt. Therefore, feeding your dog a few Hot Cheetos can also have them exceeding their daily salt requirement.

The symptoms of salt toxicity include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Weakness
  • Reduced appetite
  • Incoordination
  • Extreme thirst, causing excessive drinking and urination
  • Confusion
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Muscle tremors
  • Seizures
  • Fainting
  • Coma
  • Death

Salt poisoning affects the muscles, which explains the lack of coordination and involuntary muscle tremors. It can destroy brain cells, leading to confusion, seizures, and fainting. It can also cause brain swelling (brain edema) and damage the heart and liver.

If a dog that’s eaten Hot Cheetos exhibits any of these symptoms, they’ll require emergency treatment by professionals, so bring them to the vet immediately. They’ll also likely need to be hospitalized for observation and additional treatment.


Cheetos are high in a kind of fat that’s bad for both humans and dogs. Eating any kind of food rich in unhealthy fat can make your dog experience the following digestive problems:

  • Gas
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach pain

The consequences are much worse if you feed your dog Cheetos on the regular because all that surplus fat can lead to unnecessary weight gain and, ultimately, obesity.

Obese dogs are at an increased risk of health issues and chronic diseases such as:

  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Urinary bladder stones
  • Osteoarthritis (and faster joint degeneration)
  • Heat exhaustion and heatstroke
  • Many cancer types
  • Anesthetic complications

For such reasons, refrain from feeding dogs Cheetos and other fatty foods.


Cornmeal isn’t toxic to dogs, but it isn’t healthy, either, especially if it’s been “enriched” with chemicals.

10% of all canine allergies are food allergies, and it just so happens some dogs are allergic not only to cornmeal but also to the chemicals found in junk food.

Allergic symptoms include:

  • Itchy ears and/or eyes
  • Red, inflamed skin
  • Swollen face, lips, eyelids, ears, or earflaps
  • Hives
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Excessive scratching, licking, and/or chewing of the paws and other body parts
  • Sneezing

Bring your dog to the vet for emergency treatment if their food allergy symptoms are severe. They’ll likely be given allergy relief medication.

Garlic and onion powder

Certain Cheetos varieties contain garlic and onion powder.

Garlic and onions are toxic to dogs, with the latter being the more dangerous of the two. Some of the symptoms produced by garlic and onion toxicity are the same:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Excess panting
  • Weakness
  • Lethargy
  • Reddish urine
  • Rapid heart rate

If your dog displays these symptoms after ingesting Cheetos containing garlic or onion powder, seek veterinary assistance immediately as they may require emergency treatment.


Some types of Cheetos contain sugar. Sugar found in human food isn’t toxic to dogs, but it can cause your dog digestive problems like vomiting or diarrhea.

How well your pooch tolerates sugar will determine the severity of these digestive concerns. But if your dog experiences persistent or extreme discomfort after eating sugary Cheetos, contact the vet for help.

Regularly eating Cheetos can result in more serious problems, including:

  • Obesity (which increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, etc.)
  • High blood sugar levels (which increases the risk of kidney disease, stroke, etc.)
  • Pancreatitis
  • Dental problems (e.g. cavities, tooth loss)
  • Sugar addiction
  • Poor appetite

These are all great reasons to avoid feeding dogs Cheetos.

Vegetable oil

A little vegetable oil won’t hurt your dog, but an overabundance of it can cause stinky flatulence, diarrhea, and vomiting. A bag of Cheetos may have enough vegetable oil to make your dog sick.


You can thank artificial flavorings for the irresistible taste of various Cheetos flavors. Unfortunately, such flavorings can cause a range of problems in dogs, from allergic reactions to gastrointestinal issues such as vomiting and stomach aches.

FAQs About Hot Cheetos for Dogs

Here, we answer more commonly asked questions about Hot Cheetos for dogs.

My dog ate Hot Cheetos. What should I do?

First things first: don’t panic.

Secondly, figure out what kind of Hot Cheetos your dog ate and how many.

If your dog ate a few chips, they’ll likely be fine but uncomfortable and slightly dehydrated, so give them some cool, clean drinking water. You should still keep an eye on them, however; in the event they start experiencing problems, contact the vet and listen to their instructions. Rush your pet to the clinic if the vet says it’s necessary.

If your dog ate plenty of chips, or chips that contain toxic substances or allergens, contact the vet immediately and give them details about what happened and any symptoms you’ve observed. Again, rush your pet to the clinic if the vet considers your dog’s case an emergency.

If no vets are available, those in North America can call the Pet Poison Helpline at (855) 764-7661 or Animal Poison Control at (888) 426-4435.

Can dogs eat Baked Cheetos?

We don’t recommend feeding dogs Baked Cheetos. They may be 50% less fatty, but they’re still high in salt. They also contain vegetable oil and enriched cornmeal, which can cause problems in some dogs.

Can dogs eat Simply Cheetos?

The “Simply” line of Cheetos snacks contains no artificial flavors. Some types are even made from natural, organic corn.

These may be healthier than your average Cheetos, but they’re still abundant in substances that make them bad for dogs: salt and fat.

Your dog should be able to eat a few Simply Cheetos without experiencing issues. We still don’t recommend it, though.

Can dogs eat Crunchy Cheetos?

Dogs enjoy munching on crunchy stuff and will likely love Crunchy Cheetos. Unfortunately, we advise against feeding dogs Crunchy Cheetos as they’re rich in salt and fat.

Can dogs eat Mini Cheetos?

Feeding your dog a couple of Mini Cheetos occasionally likely won’t harm them. It’s still not a good idea, however, as their high salt and fat content can give your dog digestive problems. Also, there are healthier, deliciously crunchy alternatives you can give your dog, such as cucumbers and carrots.

Can dogs eat Cheetos Puffs?

Nope. Cheese puffs contain a surplus of salt and fat, which make them unhealthy for dogs. A few puffs are unlikely to hurt your pet, but the more they eat, the greater the chance they’ll experience everything from vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain to potentially deadly salt toxicity.


Dogs shouldn’t eat Hot Cheetos as this spicy junk food can cause them great distress. Not to mention it comes with a lot of salt, fat, and other substances that can lead to an array of health problems. And the more frequently a dog eats Hot Cheetos, the deadlier those problems get.

Remember: there are always healthier treats you can give dogs. And if your dog ever experiences troubling issues after eating Hot Cheetos, make sure to contact the vet for help.

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