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Can Dogs Eat Kimchi?

Due to the influence of Korean culture in today’s modern society, Kimchi has become one of the most popular dishes worldwide. This traditional Korean dish is made using fermented vegetables — usually Korean radish and napa cabbage — mixed with different seasonings, such as spring onions, ginger, and garlic. 

But as a pet owner, you should be careful when sharing human foods with your dogs. Their bodies are built differently than yours, and foods that are healthy and delicious for you don’t always have the same effects on them. 

Kimchi is one of those foods you should never give to your fur babies because it contains ingredients harmful to your dogs, namely:


Garlic adds flavor to kimchi, making the dish more irresistible for humans. However, garlic is harmful to your fur babies. According to the Merck Veterinary Manual, garlic contains thiosulfate that can cause oxidative damage to dogs’ red blood cells, resulting in hemolytic anemia. Thiosulfate is a compound that’s toxic for canines but harmless for humans. 


Onion and garlic are members of the allium family. Like garlic, giving your dogs foods containing onion can adversely affect their red blood cells. Aside from hemolytic anemia, your dogs can also experience ingestion, heavy breathing, and weakness when you give them foods that have onion in them. 


Salt is used in making kimchi as it helps in the fermenting process, improves the taste of the vegetables, and extends the shelf life of the dish. Since canines only require a tiny amount of salt in their diets, giving them kimchi can pose serious health risks.

When given consistently or in excessive amounts, kimchi can cause salt poisoning in dogs. This can trigger several symptoms among dogs, such as diarrhea, vomiting, incoordination, seizures, and muscle tremors. In some cases, salt poisoning can also lead to dehydration. 

Are There Any Dog-Friendly Kimchis?

Yes, there are! By making kimchi from scratch, you can use dog-friendly ingredients. This will give you peace of mind knowing that you’re not feeding anything harmful to your pets. 

Here’s an easy-to-follow kimchi recipe that’s perfectly safe and healthy for dogs:


  • 2 teaspoons sea salt
  • 4 cups water
  • 2 tablespoons ground ginger root
  • 2 tablespoons sesame seeds
  • ½ tablespoon of sesame oil
  • Red, green, and napa cabbage, carrots, red radish, and tomato
  • Apples, pears, and bell peppers (you can use any colors)


  1. Combine all of the ingredients and place them inside an air-tight container. Set the container at room temperature and leave it there for five days. This will ferment the fruits and vegetables inside.
  2. After five days, store the kimchi inside your refrigerator. As long as refrigerated, the kimchi can last for up to one year.
  3. Make sure to control the proportions when feeding your dogs with kimchi. Ideally, you should only feed them one teaspoon per 20 pounds of their body weight. You can directly serve them kimchi or mix it with their kibble. 

Are There Any Benefits of Feeding Fermented Food to Dogs?

Yes, there are. Adding fermented food, such as kimchi, to your dogs’ diet can also benefit their health and wellness in the long run. Some of the health benefits of giving kimchi to your dogs include:

  • Fermented foods promote healthy bacteria in your dogs’ guts. This can help maintain the balance of good and bad bacteria in your dogs’ bodies and ensure that their digestive systems function properly. 
  • Fermented foods easily break down proteins and carbohydrates. These nutrients are important to keep your dogs strong and active. 
  • Fermented foods can improve the glucose tolerance of your dogs, which in turn can lessen their risk of diabetes. 
  • Fermented foods are an excellent source of antioxidants. Antioxidants can minimize or neutralize the effects of inflammation on your dogs’ bodies and support healthy aging. 
  • Fermented foods boost the immune system of your dogs as having a healthy gut makes it easier for their bodies to fight bad bacteria that can lead to diseases and infections. Having a healthy gut also lessens your dogs’ risks to worms and parasites. 
  • Fermented foods improve the natural melatonin in your dogs’ bodies, regulating their sleep-wake cycle. This can help your dogs sleep easily and reap the benefits of getting a good night’s sleep. 

How Should You Feed Kimchi to Your Dogs?

After you’ve made dog-friendly kimchi, it’s now time to learn how to properly introduce the dish to your pets. Dogs have sensitive stomachs, and abruptly changing their diets by giving them large amounts of kimchi can do more harm than good. 

When feeding kimchi to your fur babies, it’s best to start giving them small amounts, like one tablespoon per day. Observe your dogs after feeding them kimchi. If they don’t exhibit any symptoms, you can continue serving them the dish and increase its amount daily. 

If your dogs show symptoms, like vomiting and diarrhea, refrain from giving them kimchi and take them to the vet immediately. Additionally, if your dogs are unwilling or uninterested in eating kimchi, don’t force it. 

Can Dogs Eat Spicy Kimchi?

No, you should never feed your dogs with spicy kimchi. Even when using dog-friendly ingredients, your pets’ bodies can’t tolerate spice. Feeding them even a small amount of spicy kimchi can also trigger an upset stomach and excessive gas. 

Can Dogs Eat Kimchi Dumplings?

No, you should never give kimchi dumplings to your dogs. This dish contains a lot of garlic and onion, which are highly toxic ingredients for canines. Kimchi dumplings also have excessive amounts of oils, fats, and carbs that can leave short- and long-term effects on your dogs’ health. 

Work With Your Vet 

If this is your first time feeding kimchi to your dogs, consult your vet for pieces of advice. Dogs can react differently when feeding something new, which is why it’s best to talk to the pros first. In this way, you’ll know what you should and shouldn’t do if you do decide to give your pets some dog-friendly kimchi! 

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