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Can Dogs Eat Lasagna?

If you love eating pasta, lasagna is probably on top of your list. Lasagna is filling and easy to make, which is why it has become a staple in many dinner tables worldwide. 

However, you should always think twice before giving your dogs even a small piece of lasagna. Yes, this dish is satisfying and harmless to humans, but because dogs’ bodies are built differently, they might not have the same response when given lasagna. 

The short answer to the question posted in this article is: no, you should never feed your dogs with lasagna. The ingredients listed below are essential in making lasagna — and these ingredients can be harmful or even toxic for your furry friends. 

Onion and Garlic

Onion and garlic both belong to the allium family and cause oxidative damage to your dogs’ red blood cells, resulting in anemia. Some of the common symptoms of anemia in dogs include lethargy, rapid breathing, and dark-colored urine. In worse cases, anemia can also trigger gastrointestinal upset, abdominal pain, depression, and dehydration in dogs. 


Lasagna is a no-go for your dogs because this recipe requires a lot of pepper. When consumed in large quantities, pepper can cause stomach upset and diarrhea. 


To add more flavor to lasagna, oregano is often added to the recipe. Just like pepper, oregano is also harmful to dogs and can adversely affect their digestive systems. As a result, your dogs might experience diarrhea and vomiting. In extreme cases, consuming excessive amounts of oregano can lead to stomach ulcers, low blood pressure, and reduced heart rates in dogs. 


If your dog is lactose-intolerant, feeding them lasagna can cause digestive issues as this dish contains a lot of cheese. Cheese is also high in fat, and feeding too much too often to your dogs can cause excessive weight gain and obesity. Dogs with weight problems are more prone to pancreatitis, a fatal illness in dogs. 

Tomato Sauce

The tomato sauce used in making lasagna is also harmful to your furry friends. This ingredient contains onion, garlic, and other seasonings that can trigger digestive issues in your dogs.


Salt or sodium is an essential component of your dogs’ diets, but feeding them too much of it can cause severe illnesses and even death. Sodium poisoning is common in dogs, which can cause extreme vomiting, diarrhea, incoordination, seizures, and muscular spasms. 

When Should You Visit Your Vet?

If your dogs accidentally ate lasagna and start to show symptoms of anemia, stomach ache, vomiting, and diarrhea, take them to the vet right away. The vet can properly diagnose your dogs and provide treatments to ensure that your dogs recover. 

Never attempt to treat your dogs using DIY solutions or information you’ve seen online. Taking this route can only make your dogs’ health conditions worse. 

Are There Dog-Friendly Alternatives To Lasagna?

Fortunately, there are! If you want your dogs to enjoy a healthier and safer dish, roll up your sleeves and prepare the following:

  • Canine-friendly lasagna: This dish is made with organic ground beef, basil, and pasta (you can opt to use vegetables to substitute pasta). This version of lasagna is satisfying and delicious for your furry friends without causing any side effects. 
  • Chicken casserole: You can make this dish by mixing vegetables, brown rice, and chicken breast. This dog-friendly chicken casserole is delicious, nutritious, and safe for your four-legged friends. 
  • Vegetable casserole: This dish is made with vegetables, ground turkey, and brown wise. Aside from being an excellent substitute for lasagna, this one’s very easy to prepare and packed with several vitamins and minerals for dogs. 

Can Lasagna Kill Puppies?

Yes, puppies can die when they’re given lasagna. The immune systems of puppies are still weak, which means that their bodies can’t handle even small quantities of onions, garlic, and tomato sauce. 

Can Dogs Eat Lasagna Noodles?

Yes, lasagna noodles are generally safe for your furry friends. As long as they’re not allergic to the ingredients of lasagna noodles — namely eggs, flour, and water — you can feed lasagna noodles to your dogs. Just make sure that they’re cooked properly without any salt. 

Uncooked pasta noodles can be unsafe for your dogs because the sharp pieces can tear their digestive tracts. When this happens, your dogs can experience internal bleeding and will require surgery for treatment. 

Reach Out To A Vet 

The next time you decide to prepare lasagna for yourself, exert time and effort to whip up a healthier and safer alternative for your furry friends. In this way, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your dogs are full and safe from any side effects. 

Also, if you’re looking for other alternatives for your dogs, reach out to your local vet. This is especially important if you have seniors dogs or dogs diagnosed with certain health conditions. 

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