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Can Dogs Eat Lima Beans?

Also called butter beans, double beans, Madagascar beans, or sieva beans, lima beans are legumes grown for their edible seeds. Lima beans have a creamy texture and mild flavor and can come in different colors: from beige to green. This type of bean is usually added to soups, stews, and casseroles and is often paired with hummus and herbs or bacon and eggs. 

If you’re thinking of sharing lima beans with your dogs, this article is for you. Fortunately, your dogs can eat lima beans because they provide the following health benefits:

Fiber For Healthier Digestive Systems

Lima beans are an excellent source of fiber for canines. Fiber is essential in maintaining or improving your dogs’ digestive systems and ensuring their bowel movements are regular. Without enough fiber, your dogs will have constipation and very watery stools. 

Fiber is also responsible for maintaining the balance of good and bad bacteria in your dogs’ guts. It also helps their colon recover from internal injuries and stress. Fiber also supports a healthy weight among dogs, minimizing their risk of excessive weight gain and obesity. 

Protein For Keeping Your Dogs Strong

Lima beans also contain protein that helps keep your dogs strong and healthy. Protein deficiency in dogs can lead to weaker muscles, which can cause them to be lethargic and sickly. 

The protein content of lima beans is highly beneficial for senior dogs because the protein requirement of canines increases as they age. Senior dogs naturally lose muscle mass as they become less active due to their age, which is why they need to consume foods that are packed with protein, like lima beans. 

Great Source of Micro-Minerals

Lima beans are packed with different micro-minerals that prevent the growth of bacteria in your dogs’ colons. They also work together to prevent diarrhea and constipation.

By feeding your dogs lima beans, they’ll get the following micro-minerals:

  • Copper: Copper functions as an antioxidant that helps your dogs absorb more iron from the foods they eat. Copper is also essential in keeping your dogs’ cartilages, tissues, and bones healthier. 
  • Iron: Dogs need iron in their bodies to perform vital functions, such as carrying oxygen in the red blood cells and catalyzing the energy production process. Iron is also responsible for creating red blood cells. 
  • Folate: Folic acid is necessary for your dogs’ normal metabolic functions, including red blood cell production and DNA synthesis. Without sufficient folate in their diets, your dogs can become more irritable and depressed. 
  • Manganese: Manganese metabolizes carbohydrates and proteins, produces energy, and makes fatty acids in your dogs’ bodies. Manganese also keeps your dogs’ bones and cartilages strong. 

How Should You Prepare Lima Beans for Dogs?

There are many ways to prepare lima beans for dogs. For one, you can blend plain cooked lima beans and mix them with your dogs’ kibbles. You can also mix cooked lima beans with rice or serve it on its own as occasional treats or snacks. Just make sure to soak the beans for at least five hours to soften them.

After soaking the lima beans, boil them in water without any seasonings or spices and rinse them in plain water afterward. You can also cook lima beans by mixing some ground meat and a bit of coconut oil. 

How Much Lima Beans Should Dogs Eat?

Moderation is key when it comes to feeding lima beans to your dogs. This means that lima beans should never be more than 10% of your dog’s daily calorie intake. Larger breeds can have three tablespoons or 30 grams of lima beans per serving. Small and medium breeds should only have one tablespoon or 10 grams of lima beans per serving. 

Can Dogs Eat Canned Lima Beans?

No, you should never feed your dogs canned lima beans as they contain preservatives, such as sulfur dioxide and potassium sulfite. Canned lima beans are also high in salt, an ingredient that’s extremely unhealthy for dogs and can cause poisoning. 

Can Dogs Eat Dried Lima Beans?

No, dogs can’t eat dried lima beans. Dried lima beans are tough to chew and swallow and can become a choking hazard, especially for puppies and small breeds. The texture of dried lima beans can also cause intestinal blockages that will require surgeries for treatment. 

Which Beans Should Dogs Avoid?

Not all beans are safe and healthy for dogs. As a pet owner, you should never feed your dogs any of the following beans:

  • Fava beans or broad beans: These types of beans can cause severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting in dogs. 
  • Baked beans: These beans are naturally high in sugar. Baked beans also contain different spices, such as onions and garlic, which can be toxic to canines. 
  • Canned beans: Any canned beans are a big no-no for dogs as they’re loaded with salt and artificial flavorings. 
  • Coffee beans: Coffee beans cause neurological damage in dogs and even sudden death. Keep your coffee beans to yourself to ensure your dogs’ safety. 

Consult Pros First 

Lima beans can help your dogs stay healthy. However, before giving any to your fur babies, it’s always best to seek your vet’s approval first. Keep in mind that dogs have sensitive tummies, and abruptly changing their diets can lead to many health issues. If you’re interested in giving your dogs lima beans, talk to your vet first. 

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