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Can Dogs Eat Plantains?

Originating in tropical regions, plantains are fruits resembling bananas. As they can’t be eaten raw, they’re usually cooked, which has earned them the moniker “cooking bananas.”

So, on to the important question: can dogs eat plantains?

Yes, dogs can eat plantains. These fruits are packed with health-boosting nutrients. Just make sure your dog eats them in moderation as too much of this fruit can cause issues.

Read on as we discuss plantains as food for dogs!

Are plantains good for dogs?

Yes, plantains are good for dogs because they contain the following nutrients:


Plantains are loaded with vitamins essential to canine health.

Vitamin A is good for your dog’s vision, skin, immune system, and cell function.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) generates glucose, which is the primary energy source for the cells in a dog’s body. It’s also involved in nervous system and blood cell function, immune response, hormone regulation, and gene activation.

Vitamin C’s antioxidant properties enhance your dog’s immune system and protect them against chronic conditions such as heart disease and several cancers. They also reduce inflammation.


Plantains contain potassium, magnesium, and other minerals.

They’re particularly rich in potassium, which plays a vital role in sending nerve signals, muscle contractions, and fluid regulation.

Magnesium helps the body’s cells produce energy. Every time your dog thinks or moves a muscle, magnesium allows the energy transfer required to make such processes possible.

Phosphorus is required for healthy bones and teeth. It’s also important for protein and amino acid formation, cell energy use, and cell growth.


Plantains have a lot of protein, which has many roles in a dog’s body.

Protein is required for the building and repair of tissues, allowing for hair growth, the development of muscle tissue, and the formation of new skin cells. It boosts the immune system’s strength and supplies your dog with energy. It’s also involved in the production of enzymes and hormones necessary for many biological functions.


Plantains come with significant levels of fiber, which assists in keeping the bowels healthy so that your dog doesn’t experience diarrhea or constipation. It also inhibits the population growth of bad gut bacteria, thereby preventing the aforementioned digestive issues.

Why can dogs eat plantains in moderation, only?

Despite all the health benefits discussed above, it’s not a good idea to feed dogs plantains every day. This is because the absorption of an overabundance of certain nutrients can give rise to problems in your dog.

Excess sugar

The amount of sugar in plantains isn’t enough to make a dog fat if the fruit is eaten in moderation.

But if your dog eats plantains daily, this sugar can lead to unnecessary weight gain and possibly even obesity. Obesity, in turn, increases the risk of serious problems such as diabetes and heart disease.

Consuming excess sugar also raises blood sugar levels, which can culminate in a potentially life-threatening condition known as pancreatitis. A dog that has an existing blood sugar problem should never be fed plantains or other foods with significant sugar content.

Excess fiber

While fiber is integral to the maintenance of good digestive health, consuming too much fiber can result in loose stools or even full-blown diarrhea. Your dog may also need to defecate more frequently, which can result in “accidents” in your home.

Excess vitamin C

Believe it or not, dogs can produce their own vitamin C in their liver. This means they don’t need to eat a lot of vitamin C-dense foods to enjoy the benefits of the nutrient.

In fact, ingesting too much vitamin C can lead to diarrhea. So unless you want your house to become a stinking mess of liquid poop, don’t feed dogs plantains regularly.

The ideal time to give dogs vitamin C supplements is when they’re stressed and/or ill. Make sure to consult a vet first, however, as they can tell you how much supplementation your dog needs.

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Feeding dogs plantains the right way

The best way to determine what feeding dogs plantains “in moderation” means is to talk to a vet. A vet can tell you if your dog can eat plantains and how many plantains they can have per week.

In general, however, about 3 bite-sized slices of cooked plantains around 2 times per week should suffice. Don’t forget to keep your dog’s size in mind; the smaller your dog is, the smaller those slices should be.

Plantains can be boiled, steamed, roasted, baked, or grilled as long as you don’t use any ingredients or seasonings. Salt, sugar, spices, herbs, dairy, fat, and oil can all cause your dog harm. In short, cooked plantains should be as plain as possible.

Fried plantains are exceptionally fatty and are bad for dogs.

It’s best to cook ripe plantains, though nearly ripe plantains are fine, too. Stale or expired fruits are bad for dogs.

Don’t feed plantains to puppies or dogs with health conditions affecting their blood sugar levels. The fruit could make them ill or aggravate existing issues.

FAQs: plantains as food for dogs

Below, we answer more commonly asked questions about plantains as food for dogs.

Are plantains bad for dogs?

The opposite! Plantains are good for dogs thanks to their nutritional value. However, dogs shouldn’t eat great quantities of plantains as certain nutrients can cause issues if ingested in excess.

Can dogs eat raw plantains?

No. Raw plantains aren’t toxic to dogs, but they’re extremely starchy and thus overly fibrous. They can give your dog digestive problems such as diarrhea and indigestion.

Can dogs eat green plantains?

The green color means the plantain hasn’t ripened yet. They can be cooked and fed to your dog in moderation, but as they’re not as sweet as ripe plantains, your dog might not like them much.

Can dogs eat yellow plantains?

When plantains turn yellow, it means they’re ripe and sweet. As long as they’re cooked, your dog can eat them in moderation.

Can dogs eat sweet plantains?

It depends on what “sweet” means.

Cooked sweet plantains are fine in moderation. The sweetness doesn’t mean more sugar; it’s simply a sign the fruit has ripened.

However, there are processed, commercially available plantains that have been sweetened by adding sugar to the fruits. Avoid feeding these to your dog, as excess sugar can cause digestive issues and more serious concerns.

Can dogs eat stale plantains?

Avoid feeding dogs plantains that are going bad or have already expired as they can cause digestive concerns. Rotten plantains, in particular, contain microbes that can make a dog severely ill.

Can dogs eat plantain leaves?

Plantain leaves aren’t toxic, but there’s little point in feeding them to dogs.

Can dogs eat plantain peels?

It’s not a good idea to feed dogs plantain peels. While not toxic, said peels are dense in fiber, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and indigestion.

Can dogs eat boiled plantains?

Yes. Plantains for dogs can be boiled, steamed, baked, or roasted. Just make sure not to add any potentially harmful seasonings and ingredients (such as salt, sugar, spices, herbs, dairy, and oil) during the cooking process.

Feed dogs cooked plantains in moderation, only.

Can dogs eat fried plantains?

No. Fried foods, in general, are bad for dogs as they’re extremely fatty. Though it’s unlikely they’ll kill your dog, fried plantains can cause severe digestive problems and even intoxication.

Can dogs eat plantain chips?

It depends. Plantain chips that have seasonings and ingredients such as salt, sugar, garlic, onion, and chili powder can harm your dog. Most commercial chips are bad for dogs, so it’s better to make chips yourself at home.

If they’re plain, unseasoned, and cooked, plantain chips can be eaten in moderation (2 to 3 chips once or twice a week).

Can puppies eat plantains?

We don’t recommend feeding puppies plantains. Puppies have highly sensitive stomachs and different nutritional requirements than adult dogs, so eating plantains can make them ill.

Can dogs eat plantain lilies?

Never. Plantain lilies are extremely toxic to dogs.

Don’t confuse plantain lilies with plantains – they aren’t the same plant. Thankfully, the former is easy to identify thanks to looking nothing like bananas.

Can dogs eat broadleaf plantains?

Broadleaf plantains and plantains aren’t the same plant despite sharing the same name.

Opinions vary on whether or not broadleaf plantains (a.k.a. plantain weeds) are good for dogs.

Some say broadleaf plantains can be safely eaten by dogs in moderation, that they’re exceptionally nutritious and can even treat digestive issues.

However, broadleaf plantains are also high in fiber, which means they can lead to digestive issues such as diarrhea in a dog.

If you’re thinking about giving your dog broadleaf plantains, ask a vet for advice, first.

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Canines can benefit from eating food as rich in nutrients as plantains. However, make sure not to feed your pooch plantains regularly, as an excess of sugar, fiber, and vitamin C can make any dog ill.

Don’t forget to seek veterinary advice if you’re planning on feeding your dog plantains!

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