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Can Dogs Eat Sea Moss?

Just as a well-balanced diet is essential for human health, the same goes for dogs. You need to make sure that you’re feeding your dogs the right foods in the right quantities to ensure that they remain happy and healthy for years.

If you’re curious whether you can feed your dogs with sea moss, the answer is yes. Sea moss is one form of algae that thrives underwater and naturally absorbs nutrients present in the sea. Feeding your dogs with sea moss actually provides the following health benefits, such as:

Prevents Cancer

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, almost half of the dogs over the age of ten will develop cancer in their lifetime. This health condition can cause swelling in the bones, abnormal bleeding, enlarged lymph nodes, and bumps that don’t seem to heal. 

Adding sea moss to your dogs’ diet can lessen their risk of cancer as it has anti-tumor properties. Sea moss also has compounds that can prevent the spread and growth of cancer cells in your dogs’ bodies. 

Regulates Blood Sugar

Diabetes is common in dogs, especially those in their senior years. This health condition can cause your four-legged friends to experience excessive thirst, increased urination, and extreme weight loss. Some dogs also experience increased appetite, resulting in obesity.

Sea moss contains fucoxanthin, an antioxidant that’s known to reduce insulin resistance and stabilize blood sugar levels to prevent diabetes in dogs. Sea moss also has fiber that slows down the digestion of carbs in your dogs’ bodies, so it doesn’t cause blood glucose levels to increase and trigger diabetes. 

Improves Thyroid Function

Sea moss is rich in iodine that supports the thyroid function and endocrine glands of your dogs. Iodine also supports your dogs’ metabolism to prevent excessive weight gain.  

When your dogs don’t get enough iodine, they’ll experience lethargy and have mood imbalances. These can adversely affect the quality of their lives. 

Boosts Heart Health

Just like humans, the heart is one of the most important organs in your dogs’ bodies. As they age, your dogs’ hearts will become weak and prone to several diseases. 

Giving sea moss as occasional treats or snacks is an excellent way to keep your dogs healthy. Because sea moss contains healthy levels of omega-3 fatty acids and soluble fiber, feeding some to your dogs can support a healthy heart. Sea moss also has anticoagulant properties that prevent blood clotting and sulfated polysaccharides that regulate blood pressure.

Supports Gut Health And Digestion

The fiber content of sea moss can improve digestion and prevent constipation in dogs. This works because sea moss has insoluble fiber that feeds the beneficial or good bacteria in your dogs’ guts to support the microbiome. 

When there is a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria in your dogs’ guts, they can quickly move food in their intestines and have healthier bowel movements. 

Increases Energy Levels

The vitamins and minerals found in sea moss can lead to a more efficient metabolism. This can cause your furry friends to have more energy, allowing them to do more during the day. 

Sea moss can also improve the immune system of your dogs. As a result, your dogs will be less likely to get sick and spread illnesses. A stronger immune system is also key for your dogs to live a healthier, longer life. 

How Can You Add Sea Moss To Your Dogs’ Diets?

Before feeding sea moss to your dogs, make sure to grind or smash them first as it can form into a gel when wet, which can cause intestinal blockage or become a choking hazard. 

After grinding or crushing sea moss, sprinkle a small amount (1/4 teaspoon will do) on top of your dogs’ kibble or food. Sea moss provides tons of health benefits to dogs, but this should never be used as a meal replacement. 

When Should You Take Your Dogs To The Vet?

If your dogs don’t exhibit any symptoms after giving them sea moss, there’s no need to take them to the vet. The absence of any symptoms shows that your dogs’ bodies can tolerate sea moss. However, if your dogs experience diarrhea and digestive problems, stop feeding them sea moss and reach out to a vet immediately. 

Talk To A Vet

Before incorporating sea moss into your dogs’ diets, talk to a vet first. Even though sea moss is generally safe and healthy for your dogs, abruptly changing their diets can cause harm. 

Consult a vet before you feed anything new to your dogs. Working with them will surely go a long way to ensure that your dogs remain healthy as you feed them new foods.  

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