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Can Hamsters Eat Cabbage?

Cabbage is a very versatile vegetable as you can enjoy them in many different ways. Depending on your preferences, you can enjoy cabbage by pickling, steaming, stewing, or roasting them. You can also use cabbage to prepare healthy meals, salads, appetizers, or even snacks — your options are endless! 

The versatility and health benefits offered by cabbage might tempt you to feed some to your hamsters — but should you? Is cabbage safe and healthy for your little hammies? 

The short answer to the question posted here is: yes, you can feed your hamsters cabbage. As long as given in limited quantities and frequencies, your hamsters can enjoy the following health benefits from cabbage:

Vitamin C

Cabbage is packed with vitamin C that can strengthen your hamsters’ immune systems and protect them from common illnesses and diseases. Having a stronger immune system can keep your hamsters healthy even if they’re exposed to bacteria in the environment. 

Vitamin K

Cabbage contains vitamin K that can help with blood clotting. Vitamin K can also strengthen the bones of your hamsters and prevent them from bleeding too much when they’re severely injured. 

Vitamin B6

Because of the vitamin B6 found in cabbage, feeding the vegetable to your hamsters can also keep them happier and more energetic. This allows your hamsters to do more activities during the day and keep their weight in check. 


The antioxidants in cabbage can support healthy eyesight among hamsters and slow down the process of cellular damage in their bodies. Antioxidants can also produce healthier and shinier coats in hamsters. 


Cabbage is rich in fiber and can help improve the digestive systems of your hamsters. Fiber can soften the stools of your hamsters to ensure that they move easily in their digestive tracts. This can result in smoother and regular bowel movements. 

What Are The Side Effects Of Giving Too Much Cabbage To Your Hamsters?

Cabbage can be a healthy snack to your hamsters, but giving too much can also trigger several health risks, namely:

Weight Gain

Cabbage can also cause weight gain and, eventually, obesity in hamsters when given in large quantities. This can shorten the lifespan of your hamsters and increase their risks of developing other health problems, such as hypertension.

Gas And Bloating

Feeding your hamsters with too much cabbage can result in excessive nutrients in their bodies. Their bodies can’t cope with this and can lead to gas and bloating. 


Too much cabbage can also upset your hamsters’ stomachs and can trigger diarrhea. When left untreated, diarrhea can worsen and become a wet tail. This is a common health condition among hamsters that can be fatal. 

Can Hamsters Eat Cabbage Leaves?

Yes, definitely! Cabbage leaves are the healthiest part of the vegetable and offer tons of phytochemicals necessary for the health and wellness of your hamsters. 

Can Hamsters Eat Cabbage Core Or Stalk?

Yes, your hamsters can eat cabbage cores or stalks. Just make sure that these are sliced into tiny pieces to avoid your hamsters from choking. 

Can Hamsters Eat Raw Cabbage?

Yes, your hamsters can eat raw cabbage! In fact, the cabbage you serve to your pets should be in raw form only. Cooked cabbage can strip off the nutritional properties of the cabbage and might even disrupt the digestive system of your hamsters. 

Can Hamsters Eat Chinese Or Napa Cabbage?

No, you should avoid feeding your hamsters with Chinese or Napa cabbage. Although these varieties offer vitamins A and C, their high calcium content can be harmful to hamsters. Too much calcium can weaken your hamsters’ bones, create kidney stones, and interfere with how your hamsters’ hearts and brains work. 

The stalk of Chinese and Napa cabbages is also very hard, which can cause your hamsters to choke. 

How About White Cabbage?

Yes, you can feed your hamsters with white cabbage. This variety of cabbage is one of the best options for hamsters as it’s packed with vitamin C and dietary fiber. White cabbage is also low in calcium. 

Can Hamsters Eat Savoy Cabbage?

Yes, you can offer savoy cabbage to your hamsters. In fact, most hamsters will prefer savoy cabbage as this variety has a very crunchy texture. 

Savoy cabbage also contains healthy levels of vitamins A and C, which are essential for the health and development of your hamsters. This variety of cabbage can also help hamsters suffering from urinary tract infections or UTIs. 

Can Hamsters Eat Cavolo Nero Cabbage?

Yes, you can give Cavolo Nero cabbage to your hamsters but in small quantities only. This variety is rich in vitamins K and C and folate, which are important to maintain and improve the health of your hamsters. 

How Much Cabbage Should Hamsters Eat?

The key to feeding your hamsters cabbage is moderation. You need to control the amount of cabbage you give to your hamsters because going overboard can lead to health risks. 

If you have baby hamsters at home, refrain from giving them any cabbage. Baby hamsters need vitamins and minerals to grow properly — and cabbage doesn’t meet this requirement. It’s best to feed baby hamsters with their mother’s milk and only give them cabbage when they’re old enough (about 12 weeks). 

As for adult hamsters, you can feed them around two teaspoons of roughly chopped cabbage. Refrain from giving adult hamsters more as this can upset their stomach and cause a lot of health problems. 

How Often Should Hamsters Eat Cabbage?

Your hamsters can have cabbage no more than thrice a week. This vegetable is packed with different vitamins and minerals but isn’t enough to meet the nutritional requirements of your hamsters. 

What’s The Correct Way Of Preparing Cabbage For Hamsters?

You need to follow certain steps when preparing cabbage for your hamsters. The first step is finding organic cabbage for your hamsters. Organic cabbage contains little to zero pesticides, making them a safer and healthier option for your hamsters. 

Once you find fresh, organic cabbages, remove the outermost leaf and thoroughly wash the vegetable using warm water. Don’t use soap or any detergent in cleaning your cabbage, as this can only cause stomach problems in your pets. 

After the cabbage has dried, chop it into small pieces to make it easier for your hamsters to eat and chew them. You can serve the cabbage as is to your hamsters or mix it with other crunchy vegetables. 

Don’t forget to remove any leftover or uneaten cabbage from your hamsters’ cage, as these will rot and attract germs. An unsanitary environment can cause many health problems in your pets. 

Consult A Vet 

If this is your first time adding vegetables to your hamsters’ diet, consult a vet first. Hamsters naturally have sensitive digestive tracts, and changing their diets abruptly can only do more harm than good. Talk to a vet, so you’ll know how to properly incorporate cabbage into your hamsters’ diets! 

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