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Can Hamsters Eat Watermelon?

Watermelons are healthy and refreshing snacks. Slice the fruit into bite-sized pieces, poke a toothpick on each slice, and pop them in the freezer to create a filling summer treat. As a pet owner, you’re likely tempted to share the snack with your hamsters—but should you?

Fortunately, watermelons are safe for your hamsters, which means that you can share the fruit with your pets. As long as given in moderation, your hamsters can enjoy the following health benefits from the fruit:

Vitamin C

The ability of your hamsters to stay safe against infections depends on their immune system. The stronger their immune systems are, the less risks they have in getting and spreading infections. 

Watermelons are packed with vitamin C, which can boost the immune system of your hamsters. This vitamin is essential to improve the overall health of your hamsters. 

Vitamin C can also improve the quality of your hamsters’ fur and encourage their bodies to produce more collagen. This vitamin is also responsible for speeding their body’s natural healing processes, helping your hamsters recover from injuries faster.

Minerals And Vitamins

Watermelon is one of the healthiest snacks you can give to your hamsters as this fruit contains a lot of minerals and vitamins. For starters, watermelon contains vitamin A that can help your hamsters stay guarded against common illnesses and infections. 

Watermelon also has potassium that can regulate your hamsters’ blood pressure and magnesium to prevent urinary disorders and constipation. 


Aside from giving color to fruits, the lycopene content of watermelons can also protect your hamsters from certain types of cancers and help their hearts stay healthy. Lycopene can also guard your hamsters against free radicals and protect their bodies from the effects of aging. 

Improves Hydration

Watermelon is made up of 92% water. By feeding your hamsters watermelon regularly, you can help your pets stay hydrated. Proper hydration is crucial among hamsters as their diets are usually composed of dry foods. 

Moreover, dehydration can actually have severe effects on your hamsters’ bodies. Dehydration can lead to unconsciousness, kidney failure, and even death when left untreated. 

Low Fat and Low Calorie

Obesity is a common health issue among pets, and hamsters aren’t an exemption. Obesity can shorten the life expectancy of your hamsters and increase their risk of developing other chronic diseases, namely diabetes, cancer, hypertension, and heart diseases.

Thanks to the low fat and low-calorie nature of watermelons, feeding your hamsters with this fruit will not contribute to their weight gain or obesity. As long as it is given in moderation, your hamsters can enjoy watermelon, and you won’t have to worry about them piling on the pounds!

What Happens If You Overfeed Your Hamsters With Too Much Watermelon?

Yes, watermelon is highly nutritious, but this shouldn’t motivate you to feed your hamsters with the fruit in large quantities. The maxim that states, “Too much of anything is bad,” remains true when it comes to feeding your hamsters with watermelon. 

Overfeeding your hamsters with too much watermelon can lead to the following health risks:

Diarrhea And Dehydration

Your hamsters’ digestive tract is very delicate and is used to dealing with grains, pellets, and seeds—not water. Since watermelon is mostly water, feeding your hamsters with the fruit in very large quantities can cause diarrhea. Over time, this can lead to dehydration. 


Watermelons are naturally sweet because they contain high levels of sugar. This level of sweetness is harmless to humans but can be very harmful to hamsters.

Overfeeding your hamsters with too much watermelon can put them at risk of becoming overweight and obese. These health problems will not only shorten the lifespan of your hamsters; these can also trigger other chronic illnesses, namely diabetes, and hypertension. 

Increases Risk Of Wet Tail

Wet tail is a common health condition that affects hamsters of all ages and breeds. When left untreated, a wet tail can cause hamsters to die within 48-72 hours. 

Offering your hamsters large quantities of watermelon can increase their risk of wet tail. This health condition is often caused by stress, but the bacteria due to continuing diarrhea can also become a culprit. 

How Many Watermelons Should Hamsters Eat?

The amount of watermelon you give to your hamsters depends on their age. Baby hamsters shouldn’t be given watermelon as their bodies haven’t fully developed and will likely have a hard time chewing and digesting the fruit. In worse cases, feeding watermelons to baby hamsters can cause them to choke. 

For adult hamsters, feeding them with one full teaspoon of watermelon is sufficient. If you’re feeding the fruit to your hamsters for the first time, watch out for any signs of diarrhea or vomiting for the next 48 hours. Discontinue feeding watermelons to your hamsters if they exhibit any of these symptoms. 

If your hamsters seem to love watermelon and don’t show any adverse effects, continue feeding them the fruit. Just make sure that you’re only giving them watermelon once a week, so they can still consume other foods necessary to have a complete, well-balanced diet. 

Can Hamsters Eat Watermelon Seeds?

No, you should never offer your hamsters watermelon seeds as these can be a potential choking hazard. Watermelon seeds are the perfect size to get lodged on your pets’ throats, which will likely cause them to choke. Ensure that all seeds are removed before feeding the fruit to your hamsters. 

How About Watermelon Rinds?

Watermelon rinds are generally safe for hamsters, but not all will love to nibble on the rinds as these are harder to chew. When introducing watermelon rinds to your hamsters for the first time, start by giving them tiny slices first. It’s best to give them rinds with the whiter flesh as these are easier to chew and digest. 

Even if your hamsters seem to love nibbling on watermelon rinds, ensure that these are given in moderation. Watermelon rinds contain fiber, which can cause diarrhea when ingested in large quantities at one time. 

Can You Give Watermelon Juice To Your Hamsters?

Although a refreshing drink for humans, watermelon juice is a big no-no to hamsters. Watermelon juices have high sugar content, which can cause diarrhea and obesity in your pets. 

Watermelon juice also lacks the nutrients of the fruit. When you feed your hamsters with watermelon juice, you’re only giving them excessive sugar, not the health benefits you expect from a watermelon fruit. 

How About Dried Watermelon?

No, you should never feed your hamsters with dried watermelon. A lot of sugar is used to preserve the fruit, and high sugar content can eventually take a toll on your pets’ health. 

Dried watermelons are also very sticky, which can make it very challenging for your hamsters to chew and ingest them. Over time, dried watermelons can adversely affect the dental health of your hamsters and put them at risk of developing oral health problems.

Work With Professionals

Feeding watermelon to your hamsters has pros and cons. Give too much to your hamsters, and they’ll likely experience symptoms that can be detrimental to their health. 

Instead of figuring out how to safely incorporate watermelons into your hamsters’ diet alone, consult a vet. With their experience in the industry, they can provide informative tips to ensure that your hamsters stay safe and healthy as you feed them watermelons!   

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