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Can Hamsters Eat Cucumber?

Hamsters make great pets. They’re inexpensive to own, don’t require constant attention, and need minimal space. Hamsters are also very cute and entertaining, which can surely keep boredom and loneliness at bay. But being a pet owner isn’t all fun and games—you also need to pay attention to their diets because what you feed them affects their overall wellness.

If you’re wondering whether your hammies can eat cucumber, the answer is yes. Feeding your hamsters with cucumber is perfectly safe. In fact, cucumber should be a part of your hamsters’ diets because the fruit provides the following health benefits:

Low Calorie

Since hamsters are small, they don’t need a lot of calories every day to stay healthy and active. On the contrary, feeding your hamsters with food that contains too many calories can only lead to obesity. This is one of the reasons why it’s important to give them low-calorie snacks, like cucumber.

Cucumbers have low-calorie content, and giving them to your hamsters will not result in weight gain and obesity. As long as it is given in controlled proportions, you won’t have to worry about your hamsters piling on those pounds when you feed them cucumbers!

Helps With Hydration

Cucumber is mostly made of water, and feeding a few slices of the fruit to your hamsters can improve their hydration. Proper hydration is crucial in your hamsters because it ensures that their bodies absorb nutrients from their food and all their organs are functioning properly.

If you’re looking for a healthy and tasty snack to give to your hamsters on a hot summer day, thinly sliced cucumbers are the answer!

Constipation Relief

Just like humans, your hamsters can also suffer from constipation. When left untreated, constipation can trigger other issues in your hamsters, such as loss of appetite, unproductive straining, vomiting, and lethargy.

Because cucumber is mostly made of water, giving some to your hamsters can provide constipation relief. The water content of the cucumbers can soften your hamsters’ stool and eventually stimulate bowel movements.

Vitamin B

Cucumber contains vitamin B that provides energy to your hamsters. When your hamsters receive a sufficient amount of vitamin B in their diets, they can play more during the day!

Vitamin C

Cucumbers are packed with vitamin C that can help boost the immune system of your hamsters. Having a strong immune system is crucial to ensure that your hamsters are protected from common infections present in the environment.

Moreover, vitamin C has the ability to reduce harmful free radicals in your hamsters’ bodies, keeping them safe from the effects of aging. This will ensure that your hamsters’ bodies continue to function properly even as they’re aging.

Are There Any Risks When You Overfeed Hamsters With Too Much Cucumber?

The short answer to this question is yes. Cucumbers are healthy snacks for your hamsters but giving them too much can also have adverse effects on their health and wellness. Overfeeding your hammies with too much cucumber can also cause the following:


The water content of cucumbers can be dangerous when taken in large amounts. The digestive tracts of hamsters are used to eating dry foods, such as grains and seeds, not watery foods.

Giving too much cucumber to your hamsters can lead to soft stool or diarrhea. In worse cases, diarrhea can worsen into a condition called the wet tail. This can be fatal when left untreated for 24 to 48 hours.


Because your hamsters lose a lot of fluids due to diarrhea, it won’t be long before they eventually suffer from dehydration. Dehydration can be painful to hamsters as it can cause tightening of the skin, drying of the eyes, and lethargy. Extreme cases of dehydration can also result in unconsciousness, kidney failure, and even death.

Inadequate Nutrition

Cucumbers contain many vitamins and minerals. However, solely feeding your hamsters with this fruit isn’t enough for them to meet their daily nutritional requirements. Your hamsters still need to consume commercial hamster foods and pellets daily to stay healthy.

When you overfeed your hamsters with too much cucumber, you’re preventing them from consuming other foods essential to their diets. Keep in mind that hamsters are very small, and their bodies can only consume a very limited amount of food.

How Many Cucumbers Should You Feed To Your Hamsters?

Ideally, cucumbers should be given in small amounts, around ¼ teaspoon, two or three times per week. Giving more to your hamsters can cause many problems, as stated above.

Can Hamsters Eat Cucumber Seeds?

Yes, your hamsters can feast on some cucumber seeds. Unlike other fruits and fruits, cucumber seeds are small, which lessens the risk of your hamsters’ risks of choking. Remember to feed them a few pieces of the seed, though.

Can Hamsters Eat Cucumber Skin?

Yes, cucumber skin is safe and healthy for your hamsters. Just make sure that the skin is thoroughly washed and sliced into thin pieces before serving them to your hamsters.

How About Cucumber Juice?

Unfortunately, no. You can’t feed your hamsters any cucumber juice because the juicing process removes the essential vitamins and minerals from the fruit. Because the juicing process turns the fruit into liquid, giving even a tiny amount of cucumber juice to your hamsters can put them at risk of dehydration and diarrhea.

Can Hamsters Eat Cucumber Rind?

Yes, as long as the cucumber rinds are served in small pieces and given in small amounts only. If possible, give your hamsters cucumber rinds from the lighter fleshy center of the fruit, as it’s easier for your hamsters to chew and ingest. The outermost green rinds are often thick and tough, which can become a choking hazard to your hamsters.

How Should You Serve Cucumbers To Hamsters?

Before giving cucumbers to your hamsters, make sure that the fruit is washed thoroughly. It’s best if you let the cucumbers soak in a mixture of vinegar and water for at least five minutes before rinsing them with cold running water.

Slice the fruit thinly and serve them plain to your hamsters. Refrain from putting any sweetener or salt to the fruit, as this can have detrimental effects on the health of your hamsters.

Trust The Pros

Before you feed cucumbers to your hamsters, set an appointment with your vet first. Hamsters have very delicate stomachs, and changing their diets abruptly can cause different symptoms.

Ensure that your hamsters remain safe and healthy as you add cucumbers to their diets by working with a vet. Never experiment on your own, especially when it comes to your hamsters’ diets, as this can only do more harm than good.

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