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Can Hamsters Eat Almonds?

One of the most vital things you should remember as a pet owner is that not all human foods are healthy and safe for your pets. The bodies of pets and humans are built differently, and feeding your pets with too many human foods can actually take a toll on their health. 

When it comes to almonds, it’s good news — this is one of those human foods that you can share with your hamsters. As long as given in small quantities, your hammies can enjoy the following health benefits from almonds:

Aids In Nutrition

Almonds contain high levels of dietary fiber, around12.5 grams per almond. This is one of the most important elements hamsters need to maintain a healthy digestive tract. 

By adding almonds to your hamsters’ diets, they can maintain optimum food absorption and digestion without any issues. Dietary fiber can also reduce your hamsters’ risks of constipation.

Helps Control Blood Sugar

Almonds have around 26.2 mg of vitamin E, a nutrient necessary to control the blood sugar of your hammies. Vitamin E can actually trigger insulin sensitivity in hamsters, which can help regulate blood sugar levels. As a result, your hamsters will have lesser risks of developing diabetes during their lifetime. 

Vitamin E also plays an essential role in protecting your hamsters from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can damage the cells and DNA of your hamsters, which can speed up the aging process. 

Helps in Weight Loss

Overweight or obese hamsters have a shorter life expectancy and are very prone to several chronic illnesses. Because almonds provide a feeling of satisfaction (also called satiety), adding the nut to your hamsters’ diet can help in their weight loss. 

When hamsters feel full all the time, they’ll reduce the amount of food they’ll consume every day. This can eventually lead to a healthy weight loss. 

Putting your hamsters in an almond diet is an excellent way to ensure weight loss, as almonds contain 21.22 grams of proteins. Protein can also reduce hunger hormones and boost satiety hormones in your hamsters’ bodies. 

Keeps Cholesterol Levels In Check

Almonds can also prevent the spike in cholesterol levels because the nut reduces the amount of cholesterol in your hamsters’ bodies. This will protect your hamsters from developing cholesterol-related diseases. 

What Happens If Hamsters Consume Too Many Almonds?

The key to feeding your hamsters with almonds is moderation. Giving too many almonds to your hamsters can also pose significant health risks, namely:

Excessive Weight Gain

This might seem like a sharp contrast to the fact that almonds can aid in weight loss, but the nut can also contribute to weight gain when given in large quantities to hamsters. 

Almonds contain high amounts of fats, one contributor to excess weight gain among pets. This extra weight can eventually result in obesity, which can trigger several health risks. This is one of the reasons why almonds should be given to hamsters as treats or snacks, not as meals to be consumed every day. 

Choking Hazards

Because of their size and texture, almonds aren’t the easiest thing to eat for hamsters. Your pets can easily choke on these nuts, which can cause death when left unnoticed. 

Death By Cyanide Poisoning

Giving your hamsters the wrong type of almonds can also be fatal. For example, bitter almonds contain a cyanide compound, which is so potent and can be fatal to hamsters

How Often Should You Give Your Hamsters Almonds?

Since almonds are high in fat, it’s best to give them to your hamsters no more than once a week. Almonds should be given as an occasional treat only.  

How Many Almonds Should Your Hamsters Eat?

The amount of almonds you feed to your hamsters depends on their size. For example, if you have bigger varieties of hamsters, giving them one almond in a week is sufficient. If your hamsters belong to the smaller breed, half an almond once a week is ideal. 

Can Hamsters Eat Almond Skin?

It’s best to peel off the skin before feeding almonds to your hamsters. Most of the toxins found in almonds are actually found on the skin, and feeding your hamsters with the skin intact can put them at risk of cyanide poisoning. Almond skins can also irritate hamsters’ stomachs and can trigger diarrhea. 

Stay on the safe side and remove the skin by soaking the almonds in hot water for at least 15 minutes. Let the almonds cool afterward and remove the skin.  

Can Hamsters Eat Salted Almonds?

No, you should never offer salted almonds to your hammies. Flavored almonds are delicious treats for humans but can cause plenty of health problems when fed to hamsters. 

Can Hamsters Drink Almond Milk?

No, hamsters shouldn’t be given almond milk. Almond milk is made from crushing almonds, which releases cyanic acid. This can poison your hamsters even when taken in small amounts. Save your almond milk for your smoothies and cereals instead!

How About Shelled Almonds?

Yes, shelled almonds should be fine for your hamsters. Giving shelled almonds to your hamsters can also keep them busy as they have to do some work to crack the shell and eat the nut.

Can Hamsters Eat Bitter Almonds?

No, you should never feed your hamsters with bitter almonds. These types of almonds contain high levels of cyanide, which can be fatal to your hamsters. The cyanide content of bitter almonds isn’t dangerous to humans, but because of their size, your hamsters’ bodies might not survive even consuming small amounts of bitter almonds. 

Can Hamsters Eat Dried Almonds?

Yes, dried almonds are perfectly safe for hamsters, just as long as you give them the unsalted variety. Too much salt intake can have adverse health effects on your pets. 

How Should You Prepare Almonds For Your Hamsters?

Start by looking for organic almonds as these are chemical-free and safer for your hamsters. After, sort the almonds and remove the bitter ones. Be on the lookout for irregularly shaped almonds and refrain from giving almonds that are too big as these can be a choking hazard. 

Ask Help From Pros

Making drastic changes to your hamsters’ diet can affect their health, so make sure to consult a vet first. Yes, almonds are healthy for your hamsters but feeding too many or abruptly adding them to your hamsters’ diet can do more harm than good. 

Don’t take any chances and work with a vet if you want to properly incorporate almonds into your pets’ diets. Vets can guide you throughout the process and ensure that your hamsters stay healthy as you feed them almonds! 

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