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Can Hamsters Eat Chocolate?

People crave chocolate only because it tastes good, but it also makes them feel good. Chocolate releases dopamine in the body, a neurotransmitter that improves mood. Studies also show that consuming chocolates can provide several health benefits in humans. However, feeding the same food to your hamsters unfortunately doesn’t create the same positive effects. 

You should never feed your hamsters chocolate because this food is extremely harmful to them. Giving your hamsters chocolates, even in small quantities, can adversely affect their overall wellness because of the following ingredients:


Theobromine is an alkaloid (naturally occurring organic compound) found in the cacao plant. This is the plant chocolate is made out of. 

Theobromine is harmless to humans because your body is large and built to withstand different compounds. This happens because your liver can metabolize theobromine quickly.

The bodies of hamsters are small; therefore, they have lesser tolerance for these compounds. Their livers can’t metabolize theobromine as quickly as humans because they naturally have a slower metabolic process. Because of this, hamsters are at risk of theobromine poisoning. This can cause hamsters to experience heart attacks, seizures, internal bleeding, and even death. 


Chocolates contain high levels of caffeine, and while this ingredient isn’t as toxic as theobromine, you should still be worried about your hamsters eating it.

Caffeine is a stimulant that primarily affects the central nervous system. This effect makes humans more focused and productive but can be too intense for your hamsters. Hamsters who ingest caffeine can immediately experience a drastic increase in heart rate, which can be fatal when left untreated. 

Aside from this, caffeine can add too much stress to the hearts and bodies of your hamsters. The combined effects of caffeine and theobromine are enough to kill your hamsters, even if they only consumed small amounts of chocolates. 

What Are The Most Common Symptoms Of Chocolate Poisoning In Hamsters?

Eating chocolates can cause severe symptoms to your hamsters, such as lethargy, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. In some cases, hamsters who accidentally ate chocolate will exhibit drastic changes in their behavior and appearance, have irregular heartbeats, and increased frequency of urination. 

Is There Any Amount Of Chocolate Safe For Hamsters?

Unfortunately, there is none. Although it can be tempting to share a piece or slice of chocolate with your hammies, you never should. As mentioned, giving even a single crumb of chocolate can be fatal to your hamsters

What Should You Do When Hamsters Accidentally Consume Chocolate?

If your hamsters accidentally consumed chocolates, visit your vet right away. Don’t wait for any symptoms to show or get worse because when this happens, your hamsters will likely have a smaller chance of survival.

Usually, vets will induce vomiting to remove the chocolate from your hamsters’ bodies. The sooner you take your hamsters to the vet, the easier it’ll be for pros to treat your pets.  

How Can You Protect Your Hamsters From Chocolate?

To ensure that your hamsters don’t accidentally eat chocolate, be careful about how and where you store the food in the house. Hamsters are often curious and will likely nibble on foods they see lying around.

Keep your hamsters safe from the dangers of eating chocolates by storing your favorite treats in a designated location at home. You can use cabinets or a jar on the counter for this purpose. Just make sure that your hamsters can’t access or open the location. 

It’s also important to clean up after eating chocolates at home. Chocolate crumbs or pieces left out in the open can serve as an invitation for your hamsters. Always sweep or vacuum the floor and wipe furniture after eating chocolates. 

Can Hamsters Consume Nutella?

Nutella is a staple among many households. Although Nutella is advertised as a hazelnut cream, you should still not give any to your hamsters. Nutella contains cocoa solids and 58% processed sugars. These ingredients can still expose your hamsters to theobromine, caffeine, and unhealthy levels of sugars. 

What Can You Feed Your Hamsters Instead?

Because of its ingredients, you should never give any kind of chocolates to your hamsters. Fortunately, there are many healthier alternatives to chocolates, which you can give to your hamsters as occasional treats. Natural foods are still best for hamsters as they are packed with essential vitamins and nutrients necessary for their growth and development. 

Here are some of the healthy and delicious treats you can give to your hammies:


You can give your hamsters peaches as these don’t contain saturated fats and are low in calories. Peaches also offer several health-promoting vitamins and minerals, namely choline, vitamins C, E, and K, calcium, iron, manganese, and sodium. 

But because peaches still have sugar, it’s essential to give your hamsters controlled proportions of the fruit. Generally, your hamsters should only have half a teaspoon of fresh peaches once a week. Canned, dried, and frozen peaches are a no-no for hamsters as these contain high amounts of preservatives, which can cause health problems in your pets. 


Another alternative to chocolate is carrots. This vegetable is packed with different vitamins and minerals, like protein, dietary fiber, sodium, and magnesium. Carrots are also a great source of vitamin A that can keep your hamsters’ eyesight and bones healthy. 

All parts of the carrots—from the tops, leaves, and skin—are healthy for your hamsters. Just make sure that you properly and thoroughly wash the vegetable before serving to remove any dirt and pesticide residue.

Giving your hamsters one thin slice of carrots no more than once a week is already enough. Feeding your hamsters with too much carrots can disrupt their digestive tracts and cause diarrhea.  


Hamsters are omnivorous and will absolutely love eating chicken. In fact, feeding your hamsters with chicken is essential to ensure that they stay healthy. Chicken is a great source of niacin, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, and vitamin B6 and B12.

It’s best to serve your hamsters with cooked chicken to remove harmful bacteria and chemicals on the meat. As for the amount and frequency, give your hamsters no more than half a tablespoon of chicken once a week. 

No Chocolates For Your Hamsters Please

Chocolate is an irresistible treat for humans, but this doesn’t mean that you should share it with your hamsters. Doing so will only put your hamsters at risk and might even cause death. 

Refrain from feeding your hamsters with chocolates and opt for healthier alternatives. This will ensure that your pets remain safe and healthy for years!

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