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Can Hamsters Eat Peanuts?

Having hamsters as pets can be fun and rewarding. However, every hamster owner should be well informed about the foods that their pets can and cannot eat. Sharing all of your meals with your hamsters thinking that human foods are safe for them can adversely affect their life expectancy. 

Peanuts are one of those human foods that you can share with your hammies. When given in controlled quantities and limited frequencies, feeding peanuts to your hamsters can provide the following health benefits:

Supports Growth And Development

Peanuts are an excellent treat for your beloved hamsters as they promote their growth and muscle development. Peanut also has the ability to promote weight gain due to its satisfying amounts of protein. So, if your hamsters lost a lot of weight because of health problems in the past, feeding them with peanuts is one of the best ways to go!

Enhances Cardiovascular Health

Peanuts contain high levels of healthy fats that your hamsters need to function properly and stay healthy. By giving your hamsters peanuts, you’re helping their hearts function properly and their bodies to regulate cholesterol levels. 

Aside from these, peanuts also contain healthy levels of magnesium and potassium that work together to lower blood pressure. All of the health benefits offered by magnesium and potassium combined can lead to healthier cardiovascular health in hamsters. 

Provides Mental Stimulation

Because hamsters spend a lot of time inside their cages, it’s crucial to keep them mentally active. When hamsters get bored, they tend to chew on their own skin and hair, gnaw on the cage bars, and even suffer from overheating. These can have detrimental effects on their health. 

One way to provide your hamsters mental stimulation is to give a boiled or raw peanut with the shell on. Cracking the shell and nibbling on the nut will surely keep your hamsters busy. 

Additionally, peanuts are also rich in B-complex vitamins that can improve your hamsters’ brain function and neurological system.

Are There Any Health Risks When You Overfeed Hamsters With Too Much Peanuts?

Even the healthiest foods can pose several health risks when eaten in large quantities—and peanuts aren’t an exemption. In fact, giving your hamsters too much peanuts too often can lead to the following risks:

Aflatoxin Poisoning

Peanuts naturally have high molding tendencies. Molds will produce a harmful chemical known as aflatoxins as they grow in the nut. Humans have fast metabolic processes, and consuming aflatoxins isn’t life-threatening. It’s a different story when it comes to hamsters. 

Hamsters have smaller bodies and have slower metabolic processes. When they consume aflatoxins, even in small doses, it can trigger several symptoms, such as loss of appetite, jaundice, and diarrhea. When left untreated, aflatoxin poisoning can be fatal for hamsters. 

Tummy Troubles

Hamsters have highly sensitive stomachs, and feeding them new foods can trigger stomach problems. And because of its high sugar content, you’ll likely cause diarrhea in your hamsters when you give them too much peanuts.

In hamsters, diarrhea can worsen into a wet tail. This is a term used to describe watery diarrhea and is known to have a high mortality rate even when diagnosed and treated. 

Diabetes And Obesity

Peanuts are rich in fat and sugar, which means that feeding too much to your hamsters can cause them to gain a few extra pounds. Obesity can trigger many health issues and can even shorten the life expectancy of your hammies. 

For one, obesity in hamsters is often associated with joint and cardiovascular issues. Obesity can also increase your hamsters’ risks of developing diabetes. This is especially true for Dwarf hamsters as they’re genetically prone to diabetes. 

How Much Peanuts Should Hamsters Eat?

Baby hamsters should never be offered peanuts. Their bodies are still developing and will find it hard to eat and digest peanuts properly. Giving peanuts to baby hamsters can only become a choking hazard. 

As for adult hamsters, one whole peanut with a shell or two to three peanuts without the shell is ideal. This quantity is harmless for hamsters and allows them to enjoy all of the health benefits from the peanuts. 

How Often Can Hamsters Eat Peanuts?

Your hamsters should eat peanuts once or twice a week. Feeding your hamsters with peanuts more frequently will only do more harm than good, so refrain from sharing your peanuts. 

Remember, peanuts should be given as occasional snacks and treats, not as a replacement for your hamsters’ commercial-grade pellets. Yes, peanuts are healthy, but they don’t contain all the essential vitamins and minerals necessary for your hamsters’ growth and overall health. 

What’s The Best Peanut For Hamsters?

To ensure that your hamsters don’t experience any risks when feeding them peanuts, only give them plain ones without any salt, added flavoring, and added oil. It’s best to give your hamsters fresh and roasted peanuts as these are the healthiest types for them. 

Can Hamsters Eat Salted Peanuts?

No. Flavored peanuts contain a lot of additives and preservatives, which can be toxic to your hamsters. Don’t take any chances and keep those salted peanuts all to yourself.

How About Peanut Butter?

Yes, your hamsters can actually eat peanut butter once in a while. Peanut butter is a delicious and healthy treat for your hamsters. Just make sure to opt for the smoother kind instead of the crunchy peanut butter varieties, as the latter can be a choking hazard. 

Are There Any Other Precautions To Remember When Feeding Hamsters Peanuts?

Look out for signs of lethargy and diarrhea after feeding your hamsters peanuts. These symptoms are common for hamsters with a sensitive stomach. If symptoms don’t seem to get better, discontinue feeding your hamsters with peanuts and visit a vet right away. 

If you don’t see any changes in your hamsters’ behavior after feeding them peanuts, you can continue giving them the nut. Just make sure that you stick to the recommended quantities and frequency of feeding peanuts. 

Never DIY; Work With A Pro

Does the idea of feeding your hamster peanuts overwhelm you? Worried that you’re giving the wrong type or amount of peanuts to your pets? Instead of changing your hamsters’ diet on your own, work with a vet. They can guide you on how to properly incorporate peanuts into your hamsters’ diets so you don’t end up compromising your pets’ health or safety.  

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