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Can Dogs Eat Froot Loops?

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and we all deserve to have a good hearty breakfast meal. Having a crunchy bowl of cereal like Froot Loops seems like the perfect way to start the day.

But when your dog starts pawing at your legs for a bite, you ask yourself, “Can dogs eat Froot Loops?”

Froot Loops is a popular brand of cereal by Kellogg’s, made up of a mixture of bright, colorful loops with a fruity flavor. It was first introduced in 1963 and has been a popular choice of breakfast ever since.

While it seems like a good idea to share some Froot Loops with your furry friend, let’s check if your dogs can eat Froot Loops.

Can you give your dog Froot Loops?

Yes, but Froot Loops isn’t an ideal food choice for dogs. Froot Loops are perfectly safe for your dogs to consume, but it’s not really recommended to give them this cereal on a regular basis. 

There are some health risks associated with giving dogs Froot Loops, mainly because of the high sugar content of this particular cereal.

Here are some reasons why you should avoid feeding your dogs Froot Loops.

Froot Loops Are High in Sugar

A cup of Froot Loops contains about 13 grams of sugar. If you let your dogs eat Froot Loops regularly, it can increase their risk of getting diabetes. 

Sugars are carbohydrates, which means they are considered sources of energy. But too much sugar in your dog’s diet can also cause weight problems and obesity.

Dogs can also experience stomach upset due to overconsumption of sugars because sugars can disrupt the natural microbes in their gut. Sugars can also cause dental problems because they tend to produce an acidic environment in your dog’s mouth.


Xylitol is an alternative sweetener used in food, such as peanut butter and candies. Xylitol is highly toxic to dogs and must be avoided at all costs. 

This compound causes a rapid decrease in blood sugar or hypoglycemia. In the worst cases, it can also cause liver failure in dogs.

While xylitol is not present in Froot Loops specifically, there might be some cereals or food products that contain this toxic ingredient.  If you’re a dog owner who loves to share your food with your dogs, you must always check for the presence of xylitol before offering your food to your dogs.

Empty calories

You might have heard of the term “empty calories,” but what does it really mean? 

Empty calorie foods are those that contain little or no essential vitamins and minerals. These foods are usually those with high sugar and solid fats, which contribute to the calorie content.

Froot Loops can be considered an empty calorie food because it doesn’t really offer any essential nutrients except for calories and sugar for your dogs. While it can be fortified to add some vitamins like Vitamin C, the sugar content of Froot Loops itself can far outweigh the amount of these added vitamins.

Contains preservatives and other compounds

Since dogs have a more sensitive stomach than humans, they can react badly to preservatives and other compounds. These compounds may cause some strain to their stomach and can lead to digestive issues in the long run.

What happens if your dog ate Froot Loops?

If your dog ate a large amount of Froot Loops by accident, you don’t really have to worry too much. They’re probably going to be fine.

Froot Loops aren’t inherently toxic to dogs, so there’s no need to panic. However, you should still observe your dogs for any signs of stomach issues or any unwanted reactions. 

They might also have a tendency to become hyperactive because of the sudden sugar rush. Your dogs will eventually calm down, but you can always check with your vet for other possible actions you can do to help calm your dog down.

Can you give cereal treats to dogs?

You might be asking if other cereal treats are safe for dogs to eat. Well, most cereals are safe for dogs, as long as they don’t contain any of these ingredients that are considered toxic to dogs:

  • Chocolates
  • Cocoa powder and other cocoa-based ingredients
  • Xylitol
  • Raisins
  • Walnuts
  • Macadamia nuts

Plain cereals or those that don’t contain high sugar are your best options. Some popular cereals that you can give to your dogs instead of Froot Loops are Cheerios, Corn Flakes, Oat Bran, Special K, or even just simple oatmeal grains.

These are far better choices because they don’t contain high amounts of sugars and are fiber-rich, which can aid in their digestion.

Froot Loops shouldn’t be considered a full meal.

Even though your dogs can eat Fruit Loops, they shouldn’t be considered as a complete meal or a meal replacement. Instead, you can consider Fruit Loops as a quick treat from time to time.

Never feed your dogs Froot Loops every day because it can be harmful to them in the long run due to the high sugar content.

Give your dogs healthier options.

If you want to give your dogs sweet treats that can also be beneficial to them, you can always try healthier options like fruits. Fruits contain natural sugars that can satisfy your dog’s sweet tooth.

Here are some examples of fruits that you can let your furry friends enjoy:

  • Apples
  • Peaches
  • Bananas
  • Berries
  • Mangoes
  • Watermelon (but take out the seeds!)

Conclusion: Can dogs eat Froot Loops?

Yes, dogs can eat Froot Loops, but it doesn’t really offer any beneficial effects to their health. Froot Loops are made from refined grains which don’t offer any direct health benefits to your dogs.

Froot Loops is also high in sugar which can cause digestive issues and severe illnesses to your dogs like obesity, diabetes, or heart-related diseases.

If you want to add cereals to your dog’s diet, you can stick to grain-free cereals since these can offer more benefits to them. But as a general rule, always consult first with a veterinarian before offering any new food to your dogs.

We hope that this article answers all the questions you have about the topic.

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