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Can Dogs Eat Beef Jerky?

Is beef jerky good for dogs? Can they eat it as a snack, or is it something that they should stay away from? What are the benefits and risks of letting dogs consume beef jerky? These are all valid questions that dog owners may have regarding this popular meat snack. 

In this post, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of giving jerky to our furry friends and provide some helpful tips on safely feeding it to them. So, whether you’re curious about giving your pup a little taste of the wild or want to be better prepared if the opportunity ever arises, read on for all you need to know about beef jerky and dogs!

Is Beef Jerky Good for Dogs?

Let’s first look at why giving beef jerky to dogs may be beneficial. While there are many types of jerky out there, all of them contain protein – one of the most important building blocks of your dog’s diet. Since their bodies use protein for growth and development, they must consume enough throughout their lives. 

That said, most (if not all) dog owners know that our four-legged friends love meat! They’re drawn to it like flies on… well, you get the idea! Giving them this type of treatment can make you feel good about including more protein in their diets while appeasing their predatory nature. On top of that, beef jerky also contains a healthy dose of fat and sodium. 

While these components are important for your pup’s health, they must be within a specific range. Too much or too little of either one may have negative consequences for your dog, so it’s best not to let them consume large quantities on their own. Luckily, this is easy enough to manage since it takes just a few pieces to fulfill your canine companion’s daily nutritional requirements. In other words, you don’t need to break the bank, feeding them jerky every day! 

To sum it up, beef jerky is likely OK for dogs to eat. However, just like any other food, they must consume it responsibly and in moderation. 

Can Dogs Eat Raw Meat?

While many people enjoy feeding their pets raw meat, we don’t recommend giving your pup a large quantity of fresh red meat on its own. This is because they can become sick due to bacteria or parasites found in undercooked beef. 

It’s also important to note that while dogs need protein in their diets, this should come from animal-based sources such as chicken, turkey, lamb, and beef – not plant-based ones such as beans and corn. For these reasons, we suggest avoiding feeding them raw meat unless your dog is a top-notch hunter and you’re able to guarantee the quality of its kills.

Can dogs eat beef jerky as a snack, or should they stay away from it entirely? 

As we mentioned earlier, all types of jerky contain protein – one of the most important components in your dog’s diet. Along with that, beef jerky also contains fat and sodium. These two elements need to be monitored carefully since too much can have serious health consequences for your pup. 

Dogs who ingest too much sodium may develop electrolyte imbalances due to dehydration.In addition, those with heart conditions such as chronic heart failure may develop hypothyroidism if their fat intake is too high. 

What about toxic ingredients that are present in some brands of beef jerky?

Unfortunately, this can happen. While most brands are safe for your pup to consume, certain ones contain various additives which could cause them to become sick. To prevent this from happening, follow the advice below regarding what to look for when purchasing jerky treats for your dog. 

How Can You Tell If Beef Jerky Is Bad or Spoiled?

As mentioned above, all types of beef jerky have lots of protein and other important nutrients that our dogs need. However, not all brands are equally nutritious! Some contain sugar, sodium nitrite, and other preservatives, which can make your pet ill.

To prevent this from happening, get familiar with the following list of ingredients that are best to avoid:

  • Sugar – Used as a sweetener in many jerky brands, sugar is one of the worst ingredients you can feed your pup. Not only does it contain empty calories, but too much of it will also result in weight gain and promote tooth decay.
  • Sodium nitrite – This preservative has been linked to serious health conditions like cancer and heart problems. However, its effects on dogs aren’t yet known, so we don’t recommend feeding them beef products containing this additive. Sodium nitrite can also cause lethargy, irritability, and nosebleeds.
  • Other harmful ingredients – The best way to make sure you’re giving your pet quality beef jerky is to check the label for any harmful or toxic ingredients like sugar, sodium nitrite, and alcohol.

Tip: If you can’t find any of the items on this list, you can do some research online to find out if there are any other potentially dangerous chemicals that might be in your dog’s jerky. We also recommend visiting third-party review websites to read up on what actual consumers have experienced when giving their pets certain brands.

What if my Dog Consumes Spoiled Beef Jerky?

If your pup has eaten beef jerky that’s gone bad (or one of the dangerous ingredients listed above), you may notice some changes in its behavior. Some of these include:

  • A sudden change in energy levels 
  • Excessive licking – This could be part of the detox process so try keeping your dog calm and comfortable throughout this time. You can also give them milk or Pepto-Bismol if their mouths are itchy.
  • Lethargy and irritability – If you notice that your pet seems moodier than usual, take them to the vet for a checkup.
  • Nosebleeds – Although rare, dogs who consume too much salt may suffer from nosebleeds due to dehydration.

Remember: Take them to the vet if the issue isn’t resolved by giving them water.

What Are Some Types of Jerky Dogs Can Safely Eat?

Not all beef jerky is safe for dogs! The best way to tell whether or not a particular brand is OK for them to eat is by taking note of these characteristics:

  • All-natural doesn’t contain added sugar, artificial colors, or any other harmful additives.
  • Grass-fed and organic meat – These tend to be healthier than grain-fed ones, so we recommend opting for these whenever possible.
  • No preservatives or gluten – You don’t need to read the ingredient list if a brand doesn’t contain animal byproducts such as gluten, soy, corn, and wheat. In addition, preservatives should be avoided since dogs can get sick from ingesting too much sodium nitrite. 
  • Low-fat content – Your dog doesn’t need all of that fat in their diet, so it’s best to go with jerky brands that have less of it. We also suggest looking for low salt beef products since excessive amounts could lead to life-threatening health problems.
  • Price – This depends on how much your pet eats, but you should expect to pay at least $20 for a package of beef jerky if it’s high-quality. It would be cheaper to make it yourself, but this method may not yield the same results as store-bought brands. Regardless of what type you buy, always check the expiration date and avoid anything that has already gone bad.

Bonus Question: Can Dogs Eat Beef Jerky Teriyaki?

When deciding whether your pet should eat teriyaki jerky, think about what’s in it. While beef itself is usually OK for dogs, products like this one may contain added sugar, making them sick. 

It’s also possible that teriyaki sauce will contain other ingredients that are toxic to animals, such as garlic, onions, and xylitol. 

Garlic is also dangerous like onion since it can lead to red blood cell damage and anemia, while onion only causes gastrointestinal problems. 

Xylitol is especially harmful because it can cause a rapid drop in blood sugar levels, leading to seizures if your dog ingests too much of it. This sweetener has become increasingly popular lately, so all dog owners should know its potential dangers.

If you’re not sure whether or not to feed your pooch teriyaki beef jerky, read the list of ingredients first, then ask your vet for their opinion. You can also check online reviews to see what other pet owners have experienced when feeding this flavor to their pets.

Now You Know! – Conclusion

So, is it safe for dogs to eat beef jerky? The answer is yes, but here’s a thing.

While most beef jerky is probably safe for your dog to consume, you should stick to normal dog food because certain kinds of jerky may include ingredients that are harmful to dogs. Consult with your veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns.

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