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Can Dogs Eat Chicken Bones

There’s a lot of debate over whether or not it’s safe for dogs to eat chicken bones. Some people say that they’re fine, while others maintain that they can cause choking, intestinal blockages, and other health problems. So what’s the truth? Can dogs eat chicken bones or not? Let’s take a look at some of the science behind this topic and find out. 

Can Dogs Eat Chicken Bones?

The short answer to this commonly asked question is: absolutely not! Though it’s easy enough for dogs to eat chicken meat, they shouldn’t be allowed to eat chicken bones because they can cause major health problems. If your pooch swallows several small pieces of chicken bones, especially bits and pieces with sharp edges and points on them, then it’s a problem. There is a good chance that this could cause an intestinal blockage which can lead to vomiting, diarrhea (possibly with blood), stomach pains, and even death. This is one of the main reasons why chicken bones are especially dangerous for dogs to eat. 

Additionally, there’s no nutritional value in chicken bones. It’s similar to  feeding your dog cooked (but unseasoned) white rice or pasta noodles.

It would be like your pooch trying to survive on kibble alone. Sure, they might live if it meant starving themselves, but their life wouldn’t be very enjoyable and it could actually end up being extremely painful as well as short lived.

Why Can’t Dogs Eat Chicken Bones?

Whenever you feed your dog any kind of bone, whether it’s made from chicken or another type of meat, you should always monitor the situation to make sure that it doesn’t become a choking hazard

As mentioned above, chicken bones end up having sharp points on them after they’ve been cooked and this can pose a threat to your pet’s throat, stomach, and intestines. 

Because of this, you should never allow your dog to ingest any type of bone whatsoever whether it is made from meat or another animal (like beef). Even if the bones appear like they were boiled prior to cooking, there could still be sharp edges remaining along with bits of fat which can also become stuck in their throat.

What Other Problems Can Chicken Bones Cause?

People often believe that because chickens are small animals that their bones must be soft enough for dogs to eat. This is a common misconception and experts have pointed out that it’s actually very difficult to find a chicken bone which has been cooked but isn’t sharp enough to cut through the dog’s intestines. In some cases, raw chicken bones can even puncture your pet’s throat, causing them to choke on the pieces of meat remaining in their mouth or on the bone itself. At times though, dogs who swallow large pieces of raw chicken don’t choke on these objects at all since they go down quickly and relatively easily without any problems whatsoever. 

It only takes one time for your dog to get sick after eating small pieces of bone to keep them from trying this again in the future. In fact, many dog owners have discovered that their pooch had a bone stuck inside of their mouth the next day after they attempted to swallow some without choking on it. Not only do dogs end up with sharp pieces of food in their mouth but they can also break off pieces from large bones as well, even if those items are extremely hard and tough. So as you can see, no matter if your dog eats cooked or raw chicken bones there’s a good chance that they could become sick at some point afterwards. 

What Can I Feed My Dog Instead?

Chicken is a tasty treat for dogs but unfortunately there isn’t any nutritional value found in these types of bones which makes giving them a bad idea overall. Instead, you should choose treats that your dog can enjoy and which will provide them with the necessary nutrients that they need as well as be consumed in an enjoyable manner. 

One of the best types of treats to give dogs nowadays is dehydrated sweet potatoes which are baked to perfection and then dried out. These natural products contain high levels of vitamin A and beta-carotene and by feeding them these items it’s like giving your pooch a healthy dose of veggies along with their average meal time fare. This helps ensure that they get enough nutritional value from what you serve them without having to resort to consuming chicken bones or any other type of meat for that matter. 

What Type Of Fruits And Vegetables Are Good For Dogs To Eat?

As with just about everything else, you should avoid giving your pooch any type of fruit when they are in the process of eating their regular food. However, there are some types of fruits which make for great treats to give your dog which allows them to enjoy something sweet without it interfering with their daily schedule. Bananas would be one of the best types of fruit to feed them along with apples (without the seeds) and pears (without the core). 

What Can I Do If My Dog Swallows A Chicken Bone?

Since chicken bones can puncture through your pet’s throat, stomach, esophagus or intestines; you need to act in order to save them from any damage. Sometimes a dog will swallow a small piece of chicken bone and it’ll go through their digestive tract without causing any problems whatsoever. In fact, many people never even notice that their dog has swallowed a tiny bit of raw or cooked meat from what they were eating in the first place. So since this is the case, if you only give your pooch treats once in a while then there’s no need to worry about anything terrible happening to them. 

However, if you’re someone who feeds your dog store bought food with bones on a daily basis then it’s important that you keep an eye out for signs that one might be stuck inside of their mouth or throat at all times while they are digesting it. If you notice that your dog is having trouble swallowing their food or they are making strange noises while eating, then you should rush them to the vet immediately since this could be a sign of something stuck inside of their mouth. 

Things to Keep in Mind

While it’s not very common for dogs to swallow small pieces of meat such as chicken bones, there are some cases when they will actually try and attempt to do so. The only problem with this is that most dogs don’t chew up these items like we normally do.

Veterinarians deal with this issue all too often and each year thousands of dogs end up getting sick because they attempted to eat a chicken chop bone while they were out on their own. So if you ever see your dog trying to ingest something that’s way too big, then you should grab it and take it away from them immediately. However if the item which they attempted to eat is too large for them then you will need to rush them to the vet right away in order to remove it before any damage occurs. 


That’s all for this article and we hope that you found it helpful. Dogs can be insistent when they want to eat something and the best way to deal with this is by figuring out why they are doing so in the first place. If these actions persist then you should at least consider giving them some natural foods/treats such as dehydrated sweet potatoes, carrots and apples (without the seeds) on a daily basis. This will provide them with some much needed nutrients without disrupting their natural way of life.

However, you should always be careful when deciding what to give your dog. Make sure they don’t ingest anything that they shouldn’t eat and if your dog does happen to swallow something large then you will need to take them to the vet right away just in case it becomes lodged in their throat or stomach.

Even after you have had your dog checked out by a doctor, you should still monitor them closely since these types of injuries are very dangerous for dogs. Never assume that the issue has been taken care of and instead be prepared to rush them to the vet once again if they start vomiting, becoming lethargic or have any other health issues.

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