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Can Dogs Eat Jolly Ranchers?

Dogs love to get a fair share of the foods we eat, whether these be meat, grains, desserts, or even cereal.

You might have just woken up in the morning and are preparing your breakfast. You take out your good ‘ole Jolly Rancher candies as you’re cooking your meal, and then you eat one. And all of a sudden, your canine buddy approaches and stares at you as if he’s looking at your soul.

What are you going to do? Can you just snub them entirely? Or will you give in and give them the sumptuous Jolly Rancher they’re also craving for?

But can dogs eat Jolly Rancher?

Technically, yes. It isn’t toxic as long as they just eat a very small amount. However, this isn’t healthy for dogs because it has too much sugar, which can cause obesity, diabetes, and many other heart-related diseases.

We will dive deeper into the effects of Jolly Rancher on a dog’s health. We’ll also show you the ingredients of Jolly Rancher so you can see how dangerous this is if fed regularly to dogs.

What Is Jolly Rancher?

Jolly Rancher is an American candy brand that produces different kinds of candies like lollipops, jelly beans, gummies, and sour bites.

It was founded by Bill and Dorothy Harmsen back in 1949 and since then has created various candy products until it was purchased by The Hershey Company in 2004. They have different candy flavors like grapes, green apple, cherry, raspberry, and watermelon.

Jolly Rancher is made from a mixture of highly concentrated sugar solutions resulting in its sticky texture.

Its main ingredients also include sucrose, corn syrup, fructose syrup, and glucose. These are then boiled up to 160 degrees Celsius to create a mixture composed of 95% sugar, 2.5% water, and a mixture of synthetic additives that makes up the remaining 2.5%.

Are Jolly Ranchers Dangerous For Dogs?

Yes, Jolly Ranchers are dangerous to dogs’ health, especially if consumed regularly and in large amounts.

It has too much sugar and artificial additives that, when eaten regularly, can lead to excessive weight gain that can complicate more serious diseases like diabetes and hypertension. Jolly Rancher is also unhealthy for people, as it is for dogs.

What Happens When Your Dog Eats Too Much Jolly Rancher?

Your dog can suffer from indigestion problems like vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation because of the excessive sugar intake.

This can also lead to spiked sugar levels, complicating diabetes if your dog still eats Jolly Rancher regularly. Bring your dog to the nearest vet if they overeat or show any symptoms.

Does Jolly Rancher Have Xylitol?

Yes, Jolly Rancher candies contain xylitol, an artificial sweetener. This makes Jolly Rancher unhealthy for dogs because xylitol can mess up their digestive system.

Xylitol also contains too much Vitamin C, triggering excessive insulin production. This then creates unstable blood sugar levels and can lead to seizures. There are many other safe sweets, like peanut butter and bananas.

Why Is Xylitol Dangerous For Dogs?

Xylitol is dangerous for dogs because their digestive system confuses xylitol with sugar. This then releases too much insulin into their bloodstream, removing the real sugar from their bodies. This makes the dog weak and, in some cases, leads to seizures.

Xylitol overdose can also lead to liver failure, and, worse, death if untreated. There are also some cases when symptoms show up after eight hours or more. Bring your dog immediately to the nearest vet if you have seen them eat foods that have xylitol.

Do Jolly Ranchers Have Too Much Sugar?

Yes, Jolly Ranchers have too much sugar. One serving contains 3.8 grams of sugar, too much for dogs.

Although this might not have any sudden effects on your dog, frequently consuming this much sugar can lead to obesity, diabetes, and hypertension.

A single serving of Jolly Ranchers also contains 24 calories and 5.9 grams of carbohydrates. This will just make dogs fatter. To make things worse, these candies don’t have any protein, which dogs should supposedly get from all of their meals to promote healthy bones and muscles.

Why Dogs Shouldn’t Eat Jolly Ranchers

Too Much Sugar

Jolly Rancher is a candy containing too much sugar. The digestive system of dogs can’t handle sweet foods well because they’re more focused on consuming proteins and carbs. Having too much sugar in your dog’s body is unhealthy because it will make them fatter. This can lead to more serious diseases like obesity which can complicate further hypertension and diabetes.


Xylitol is an artificial sweetener present in Jolly Ranchers. It is harmful to dogs because their bodies will confuse xylitol with natural sugar. This forces their body to release insulin which dilutes their bloodstream with natural sugar. This weakens the dog and can lead to seizures.

Artificial Additives

Jolly Ranchers contain many artificial additives, food coloring, and flavoring. These are added to the syrup solution, which is previously mixed with malic acid. Jolly Ranchers also contains carnauba wax, gum acacia, and limonene.

Tooth Problems

Jolly Rancher candies are hard. This puts their teeth at high risk of breaking and chipping especially if they eat too much. Sucking on the candy for a long time also coats your dog’s teeth with sugar, which can build cavities.

So, Can Dogs Eat Jolly Ranchers?

Dogs can eat Jolly Ranchers as long as it’s in very small amounts. However, we don’t recommend this because it’s unhealthy. It contains too much sugar, has xylitol, and many other artificial ingredients like food coloring and flavorings.

Dogs eating very sweet foods can lead to obesity which can complicate diabetes, hypertension, and hip dysplasia. If you want to keep your dog safe and healthy, you should avoid giving them Jolly Ranchers.

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