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Can Dogs Eat Agave?

We love to munch and taste sweet things, right? It makes us feel good, relieves us from our stress, and gives us that sweet tooth feeling that seems to make everything right.

But what if your pooch approaches you and asks for some of that Agave syrup you’ve been pouring on your desert? Will you give in to their poor puppy eyes?

And can dogs even eat Agave?

Yes, but it isn’t healthy. Agave syrup contains a lot of fats and fructose, which isn’t safe for dogs, especially if consumed in large amounts.

This is also highly processed, so it already contains lots of artificial flavoring, coloring, and chemicals that can harm your dog’s health.

In this article, we will discuss what agave is, what its effects on dogs are, and if dogs can eat them.

What Is Agave?

Agave is a succulent plant that grows in areas with warm climates like Mexico and Central America.

These plants have nectar that comes from their roots and are used as the syrup we commonly see in Agave products found in grocery stores. Many health-conscious people turn to Agave syrup instead of sugar because it is believed to be a healthier option.

Unfortunately, this isn’t true because this is already a highly-refined version of the original nectar coming from the agave plant.

This has also undergone a thorough chemical process which means that its essential nutrients might not anymore be present. You get pure fructose from Agave syrup, which is unhealthy for people and dogs.

Is Agave Harmful To Dogs?

The Agave plant is toxic to dogs and humans, but Agave syrup is not.

However, Agave syrup is a highly-processed food ingredient containing lots of fructose, which can cause obesity, hypertension, and diabetes, especially if taken regularly.

Contrary to popular belief, Agave syrup has a lot of sugar. This also has too many calories for dogs, as a 100-gram serving has 310 calories

The few benefits you can get from agave syrup are just in minimal amounts. And it’s not worth risking your dog, especially since it has a very high concentration of fats and artificial flavorings.

Is It Safe To Give Agave Syrup To Dogs?

Yes, it is safe for dogs to eat Agave syrup as long as it is in moderation. Also, make sure that they eat just a very small amount occasionally, such as one teaspoon weekly.

Many might think that it’s totally fine for dogs to consume lots of Agave syrup because it’s not “sugar” and is made from a plant. Well, that is entirely false, because Agave syrup is another kind of sugar. It just happens that it is in another form and texture.

Can Dogs Eat Agave Flowers?

No, dogs shouldn’t eat Agave flowers because they contain toxic chemicals like monomethyl isocyanate.

This is present in the flowers and leaves of the Agave plant. Immediately remove the flower from your dog’s mouth if you see them eating it.

What Happens To Your Dog If They Eat Too Much Agave?

Your dog is most likely going to suffer from many kinds of digestive problems like diarrhea, vomiting, gastrointestinal distress, abdominal pain, and constipation. They can also have a fever and be lethargic especially if they consumed a lot of it.

There are also times when they lose appetite. Immediately bring your dog to the nearest veterinarian once you observe any of these symptoms so that it won’t further complicate to more serious conditions.

Why You Should Not Give Agave To Dogs

High fructose level

Agave nectar is made up of 75% to 90% fructose, which is unhealthy for dogs. This is too much for them and can result in a sudden spike in sugar levels which can lead to obesity, diabetes, and hypertension.

Adds extra fats

Fructose is different from other kinds of sugars because the liver metabolizes it. This means that your liver can overload if you consume too much fructose.

This can then produce high amounts of triglycerides which add extra fat. Aside from the risk of obesity, fructose overdose can also lead to heart problems.

Highly Processed

Agave syrup is already highly processed because companies have already used a variety of chemicals to process the nectar from the Agave plant.

This removes the few nutrients present in the nectar. It just becomes another highly processed sweetener at the end of the production process. And what’s worse is that you don’t get any benefits from it.

So, Can Dogs Eat Agave?

Dogs can eat Agave, but it’s not healthy for them because it contains too much fructose which can cause digestive problems and can lead to obesity, hypertension, and even cancer.

Agave is also a highly processed food, so the small remaining nutrients in the nectar are most likely removed throughout the entire process.

There are many better alternatives out there if you want to give your dog some sweetener. The best ones are raw honey, maple syrup, and brown rice syrup. Not only are these safe, but they are also healthy for dogs because they contain lots of essential vitamins and nutrients.

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