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Can Dogs Eat Butterscotch?

Dogs love to munch on almost anything, especially if it’s a delicious treat.

In this case, butterscotch.

They can easily go crazy over this and crave these sweets a lot. But we all know how this can turn out if we just let them overindulge on their favorite treats. Not only can this lead to serious health issues, but this can also shorten their lifespan and, worse, can lead to death.

So, can dogs eat butterscotch?

The quick answer to that is yes.

But it’s not healthy to regularly give them butterscotch as these are very sweet and have high sugar levels. You can, however, give this to them as a treat occasionally.

In this article, we will dive deeper into this issue and see if dogs can really eat butterscotch.

We will also discuss the components of butterscotch, its effects on your pooch, as well as answer the most common questions surrounding this topic.

What is butterscotch made from?

Butterscotch is made from butter, salt, brown sugar, cream, and vanilla extract.

All these ingredients aren’t really poisonous to dogs, except for vanilla extract.

This is because vanilla extracts are a highly-concentrated form of vanilla bean which contains traces of alcohol. And alcohol is dangerous for dogs or any other animal.

Some of the most common symptoms if your dog has ingested vanilla extract are diarrhea, vomiting, and disorientation.

In worse cases, dogs can even experience slowing heart rate and seizures. So, it’s best to keep them away from pure vanilla extracts.

Good thing is that all of the alcohol present in the vanilla extract can evaporate once cooked. So, you don’t have to worry about your pooch experiencing any of these symptoms if you give them butterscotch as these are cooked.

Why is butterscotch unhealthy for dogs?

Increases the risk of obesity

One of the biggest reasons why butterscotch is unhealthy for dogs is because it makes them prone to obesity.

According to Nutrition Value, a single piece of butterscotch candy contains 4.8 grams of pure sugar and 23 calories. Imagine if you give them 5 to 10 candies in one sitting and you do this twice a day. That’s around 100 to 144 grams of sugar daily!

Higher chances of dysplasia

Another reason why butterscotch is not healthy for dogs is because of the aftereffects of obesity, which often leads to elbow or hip dysplasia.

This is a very serious problem because it can limit their movement range and make it very hard for your fur buddy to move as they grow older.

Prone to diabetes

Your dog is prone to diabetes if they constantly eat sweet treats like butterscotch. This is one of the many effects of obesity, greatly decreasing their lifespan.

Indigestion problems

You might have noticed your dog becoming uneasy after eating a lot of butterscotch. They sometimes shake, make awkward movements, and sometimes even cry.

This is most likely because of indigestion problems caused by the high sugar concentration. Your dog can even suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy as a result of indigestion.

Tooth decay

Sugar residues can easily get stuck on your dog’s teeth when they eat butterscotch candies. These remain on their mouth for a long time which then increases the spread of cavity buildup, which then leads to tooth decay.

Can dogs get any nutritional benefits from eating butterscotch?

Your canines won’t get any nutritional benefit from butterscotch because these have zero nutrients.

All it has are high concentrations of sugar. So, it makes sense to just skip this treat if you want to ensure your pooch’s health.

What happens when your dog eats too much butterscotch?

Nothing will happen to your dog as soon as they’ve eaten some butterscotch candies. However, the aftereffects of eating too much sugar can be felt a few hours or sometimes even days after.

This also depends on how much butterscotch was consumed by your dog.

If they’ve eaten too much of it, most likely, they’re going to suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. They’ll also be fatter and become more prone to other related health conditions such as dysplasia and diabetes.

How to give butterscotch to your dog safely?

We all know how hard it is to deprive our cute furry friends, right? Well, we don’t want to do that to them by fully banning butterscotch from their diet.

One good way to do this is by just letting your dog lick the butterscotch candy for around 5 to 10 minutes.

This way, your dog enjoys the treats without getting the negative effects from eating or ingesting it fully.

FAQs about dogs eating butterscotch

Can dogs eat caramel?

Caramel isn’t toxic or poisonous for dogs. But you should not give them caramel. It’s just not a good idea to feed dogs with raw sugar treats. Not only can this cause dental issues, but this can also put them at risk of diabetes and obesity.

What are the sweet foods that dogs shouldn’t eat?

Some of the most common sweet foods that dogs should avoid are baked goods, candies, and gums. Also, avoid giving them sweetened treats containing xylitol, which can cause liver failure.

Can dogs eat a little bit of butter?

Yes, dogs can eat butter. But we don’t recommend it. Butter is also not poisonous for dogs, but it still doesn’t have any kind of nutrients that can benefit your pooch’s health. Add in the fact that butter has very high fat concentration.

So, can dogs eat butterscotch?

Yes, dogs can eat butterscotch. But it is not recommended. Not only does this lack any nutritional value, but this also puts your lovely pooches at risk of obesity, dysplasia, digestion problems, and worse, even liver failure.

If you really can’t stand depriving them of this sweet treat, then you can just let them lick a butterscotch candy for a maximum of 10 minutes every other day. This way, they’ll taste the delicious candy without getting the sugar and cholesterol from the butterscotch.

What to do if your dog chokes on butterscotch?

No matter how hard you try in keeping away your dogs from those good ‘ole butterscotches, there comes a time when they’ll accidentally munch on them and eventually get choked.

If this happens, the first thing to do is to open their mouth and check if the candy has been dislodged on their throat.

If it is, then slowly put your hands inside their mouth and remove the candy. If that’s too much for you because you’re scared to get bitten, you can try the Heimlich maneuver instead.

Here’s how to do this:

  1. Have your dog roll on their back then place your hands on their belly just below the rib cage.
  2. Then gently create a smooth and swirling motion as you push going upward. This forces the air inside their stomach to go upward and dislodge the candy stuck on their throat.
  3. For larger dogs, you can go onto their back and wrap your arms around their body.
  4. Place your fists on their belly and pull it upward. This will be enough to push the air from their stomach upward and dislodge the candy.


Dogs can eat butterscotch. But it’s not healthy for them. Butterscotch doesn’t have any nutrients that can benefit your dog in any way. What’s more is that this can cause serious health issues like diabetes, obesity, dysplasia, tooth decay, and worse, it can shorten their lifespan.

You surely don’t want your dear dogs to go through any of these, right?

If so, then just stay away from giving them butterscotch. Anyway, there are many other better treats out there that are healthier and more delicious.

Follow our advice, and you’ll surely have a happier, healthier, and lovelier dog in no time.

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