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Can Dogs Eat Altoids

We want to have fresh breath all the time, right? Well, there are many ways to do this. We can brush our teeth, rinse with mouthwash, or maybe just eat mint candy like Altoids.

We might think that it’s fine to also give our dogs some Altoids, thinking that this can also freshen their breath like how it freshens ours.

But can Altoids even freshen our dog’s breath? And can dogs eat Altoids in the first place?

No, Altoids can’t freshen a dog’s breath because these mints are made for humans. It will just make their mouths sore and oversensitive.

Dogs shouldn’t also eat Altoids because these have ingredients that are harmful to them.

This article aims to answer all these questions and dive deeper into the effects Altoids have on your dog’s health. We’ll also talk about potential alternatives and how to prevent dogs from eating them.

What Are Altoids?

Altoids are a kind of breath mint created by the Wrigley company back in the 1930s. This candy remains one of the most popular breath mints around the globe.

Why Should Dogs Avoid Altoids?

Many people think that Altoids can freshen up their dog’s breath because of their strong smell and effectiveness in freshening up human breath. However, it doesn’t work that way with dogs.

In fact, Altoids can’t treat your dog’s smelly breath. It can even just do more harm than good to them!

Dogs have a different digestive system than humans because they’re not designed to digest spicy meals or foods with strong flavors. Altoids also have a lot of sugar which is dangerous to their health. This is why you should be very careful about what you feed your dog.

Don’t give them Altoids if you want to freshen your dog’s breath. Give them an oral inspection instead and check if any damaged teeth or cavities are around that may be causing their bad breath.

There might also be stuck food particles on their teeth or around their gums. Or you can just remove stuck food particles yourself if there are any.

Are Altoids Harmful To Dogs?

Yes, Altoids are dangerous to dogs because they contain harmful ingredients including sugar, alcohol, xylitol, and artificial food coloring and flavorings.

There are even some Altoids variants that have corn syrup ingredients which are also toxic to dogs and can cause diarrhea and stomach pains.

What’s more, is that dogs can’t taste Altoids’ artificial flavor. It’s just not a good idea to risk your dog’s health just for the sake of wanting to freshen up their breath.

What Are The Ingredients Of Altoids?


Altoids have a high sugar content, which is very dangerous for dogs. Consuming sugar regularly can cause excessive weight gain in dogs and lead to obesity. This can lead to more serious health conditions like hypertension, diabetes, and dysplasia.

Sugar is also harmful to your dog’s dental health because this can cause cavities and tooth decay.

Peppermint Oil

Dogs need some fats and oil in their body to maintain metabolism. However, there are some oils that are toxic to them.

One of these is peppermint oil which can lead to an upset stomach. In worse cases, regular consumption and peppermint oil exposure can damage a dog’s nervous system.

Corn Syrup

Corn syrup is another toxic ingredient found in Altoids. These are artificial sweeteners more addictive and dangerous for dogs. Corn syrup can abnormally increase your dog’s blood sugar, leading to diabetes and obesity. 


Through the years, people have discovered the many health risks associated with sugar consumption.

This is why companies started to find new substitutes for sugar. One of which is xylitol. Although xylitol isn’t dangerous to humans, these are very hazardous to dogs because this can lead to hypoglycemia.

Can Altoids Freshen A Dog’s Breath?

No, Altoids cannot freshen your dog’s breath.

These mints are made for humans, so they won’t work well if given to other living creatures such as our furry canine friends. It will just cause a truckload of health issues for your poor pooch. Instead of giving them Altoids, it’s best to brush their teeth regularly if you want them to have fresh breath 24/7.

What To Do If Your Dog Ate Altoids?

The first thing to do if you see your dog eating Altoids is to remove them from their mouth using your bare hands.

But if it’s too late and they have already gobbled it all up, the next best thing to do is call the nearest veterinarian.

Dogs can’t digest the many artificial ingredients found in mints, so it’s hazardous for them to eat Altoids.  

So, Can Dogs Eat Altoids?

No, dogs cannot eat Altoids. These mints might freshen your breath, but they can’t freshen up your dog’s mouth.

Altoids also have ingredients like sugar, xylitol, corn syrup, peppermint oil, and other artificial flavorings that are very harmful to dogs.

This can cause diarrhea, vomiting, upset stomach, or worse, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. Instead of giving them mints, you should instead brush their teeth regularly and check their mouth for any stuck food particles that might cause bad breath.

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