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Can Dogs Eat Smoked Turkey?

A lot of people like to share their food with pets, especially their dogs. Since they are also considered a member of the family, they should also be treated and given the same foods we are fed. 

But this can be dangerous for them because not all foods that humans eat are suitable for dogs.

Smoked turkey can be a staple during important occasions, and surely if you’re reading this right now you’ve asked the question, “Can dogs eat smoked turkey?” Like any other human food, it is essential to know whether or not dogs can eat them. 

Below, we will go into detail about smoked turkey and how it can affect your dogs.

Can dogs eat smoked turkey?

Yes, a small amount won’t harm your dogs. When giving them smoked turkey, make sure to skip the skin. The skin contains most of the spices and seasonings used in cooking the meat. Also, remove any bones to prevent wounds and intestinal blockage.

Dogs can handle smoked turkey in moderation, as turkey meat isn’t toxic for dogs. However, the safest bet is to avoid feeding them smoked turkey meat altogether. Depending on how it was prepared and cooked, smoked turkey may contain a lot of salt and other seasonings that can harm your dogs in the long run.

What makes smoked turkey harmful for dogs?

Spices and seasonings

Smoked turkey may contain spices and seasonings such as onion powder and garlic powder which you may be unaware of. Garlic and onion are two ingredients that are considered toxic to dogs because of their organosulfur compounds.

Smoked turkey may also contain some preservatives and other food additives which can affect your pup’s stomach. They may experience vomiting, diarrhea or loss of appetite and may cause you a trip to the vet.


Smoked turkey often goes into a brining process, which uses lots of salt for flavor and preservation. Smoked turkey and other processed deli meats like ham, bacon, sausages, or bratwurst, contain high amounts of salt, among other ingredients. 

When your dogs consume a large amount of salt, they can quickly become dehydrated. In worse cases, they can be at risk of sodium ion poisoning or salt poisoning. Salt poisoning in dogs can result in these symptoms:

  • Decreased appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Loss of coordination
  • Seizures and tremors
  • Frequent urination
  • Coma

When not treated immediately, salt poisoning can result in death. If your dogs accidentally eat smoked turkey or any food with high salt content, make sure to monitor them. Once they show any of these signs, make sure to bring them to the vet clinic for immediate care.

Too much sodium in their diet can also increase their risk of developing obesity. Obesity in dogs is linked to other health problems such as hypertension, heart diseases, and joint problems.

Does turkey meat have any health benefits for dogs?


Turkey meat is an excellent source of proteins. Proteins are made up of amino acids, which offer different functions in the body. Proteins are mainly associated with muscle building, growth, and maintenance.

Apart from that, proteins also provide support for the immune system, as well as maintenance and repair of cells and tissues in the body.

Vitamin B

Turkey meat contains vitamin B compound, particularly vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), and vitamin B12 (cobalamin).

Niacin and Cobalamin are particularly helpful in enzyme production. Enzymes help facilitate different biochemical functions in the body, including digestion and breathing. 

Meanwhile, Vitamin B6 promotes glucose generation for your dogs. Additionally, vitamin B6 is also helpful for red blood cell and nervous system functions, as well as hormone regulation.

Other related questions

Can dogs eat turkey meat?

Yes, your dogs can safely eat turkey, provided that they do not contain any ingredients that are considered harmful to them. When giving turkey meat to your dogs, make sure the meat is cooked properly. Raw or undercooked turkey meat may contain Salmonella, which may cause food poisoning for your furry friends.

As much as possible, skip any spices or seasonings and stick to plainly-cooked turkey meat. This way, you can prevent any intestinal issues or other severe side effects that may arise.

Can dogs eat smoked turkey neck?

Like smoked turkey meat, smoked turkey necks may also contain ingredients like salt, spices, and seasonings that can negatively affect your dog’s health. So it might be best to skip it and switch to better and healthier options.

Smoked turkey necks also contain small, brittle bones that can cause lacerations, choking, or intestinal blockage because of their size.

Can dogs eat turkey ham?

Turkey ham isn’t toxic for your canine friends, but it isn’t the best food option too. Turkey ham may contain high amounts of salt and sugar, which can cause an array of health issues for them, particularly dehydration, salt poisoning, and weight problems or obesity.

Can dogs eat smoked meat or deli meat?

As a general rule, you do not want to feed your dog any smoked meat. While smoked meat is safe for human consumption, it can be harmful to dogs.

Most smoked meat or deli meat cuts also undergo the process of curing. Curing uses a lot of salt to draw out moisture from the meat. And as we have previously mentioned, overconsumption of salt may lead to salt poisoning in dogs, so it is not recommended for dogs to eat smoked meat or deli meat of any kind.

Some processed meat products are also high in fat and cholesterol, which increases the risk of heart diseases in dogs. Consumption of fatty foods can also lead to pancreatitis in dogs. If a dog ingests too much fat, its digestive system could become inflamed, which can also lead to vomiting and diarrhea.

Conclusion- can dogs eat smoked turkey?

Dogs can eat smoked turkey in small amounts. Just remember that it’s a treat, not a regular part of their diet. When giving them smoked turkey, remove the skin and bones. The bones can splinter and cause internal damage, while the skin is high in fat which can lead to different health issues.

It is better to avoid feeding them smoked turkey entirely. Smoked turkey may contain ingredients like garlic powder or onion powder, which are toxic to dogs. It may also contain high amounts of salt, which in worse cases, may lead to salt poisoning in dogs.

As a general reminder, before serving any human food, consult your vet to make sure it’s safe for your dog.

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