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Can Dogs Eat Cabbage?

A superfood loaded with vitamins and nutrients, cabbage is a leafy Brassica vegetable that comes highly endorsed by doctors and nutritionists as an essential part of a healthy diet. It’s also cheap, versatile, and easy to prepare for salads or side dishes – you can’t lose when it comes to this veggie! 

So if you want to start your health journey with your dog by your side, you may wonder if he can have the same healthy food you have on your plate. Well, the good news is you can give him cabbage! Cabbage is not only safe for dogs to consume, but it also offers plenty of health benefits for them. While you can feed your pup raw cabbage, it’s best to serve it to him cooked. 

Want to know what nutrients cabbage contains that could be beneficial to your pooch? We’ve got more information about this ultra-healthy veggie, as well as some drawbacks that you need to consider when you’re feeding it to him. We’ll also give you advice on how to serve him cabbage the right way, so keep reading! 

Benefits of Feeding Your Dog Raw Cabbage

Dogs can live a full, healthy life without eating vegetables. This is because high-quality dog food will already include plant sources for essential vitamins and nutrients. 

However, this shouldn’t keep you from giving your pup veggies as healthy treats! Leafy vegetables like raw cabbage, in particular, offer plenty of additional nutrients for your pup. 

Here’s a list of the health benefits of cabbage for dogs: 

Vitamins & Minerals

Cabbage is packed with essential vitamins and minerals that can boost your dog’s health, including:

  • Vitamin C: Acts as an antioxidant that reduces inflammation and improves joint health. Can also slow down cognitive aging or reduce the risk of dog dementia.
  • Vitamin K: Regulates dogs’ blood clotting function and prevents issues with bleeding.
  • Vitamin B6: Facilitates healthy growth, nutrient absorption, red blood cell production, and glucose production. Also essential for nervous system and immune system function.

  • Beta-carotene: Supports good vision and improves immune response.
  • Potassium: Prevents dehydration and facilitates movement. Vital to proper nerve, muscle, and heart function.
  • Manganese: Essential for enzyme activation, energy production, absorption of proteins and carbohydrates, and ligament development. 


Humans benefit a lot from antioxidants from natural sources, and so do dogs. Cabbage contains plenty of antioxidants, specifically phytonutrients. These antioxidants help slow down and combat the negative effects of aging on canine bodies, promote eye and heart health, and even reduce the risk of cancer.

Dogs with chronic diseases or lower immunity levels can also benefit from eating phytonutrient-rich foods like cabbage. This is because phytonutrients aid in improving immune system function to help it fight against illnesses and reverse symptoms of certain health conditions. 

High Fiber Content

Raw cabbage is also an excellent source of fiber, which is highly beneficial for your dog’s digestive health. It can help regulate their bowel movements and contribute to firm stools. Plus, fiber can also give your pup a boost of energy and help him feel full longer! 

Low Caloric Content

Compared to other human foods, cabbage is one of the most low-calorie treats you can give your dog! A cup of raw cabbage has around 22 calories, while a cup of cooked cabbage has around 35 calories.

This leafy veggie is especially ideal for overweight or obese dogs. Since you can’t give them a lot of treats that will worsen their weight problem, cabbage can make an excellent alternative that allows you to spoil them a little without risking their health. 

Risks of Feeding Your Dog Cabbage

As with all human foods, cabbage does pose a few risks to your dog’s health. Here are a few of the hazards associated with giving your dog cabbage:


Eating large amounts of cabbage can cause flatulence in dogs. This is due to its raffinose content, which is a form of sugar that is difficult to digest for both canines and humans. While gas isn’t all too concerning (sans the oftentimes truly noxious smells it results in), it can be painful and uncomfortable for your dog. 

Make sure to give your dog only a few pieces of cabbage when you introduce it to him for the first time. You can monitor the effect it has on him and see if it causes any gas. 

If you give your dog cabbage frequently, avoid giving him more than a cup of it to be on the safe side. 


Raw cabbage contains thiocyanate, a natural compound that has been proven to block the thyroid gland and reduce iodine uptake, inhibiting the body from producing the necessary hormones to keep its normal function. 

This means eating large amounts of cabbage over a couple of days could lead to the development of hypothyroidism. This illness in dogs causes the metabolism and other bodily functions to slow down and can manifest in different symptoms, such as:

  • Hair loss or thinning fur
  • Weight gain or obesity
  • Lethargy
  • Mental dullness
  • Skin problems

Don’t worry, though. It will take a lot of raw cabbage eaten over many days for your dog to develop this condition from cabbage consumption. However, to be safe, it’s best to feed your dog limited quantities of raw cabbage. Better yet, feed it to him cooked. 

How To Safely Feed Your Dog Cabbage

All types of cabbage are safe for dogs, including red and white cabbage. But while cabbage offers plenty of health benefits for dogs, there are a few hazards you need to consider before feeding it to your pup. 

Luckily, you can eliminate most of these risks by taking the steps below to prepare cabbage correctly! 

Give raw cabbage in moderation

Giving your dog raw cabbage once in a while can be healthy for him, but make sure to only give him a small amount of it. A half-cup of shredded raw cabbage is enough for him to get essential nutrients from the vegetable without risking his health. 

Cook the cabbage

While raw cabbage is lower in calories and may have more nutrients compared to cooked cabbage, it’s still best to boil or steam the cabbage first before giving it to your dog. Cooked cabbage is easier for him to digest, reducing the risk of gas or stomach problems. 

Plus, if you plan on giving him cabbage more than a few times throughout the week, cooking it will completely eliminate the (albeit already quite low) risk of him developing hypothyroidism. 

Serve without spices or seasonings

It’s true that cabbage tends to be a little bland and watery, so you may want to spice it up for your dog. However, there are many spices and seasonings that are dangerous and even downright toxic to dogs

If you want to make cabbage more palatable and flavorful for your pup, mix it in with his dog food or cook it in chicken broth instead. 

Don’t overdo it 

Too much cabbage, whether raw or cooked, can lead to an upset stomach. It can give your dog gas and diarrhea, which can compromise his appetite and cause discomfort. It’s best to give your pooch only a small cup of cabbage. 

Make sure as well not to feed it to him daily. Instead, you can give it to him as a treat or include it in a few of his meals. 

Other Leafy Vegetables For Dogs

Leafy greens are an incredibly healthy food option for your dog! They make the perfect treats or food boosters to give your dog when you want to add a little variety to his diet. This way, he can have more human food without compromising his health or safety. 

Here are a few other leafy vegetables besides cabbage that are safe and healthy for dogs:

  • Spinach: Loaded with plenty of essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium that supports bone health. Helps boost the immune system as well.
  • Kale: Contains high amounts of vitamins A, C, and K. Also contains magnesium and potassium. Boosts eye, skin, and heart health.
  • Broccoli: Excellent source of fiber and vitamin C. Great for weight management when given occasionally. 
  • Collard greens: Contains plenty of antioxidants, nutrients, and vitamins. Must be served cooked since the raw vegetable can lead to an upset stomach. 

In Closing

Giving your dog raw cabbage is a great treat that introduces him to the joy of eating crunchy and healthy leafy vegetables. It comes packed with essential nutrients that can boost his health when given the right way. 

Keep in mind, though, that you can only feed him raw cabbage once in a while. It’s still best to serve it plain and cooked to avoid upsetting his tummy. Make sure as well to consult with your veterinarian before giving your dog cabbage if he’s suffering from any health conditions, particularly gastrointestinal issues. 

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