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Can Dogs Eat Mango?

As dog owners, we all want what’s best for our dogs, and that includes healthy and balanced nutrition. Most often than not, we try to let them eat veggies or even fruits like dragon fruits or strawberries. But of course, not all But what about mangoes?

You might be wondering, “can dogs eat mango?” Well, the answer is yes! Mangoes are sweet and nutritious tropical fruits that are perfect to enjoy during summer or any season. Not only is mango safe for dogs to eat, but it can also even be healthy for them.

Nutritional Benefits of Mangoes

Mangoes are often called the king of fruits and for a good reason. They are delicious and very healthy, as they contain different nutrients that can boost your dog’s health.

Vitamin C

Just like mangoes are high in vitamin C and other nutrients for humans, they work the same way for your dog. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that prevents cell aging and degeneration. It also helps boost your dog’s immune system to fight various diseases, even cancer. It is also helpful in maintaining bone health, as it plays a role in collagen production to reduce the risk of joint diseases.

Dietary Fiber

Mangoes contain dietary fiber and amylase compounds that help your dogs digest their food efficiently, preventing constipation. Fiber helps maintain a healthy digestive tract and promotes a healthy digestion.

Foods high in fiber, like mangoes, can also help regulate weight as they can give your dogs a sense of fullness for a longer time. So if your dogs are having some weight problems, you can easily include mangoes to their diet to help keep their hunger at bay.

Vitamin A

Another powerful antioxidant, Vitamin A can also prevent cell aging, degeneration, and reduce the risk of cancer. Vitamin A is also an essential vitamin for dogs as it supports their eye health, preventing vision loss due to macular degeneration. 

This vitamin is also essential for maintaining proper growth and development in dogs, especially during their infant or early stages. It also reduces the risk of having neurological disorders, muscular weakness, and poor skin and hair.


Beta-carotene is the compound responsible for the bright yellow color of mangoes. As a precursor, this compound is converted into vitamin A in the body. Beta-carotenes are also antioxidants that serve as a fighter against free-radicals in the body to prevent chronic illnesses such as heart disease or cancer.

Vitamin B6

Also known as pyridoxine, vitamin B6 helps your dogs to metabolize amino acids in their body. It is also linked to red blood cell production and maintaining levels of homocysteine, preventing the risk of heart disease. Another function of vitamin B6 is to aid with brain and cognitive functions.

Dogs deficient in vitamin B6 can experience anemia, convulsions, seizures, or even kidney stones. Although this vitamin is commonly found in other types of food, like meat, spinach, or carrots, it’s easy to include them in your dog’s meal.

Magnesium and Potassium

Magnesium and potassium are minerals that are linked to support heart health. These minerals are important to prevent cardiovascular diseases by lowering blood pressure.

Magnesium is also important in the overall metabolism of dogs, as it also promotes healthy muscle and nerve function, and supports a healthy immune system. 

Meanwhile, potassium is an essential electrolyte that is necessary for different body functions. Primarily, it works with sodium to maintain hydration and homeostasis in the body. By transporting water in and out of the body, they help regulate your dog’s blood pH.

Risks of Eating Mangoes for Dogs

Mangoes are perfectly safe for dogs in small amounts, but they contain a lot of sugar. As such, they should be given as an occasional treat and not as a regular part of your dog’s diet.

Despite having a soft flesh, mangoes also have a large seed or pit, which can be a choking hazard. Make sure to remove the seed first before giving them mangoes. It’s also better to slice the mangoes into smaller pieces just to be sure.

Also, avoid giving them mango skin. Mango skin contains a substance called urushiol, which is commonly found in poison ivy. Urushiol can cause contact dermatitis in some people and dogs. If your dog has a strong reaction to urushiol or develops symptoms of indigestion after eating mango, contact your veterinarian immediately for immediate care.

As with any new food item you give your dog, monitor them closely after they eat their first mango to make sure they don’t suffer from an allergic reaction or digestive issues like vomiting or diarrhea. If they experience any negative side effects from eating mangoes, stop feeding them immediately and talk to your veterinarian about finding a healthy alternative treat for your pup.

How To Prepare Mango for Dogs

There are several ways you can prepare mangoes and feed them to your pooch. They can be peeled and sliced to smaller pieces and eaten as is. Mangoes can also be puréed and mixed into their food.

As a tropical fruit, mangoes are best enjoyed during hot summer days. You can freeze small mango slices or small amounts of purees and give them as frozen treats for your dogs to enjoy!

Here is a quick and easy Mango Dog Treat recipe we found that you can try at home, made with only three ingredients.

Mango Dog Treats


  • 2 cups fresh puréed mango
  • 1 cup milk or coconut water
  • 1 tablespoon honey


  1. Peel the mangoes and remove the seed. Dice and purée the mangoes using a blender.
  2. Add milk or coconut water and honey to the purée.
  3. Pour the mixture into molds or ice cube trays.
  4. Freeze overnight.
  5. Remove from trays or molds and enjoy with your dogs.

Can dogs eat unripe or green mango?

Like ripe mangoes, dogs can also eat green mangoes. However, green mangoes tend to be harder which can be challenging for your pups to chew. It can also be a choking hazard because of its hardness. Unripe mangoes are also more sour, so your dogs might not enjoy them as much as ripe mangoes.

Can dogs eat dried mango?

Dogs can also enjoy dried mango as an occasional treat. However, dried mangoes are sweeter and have a higher concentration of natural sugars. It may contain additional sugars depending on how it is prepared. Some commercially-available dried mangoes are coated or dusted with sugar and other flavorings, so it may be safer to stick to fresh ripe mangoes instead.

Conclusion: can dogs eat mango?

Mango is a fruit that is not only safe for dogs to eat but also healthy. If your dog enjoys eating this tropical fruit, make sure to serve it in moderation.

Mangoes are an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium. They also have a good amount of fiber, which helps with digestion, making them a great treat for your dog.

However, do not give them too much mango as it may cause some stomach issues, like diarrhea or stomach ache. As always, check with your veterinarian before introducing new food to your dogs.

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