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Can Dogs Eat Pirate’s Booty?

Pirate’s Booty is a puffed rice and corn snack first introduced to the public in 1987. This snack tastes very similar to cheese puffs or corn curls and comes in a white cheddar flavor. Thanks to its flavorings and seasonings, many adults and kids find Pirate’s Booty addictive. 

Unfortunately, Pirate’s Booty isn’t dog-friendly, meaning you can’t give any to your fur babies. This snack is filling for humans but harmful to dogs because it uses the following ingredients:

High Sodium Content

Dogs can experience severe vomiting and diarrhea when given Pirate’s Booty as the snack contains high amounts of sodium, 95 grams to be exact. Over time, a high-sodium diet can cause kidney damage and kidney failure in dogs. According to the Marietta Vet Clinic, about 60% of canines with kidney failure die or are put to sleep because of the condition.


Do you know that cheese is one of the most common allergens among canines? Pirate’s Booty contains cheese that can trigger symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhea, and gas when given to dogs. Your dogs might also develop itchy skin and rashes from eating foods with cheese.

Low Nutritional Value

Feeding your dogs with Pirate’s Booty will not improve their diets or overall health because it has low nutritional value. Pirate’s Booty is low in potassium and fiber but contains 3 grams of fat and 70 calories per serving. As you can see, the content of Pirate’s Booty does more harm than good to your dogs’ bodies. 

What Should You Do When Your Dogs Eat Pirate’s Booty?

Since dogs are naturally curious, they can eat some Pirate’s Booty in your home without you noticing it. Depending on how much Pirate’s Booty your dogs ate and their age, they will likely develop diarrhea, vomiting, and disorientation. When this happens, stay calm and reach out to your vet immediately. 

Make sure to provide your dogs with clean water to prevent dehydration from vomiting and help them remove the ingredients of Pirate’s Booty from their bodies. 

Can Puppies Eat Pirate’s Booty?

No, you should never feed your puppies with Pirate’s Booty. Their bodies are still developing and are at a higher risk of developing symptoms when fed with Pirate’s Booty. It’s best if your pups stick to their vet-approved diets.

How Can You Prevent Dogs From Begging Pirate’s Booty?

The aroma of Pirate’s Booty can attract your dogs, causing them to paw at you whenever you’re eating the snack. And because you probably want to spoil your pets, you’ll likely give in whenever they ask for Pirate’s Booty. To prevent your dogs from begging for Pirate’s Booty, consider these hacks:

Eat in Another Room

Open your Pirate’s Booty in another room, one that’s inaccessible to your fur babies. Your dogs won’t have any reason to beg you for food if they don’t see (and smell) what you’re eating. 

Train Them

Train your dogs to follow your commands. For example, you can teach them to “stay” whenever you open a pack of Pirate’s Booty, so they won’t beg you for the snack. Training your dogs will require time and effort, but the results will be worth it. 

Keep Them Distracted

Give your dogs toys or let them play in your yard before you eat Pirate’s Booty. You can also fill their Kong with their favorite snacks as this will surely keep them busy for long periods. And when your dogs are too occupied, you can finally enjoy some Pirate’s Booty in peace. 

Are There Any Dog-Friendly Snacks?

Yes, there are! In fact, there are plenty of human foods that you can share with your fur babies and give to them as occasional snacks and treats. Instead of giving them any Pirate’s Booty, let your fur babies snack on the following:

Plain Popcorn

Unseasoned popcorn is safe for dogs, as long as they’re popped using methods without any oils. Plain popcorn also contains different nutrients essential for canine nutrition, such as fiber, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, and trace amounts of minerals. 

Green Peas

Green peas are packed with different vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Giving green peas to your dogs as snacks can help boost their energy levels and maintain a healthy weight. Green peas are also gentle on your dogs’ digestive systems, so you don’t have to worry about them experiencing digestive issues after eating the vegetable. 


Due to their low-calorie content, blueberries are excellent snacks for dogs who are struggling to maintain a healthy weight or are prone to obesity. Blueberries also contain fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins C and K. Feeding this fruit to your dogs can keep their immune systems strong and improve their overall health. 

Choose Healthier Options

Never introduce Pirate’s Booty to your dogs to avoid them from begging when you’re eating the snack at home. Resisting your dogs’ cute eyes and pawing gestures as they ask for Pirate’s Booty might be challenging, but if it’s for their health, you should learn how to say “no” to them. 

If you want your dogs to snack as you indulge in Pirate’s Booty, look for healthier, more dog-friendly alternatives. Doing so ensures a fun bonding activity between the two of you, and you won’t have to worry about their health and safety in the long run! 

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