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Can Dogs Eat Smarties?

Smarties are bright-colored, sugar-coated chocolates. They have been sold in the market since 1937 and have become a staple in many homes because they’re delicious, easy to store, and available almost everywhere. Smarties are also a crowd favorite among kids during Halloween. 

But since your dogs’ bodies are built differently, you must be cautious before sharing your Smarties. Smarties might be safe and filling when consumed by humans, but these aren’t reasons enough for you to share the chocolate snack with your dogs. 

Your dogs should never have Smarties as they’re not dog-friendly. Smarties are made using the ingredients listed below, and all are unhealthy for your fur babies. 


Smarties contain sugar, which can pose serious health risks when fed to dogs. Giving your dogs sugar-rich diets will increase their risk of gaining excess weight and developing obesity. Dogs with weight problems are highly susceptible to different health conditions, such as diabetes and arthritis. 


Chocolate is toxic to dogs because it contains theobromine, a compound that dogs can’t digest and metabolize effectively. The most common signs of chocolate poisoning in dogs are diarrhea, vomiting, restlessness, racing heart rate, and excessive thirst and urination. In extreme cases, chocolate poisoning can trigger seizures, muscle tremors, and heart failure.


Smarties contain an artificial sweetener called xylitol. Although Smarties use xylitol in small quantities, the ingredient can still take a toll on your dogs’ health. Short-term, xylitol can cause stomach indigestion, vomiting, and diarrhea in dogs. Over time, xylitol can trigger hyperactivity, tremors, seizures, and sudden death. 

What Happens When Your Dogs Eat Smarties?

Dogs are naturally curious and would love to taste snacks that they see you eating. Dogs who consume Smarties will likely experience the following:

  • Diarrhea
  • Excessive urination and thirst
  • Panting
  • Restlessness
  • Vomiting

How soon dogs develop these symptoms varies. While some manifest these symptoms minutes after eating Smarties, others take days or even weeks. The intensity of these symptoms also varies depending on the age of your dogs. For example, puppies are more sensitive than adults, which is why they’ll likely experience more severe (and often longer) symptoms. 

What Should You Do When Your Dogs Eat Smarties?

Regardless if they’re showing symptoms or not, call your vet immediately if you suspect that your dogs ate Smarties. Inform the vet about what happened and provide as many details as you can. The more informed the vet is, the easier it’ll be for them to determine the best course of action to treat your fur babies. 

What Other Halloween Candies Are Unsafe for Dogs?

Your dogs can still have fun during Halloween, as long as you ensure that these candies aren’t within their reach:

  • Any bubble gum containing xylitol
  • Dark chocolate (especially for small breeds and puppies)
  • Raisinets
  • Candies that contain raisins
  • Sugar-free candies that use xylitol for sweetness 

Are There Any Dog-Friendly Alternatives?

Yes, there are! There are actually plenty of dog-friendly snacks you can make for your fur babies. These snacks are excellent options for Halloween or every day throughout the year!

DIY Frozen  Pet Treats

To make DIY frozen pet treats, blend a can of tuna (the tuna water included), add about half a cup of water to the mix, and pour the mixture into ice cube trays. Let the mixture cool for a couple of hours or overnight, and pop them out during your dogs’ snack time. 

Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits

Combine peanut butter, honey, oats, flour, oil, water, and an egg until it forms a dough. Put the dough in a cookie-cutter (a bone-shaped cookie-cutter will make the treat cuter) and bake for 30 minutes. For the tip, melt almond bark and oil and dip one side of the biscuit into the mixture. Decorate with chopped peanuts and let cool completely before serving to your dogs.

No Bake Coconut Dog Treats

This recipe is perfect if you don’t have an oven at home. Simply mix coconut oil, rolled oats, and peanut butter using a blender or food processor, and form the dough into small balls. Coat each ball with finely shredded coconut, refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, and you’re good to go!

Choose Dog-Friendly Snacks

Due to the ingredients present in Smarties, it’s best not to give any to your dogs. Saying “no” to your dogs as they beg for these chocolates might be heartbreaking, but it’ll be worth it.

If you’re looking for healthier alternatives to Smarties, take note of the suggestions mentioned in this article or ask your vet for help. There are plenty of dog-friendly crunchy, sweet snacks that you can give to your pets, so you can spoil them without frequently worrying about their health! 

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