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Can Cats Eat Pomegranates?

Cats are the most loveable animals. They may not say much, but they are the sweetest companions we could have. They are loyal pals that provide unconditional love and affection. In return, our feline pets also need our care and attention.

As such, we must be wary of everything about their welfare. This includes the food we give them. Our cats are very sensitive to their diet. They have different needs than humans do. If they eat an unhealthy amount of something, they risk becoming sick.

You might be considering feeding your cat pomegranates. But before that, is this fruit safe for them? Let’s find out!

Are Pomegranates Safe for Your Cat?

Small servings of pomegranates are totally safe for your cat to try.

Pomegranates are a refreshing fruit perfect for the hot weather. This fruit is tasty and great for hydration. Hence, the question of many is whether or not cats can eat them. Well, the answer is yes—in moderation.

Cats are obligate carnivores. Hence, fruits aren’t supposed to be their primary source of nutrition. Nonetheless, your pet will still benefit from some of its health advantages.

This fruit is known for its excellent nutritional content. Pomegranates are rich in water, fiber, and micronutrients. It is also filled with antioxidants that are beneficial for your pet.

However, it also has other contents, such as vitamin C, that cats don’t need. Nutrients such as this are already produced naturally by their bodies. Further, feeding your cat too much of this fruit might lead to health issues.

Cats can also be fussy about what they eat. They might not enjoy pomegranates as they are not able to taste sweetness. If your cat does not like this fruit, it is not advisable to give them this. But, if your feline pet loves eating pomegranates, try to moderate it as much as possible.

Health Benefits of Giving Your Cat Pomegranates

Fruits like pomegranates are incredibly nutritious. Giving your cat this fruit in moderation will provide them with the following health advantages.


Pomegranates nearly consist of 80% water. This fruit is therefore excellent for keeping your cat hydrated.

Your cat needs water to be healthy. It controls their internal temperature. Your cat will also love water-filled fruits, especially during the summer. This helps prevent dehydration, heat stroke, fatigue, muscle cramps, and other illnesses.

In addition, it moisturizes their skin and fur. This saves their body from the itching and shedding caused by dry skin.

Water is also necessary for body cleansing and toxin removal. This helps your cat’s kidneys filter and get rid of waste. Water helps your cat prevent severe issues like kidney stones and high blood pressure.


Folate, also known as folic acid, is a natural form of B-vitamin that is essential in your cat’s diet. Pomegranates include a considerable amount of this nutrient.

It offers several advantages. It raises blood oxygen levels and aids in your cat’s production of red blood cells. It also promotes healthy growth and development and helps with DNA synthesis. Getting adequate folate is also essential for your cat to avoid nutrition deficiencies.


Although some vitamins are already produced naturally by your cat, they could still benefit from some included in this fruit.

Aside from folate, pomegranates also include another B-vitamin. Vitamin B6 is a micronutrient that aids in producing red blood cells. In addition, it strengthens your cat’s immune system and prevents issues including seizures, kidney failure, and stunted development.

Additionally, vitamin K, which promotes blood clotting and speeds up wound healing in pets, is also present in this fruit. Pomegranates also contain vitamin E, which guards their cells against oxidative stress damage and aids in treating skin and fur issues.


Pomegranate fruit contains high amounts of dietary fiber.

Cats are carnivores. Thus, meat is their primary source of fiber. But they could also benefit from supplemental fiber from other sources. 

The high fiber content of this fruit supports your feline friend’s digestion and gastrointestinal functions. Fiber facilitates digestion by providing your cat’s tummy with healthy bacteria. This promotes regular bowel movements and guards against issues like constipation. 

Thus, feeding your cat a moderate amount of pomegranates keeps their body healthy and lowers the risk of developing digestive diseases.


Pomegranates are an excellent addition to your cat’s diet since they are high in potassium.

Your feline friend needs potassium, which is a crucial electrolyte. It helps regulate several body functions, including nerve and cell activity. It is also an essential nutrient for keeping their heart, bones, blood, and muscles healthy.

In addition, it helps prevent hypokalemia. Hypokalemia displays symptoms such as vomiting, decreased appetite, muscle weakness, fatigue, and paralysis. Cats with insufficient potassium intake are known to suffer from this condition.

Hence, pomegranate could be a great source of potassium needed in your cat’s diet.


Antioxidants and other polyphenolic compounds are also abundant in pomegranates. This strengthens their immune response and aids in their fight against infections.

These are crucial in preventing free radicals that can negatively impact bodily processes. As a result, it minimizes damage to your cat’s cells and immune system.

Possible Risks of Giving Your Cat Pomegranates

Pomegranates may be safe for your cat, but feeding them too much of this fruit could induce several issues.


Pomegranates have significant sugar content.

Sugar is a type of carbohydrate used by your pet as energy. Although they aren’t able to taste it, this has many effects on your cat’s health. 

If you give them sugar too often, they could become too excited and want to play all the time. Hence, they might experience hyperactivity, also called sugar rush.

If their body, however, has a surge of sugar, they might not be able to produce enough insulin to process it. Thus, this may lead to diabetes.

Giving them sugar-filled fruits may also cause vomiting and diarrhea. In addition, this could also result in dental issues and appetite problems.

If your cat consumes too much sugar, it might also lead to obesity. Obese cats are more prone to experience health problems, including high blood pressure, kidney issues, and heart failure. It would also limit their mobility as the additional weight will strain their bones.

Always be careful in giving your cat sugar-containing fruits such as pomegranates.

Excessive Vitamin C

Pomegranates contain vitamin C. However, it is not that beneficial to your cat.

Vitamin C is a beneficial nutrient that aids your cat’s immune system to fight against infections.  Though, your cat does not need to consume this in their diet. Their body already produces this naturally. Hence, this is inessential and might also be problematic.

Your cat’s body processes and removes excess vitamin C. As a result, this might develop calcium oxalate stones in the urinary tract. They might experience problems urinating and abnormalities in their pee. If your cat displays this, take them to their veterinarian.

Digestive Issues

If not regulated, the fiber in this fruit might induce digestive issues. Your cat may experience more frequent bowel movements with too much fiber in their diet. This, in turn, could lead to dehydration.

Furthermore, cats are naturally carnivores. Their digestive systems are not meant to process fruit and vegetable-based diets. Carnivores like cats eat meat, fish, and other animal produce.

Nonetheless, pomegranates won’t harm your feline friend as long as you offer them as an occasional treat.

What Would Happen if Your Cat Ate Pomegranates?

It is quite unlikely that this fruit would cause your cat any harm. Nonetheless, watch out for the following signs if it’s their first time eating this fruit or if you’re not sure whether you’re giving them too much:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea and/or Soft Stool
  • Reduced appetite
  • More frequent bowel movement
  • Too much or too little energy
  • Difficulty peeing

If your cat displays these symptoms, consult their veterinarians for further assessment and treatment.

Can Cats Eat Pomegranate Skin?

The outer shell of this fruit is not harmful to your cat either. It is quite unlikely that your feline friend would have any adverse reaction if they ate a small amount of this. However, you shouldn’t intentionally give it to your cat.

Feeding your cat pomegranate skin doesn’t offer them any substantial health benefits. Too much of it may also cause indigestion. Therefore, it is best just to keep the skin of this fruit away from your cat to avoid problems.

Can Cats Eat Pomegranate Seeds?

Like the fruit and peel, pomegranate seeds are also not poisonous to cats. 

You don’t need to worry if your feline pet ate some seeds accidentally. These are safe for them, considering they are small seeds and would not block their airway. Nonetheless, it also doesn’t provide any substantial health advantages.

In addition, feeding your cat too many pomegranate seeds may result in diarrhea and vomiting. It may also cause damage to your cat’s teeth. Therefore, you should not give your cat pomegranate seeds purposefully.

Can Cats Drink Pomegranate Juice?

It is fine to let your cat take some sip of pomegranate juice. It won’t cause issues considering that owners regulate how much their cats will be drinking. But bear in mind that your cat might become ill if you give them too much of this juice.

Drinking too much of this might make your cat throw up and have diarrhea. It could also make their tummy hurt. Additionally, the sugar in pomegranate juice will cause dental and health issues. Thus, don’t let your cat drink too much pomegranate juice, as doing so might result in problems.

Which Fruits Can You Give To Your Cat?

Although pomegranates are safe for your cat, you might also want to consider other fruits that are less risky and have more or less the same nutritional benefits. 

However, it is important to note that these fruits are occasional treats, not your carnivorous pet’s primary diet.


Although not as diverse when it comes to vitamin content, apples are also a great and safe fruit for your cat. It has almost 24% less sugar than pomegranates and nearly 10% more water content. 

Hence, if your primary reason for feeding your cat fruits is hydration, apples may be the way to go. If so, make sure to peel them first to avoid indigestion.


This yellow fruit could also be a safe alternative. Although, it is pretty subjective which is better between this and pomegranates. Bananas contain almost 11% less sugar than pomegranates. This fruit also has lower vitamin C, which is better for your cat. Furthermore, it includes vitamin A, which is good for your cat’s eyes, and more B-vitamins.


If you are searching for a refreshing fruit to give your cat for the hot summer, watermelons could be the best option! It has 55% less sugar than pomegranates and 17% more water. Hence, this lives up to its name and could be the best fruit in keeping your cat hydrated.

Closing: Can Cats Eat Pomegranates?

Yes, as long as regulated, pomegranates are safe for your cat. You can give this fruit to them as a treat, and they will not have any issues.

This fruit is loaded with nutrients that are beneficial for your cat. It provides your feline friend with a lot of vitamins, minerals, and hydration. It is also packed with antioxidants, which support their immune system.

But it also contains vitamin C, which your cat doesn’t need anymore. Their body naturally produces this. Hence, too much of this nutrient might be harmful to them. In addition, it includes sugar, which, when consumed in excess, could lead to serious problems, including diabetes and obesity.

Although also safe, its skin and seeds are not good for your cat either. These pose choking hazards and stomach problems while providing your cat with no solid health advantages. Pomegranate juice, on the other hand, is also safe for your cat but is not suggested because of its high sugar content.

Thus, you may feed your cat some pomegranates, and they could enjoy its health benefits. But, be mindful of the potential harm it may cause if consumed excessively. As long as kept as a treat, pomegranates are harmless for your feline friend.

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