Salvia officinalis, also known as meadow, garden, true, broadleaf, common, golden, culinary or kitchen sage or just ‘sage’ is a woody perennial plant in the family Lamiaceae.
This aromatic herb is used to extract sage oil and in cooking, including in flavoring tea. It also has a medicinal and for ornamental value.
The golden, purple, Berggarten, white, hummingbird, red, clary, pineapple sage, among many others are also members of the genus Salvia but of different species.

Is it safe?
Yes. Sage is safe for dogs. i.e., the sage plant – leaves, stem, and flowers are not poisonous or toxic to these pets. Nevertheless, give them in moderation.
Some of the properties it has are being an astringent, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial as well as an antiseptic. Also, it is an antioxidant.
Why should you feed this culinary herb to your canine friend? Does it have any benefits? Yes. It has benefits that include:
1. It is nutritious
It has minerals including magnesium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, calcium among others required by these pets. Additionally, it has vitamin A, E, and K, which are vital in ensuring optimum health and strong immunity.
2. Has antioxidants
Sage stem and leaves have potent antioxidants such as peroxidase and superoxide dismutase. These antioxidants will help counter free radicals that may damage cells.
3. Helps improve digestion
This herb has fiber that will support digestion and reduce diarrhea or constipation. Also, it will ease bloating.
Finally, since it has antimicrobial properties, it will treat any minor GI tract infections, including viral, bacterial, and fungal ones.
4. It helps in pain and inflammation relief
Since it has anti-inflammatory properties, it will help in easing inflammations, including those from arthritis.
5. Boosts memory
It can improve your dog’s memory as well as strengthen its mood, alertness while keeping this pet calm.
6. Manages some allergy symptoms
It has rosmarinic acid may that help manage some of the symptoms of allergies, especially seasonal allergies.
7. It has antimicrobial and astringent properties
As an astringent, it can be used to treat minor cuts and injuries, as well as stop bleeding. Here, you will need to use it topically.
That is not all; sage will kill or keep pathogens at bay since it has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. Also, it will improve your dog’s breath by killing oral bacteria that may cause it.
Feeding sage to dogs
From the many benefits, you may be tempted to give your canine a lot of this herb. Desist from such temptations. Although not toxic, excessive amounts may cause stomach upsets.
To give this herb to your pets, you can use fresh or dried ground leaves. Take a pinch of dried leaves or chop fresh ones and mix them with your dog’s food. The amounts should be not more than a teaspoon of freshly chopped leaves for a medium-size dog.
Additionally, you can add it to homemade dog treats or even use its tea. Sage tea will be ideal for topical use as it will deal with minor infections and inflammations.
Is Russian sage poisonous to dogs
Perovskia atriplicifolia is not a member of the genus Salvia. This perennial herbaceous plant has “tall wispy wands of lavender or blue flowers, and silvery grey-green foliage” notes BHG.
It uses include as an ornamental plant and in folk medicine. Also, its flowers are eaten in some parts of Asia or crushed to make dyes and colorants.
Is it safe for dogs? Yes. As a hardy dog plant,[1] it is unlikely to cause any harm to dogs. It will take a lot of effort for these pets to eat it to harmful levels.
Is sage good for dogs? Yes. It is. This herb is not only non-toxic but also quite beneficial. However, keep the amount low. It joins other safe herbs like thyme, basil, rosemary, and dill.