As a breeder or buyer, you may want the average age and size of a bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) starting from a hatchling, those three weeks, four weeks, one month, two months, three months, four months, nine months, and so on. There is no way of doing so with certainty,
However, knowing the approximate sizes of baby, juvenile, subadult, and adult beardies may help determine their age. Usually, you get their size by taking their length measurement from snout to tail.

1. Hatchlings days old
Hatchlings are newly hatched bearded dragons. They measure below 4 inches, typically 2-4 inches in length.
2. Baby bearded dragon: 0-2 months old
Baby bearded dragons are age 0-2 months, and their typical size is size 5-9 inches with the older ones larger and the younger ones smaller.
3. Juveniles: 2-7 months old
Juvenile bearded dragons are those aged above two months and up to seven months of age. At two months, they will measure approximately 5 – 9 inches, whereas, at seven months, their size will be 12-19.
4. Subadult: 7-18-months old
Subadults are beardies are those who are aged 7-18 months. It is during this stage that sexual maturity may occur. How often it happens depends on their size and not just age.
At seven months, their size will be 12-19 inches, and by the time they are 18 months, they will measure 16-22 inches.
5. Adults or fully bearded dragons: 18 months and above
Adults or fully-grown beardies measure18-22 inches. However, some can grow for up to 24 inches, particularly while in the wild. Some, including those living under captivity, do grow to 24 inches with bearded dragon morphs like German giants even larger.
6. Typical age size chart
Besides the above age groups, the below age and size chart may help you to approximate their age further.
- 0-1 months: 3-4 inches
- 2 months: 5-9 inches
- 3 months: 8-11 inches
- 4 months: 9-12 inches
- 5-6 months: 11-16 inches
- 7-8 months: 13-20 inches
- 9-12 months: 16-22 inches
7. Other ways to know the age of a bearded dragon
Besides considering their size, to tell their age, here is what you have to know:
1. Ask the vendor, owner or breeder
Most breeders or owners can tell the approximate age of their these reptiles. i.e., they know their birthday. Using breeders is the most reliable or accurate way to determine this pet’s age. You could also obtain other essential information like parents, health history, the average lifespan of the stock that the breeder has, etcetera.
If you got yours from a pet store, the vendor might have information regarding their age at the time he or she sold it to you. Using this information, you can determine how old they are.
If they don’t know, then use the beardie’s size at the time you purchased it to estimate their age by adding the time you have had it.
2. Ask your vet
Herp vets may be able to approximate the age of your beardie as well as their gender, especially if they have reached sexual maturity.
3. Consider sexual maturity
Finally, sexual maturity is another way to approximate the age of these reptiles if you bought it before it reached sexual maturity. Look at the various things that determine sexual gender since they appear once these pets mature sexually.