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Bearded Dragon Mouth and Tongue

Bearded dragons use their mouths to eat, taste, breathing, and thermoregulation. It has a short, stocky tongue that extends outwards but not so much and has a sticky surface to guide its prey into its mouth.

A healthy beardie’s mouth and tongue should be vivid light pinkish with a slight yellow tint without any sores, swellings, discoloration, or any other abnormalities.

bearded dragons
bearded dragons mouth and tongue

Some behaviors and issues include involving the mouth or tongue include:

  • Mouth opening or gaping – It is a sign of aggression, optimum basking temperature (if it occurs as they bask), yawning, or respiratory infections that may cause mouth breathing.
  • Licking – Licking or flickering their tongue helps them taste for smell things. Its surface collects microscopic particles and takes them to their sensory organ, the Jacobson’s organ.
  • White, yellowish or greyish patches – The most often culprit blamed for these patches is mouth rot. Gum swelling, cottage-like puss, loose teeth, reduced appetite, and so on are other common signs. Injuries may also make their mouth patchy.
  • Pale pink – This is an indication that your reptile is anemic, and they may also have a pale tongue tip.

Proper oral, as well as dental care, are essential in avoiding oral infection, gum inflammation (gingivitis). Your herp will advise you accordingly.

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