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Bearded Dragon Nails Trimming or Missing

Like other animals, a beardie’s toe and fingernails or claws have keratin, and they help this lizard in digging and climbing trees, branches, logs, and so on.

Purple bearded dragon
Bearded dragon nails

Why is my bearded nails missing or broken

Injuries including being bitten, cut, entangled by something, some diseases and conditions may make the nail or even toe to break or fall off. In case of a broken or a missing finger or toenail, expect it to grow back if its geminal matrix or nail root is still intact. Otherwise, they will not grow back.

Any ripped nail that results in a toe injury and bleeding needs treatment to minimize the pain and avoid infections.

Cutting or trimming bearded dragon nails

While in the wild, they don’t need nail clipping since they are always digging, running (while hunting or being hunted) on a rough surface that wears down their nails.

However, when living in captivity, your bearded dragon’s nails may become very long and razor-sharp. Some may even be curling affect how your pet walks. Such needs to be trimmed or cut as they can easily cause an injury to you, scratch their habitat, or break off easily.

Therefore, always trim this pet’s nails regularly, mainly if you use a smooth type of terrarium substrate that doesn’t encourage nail wear such as newspaper, linoleum tile, or reptile carpets or if they have grown long.

If you have climbing rocks and rough surfaces, they may wear them down, and trimming may be unnecessary.

To cut your bearded dragon’s nails, you need a good nail trimmer. Any brand suited for small animals will work well. Our best three picks are:

  1. BOSHEL Dog Nail Clippers and Trimmer with Safety Guard
  2. Pet Republique Dog and Cat Nail Clippers and Nail Grinder Series
  3. Gonicc Dog & Cat Pets Nail Clippers and Trimmers 

All these clippers come with a file or grinder to help in buffing and shaping your bearded dragon’s nails if you don’t want to clip them.

Once you have your nail tripper or clipper, enlist the help of someone and follow the below steps:

  1. Let your helper lightly hold your bearded dragon still on your grooming table so that it doesn’t try to escape or struggle as you begin to cut his or her nails.
  2. Hold its toe and locate the trimming point where the nail becomes thinner and begins to curl. In some, it is where it is dark without a white part), and it is vital as it will ensure you don’t cut your beardie’s nail veins, i.e., you shouldn’t cut the quick.
  3. Trim off halfway from where the thin part of the claw begins. This pet requires some of its nails to be able to walk and climb. Don’t trim it entirely to where it is narrow.

If you didn’t follow the above steps well here is a video to guide you through:

Filing or grinding is a safer way to reduce and shape your bearded dragon’s nails. However, it takes a longer time, and it may frustrate and stress your pet.

Is it painful to trim their nails?

If done correctly, it doesn’t hurt at all. However, if you cut veins, it will hurt them, and they may bleed.

In case you overcut their toe or fingernails, and they are bleeding, use a blood clotting gel such as CELOX First Aid Temporary Traumatic Wound Treatment. Pour it on the bleeding place and put pressure for a few seconds. Alternatively, you can apply cornstarch using a Q-tip to stop bleeding.

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