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Bearded Dragon Nose FAQs

1. Do bearded dragons breathe via their nose?

Bearded dragons breathe via their nose. Their nostrils are small openings located on either side of their upper jaw (snout) a few centimeters in front of their eyes.

Usually, while bathing them or allowing them to swim, the water level shouldn’t go beyond their shoulders to prevent it from getting into their nose.

Healthy bearded dragon looks
Do they have noses

2. Do they get clogged?

Yes. Beardie’s nose does get clogged, something that will force these pets may breathe via their mouth. It can be due to respiratory infection or shedding. In the case of shedding, be careful as picking their nose may damage their delicate nostrils.

If their nostrils get clogged, it is always a good idea to let your vet handle the unclogging. However, if you insist unclogging it yourself, gently pressing the side of their nose may help in some cases, but if the gooey mucus has dried, it will not come out.

3. Do they get infections

In case of a respiratory infection, beardies will have a runny nose (fluids or bubbles coming out of their nose), breathing difficulties, and reduced appetite, they will also be mouth breathing, puffing of throat and have wheezing or crackling sounds.

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