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Are Air Plants Safe for Cats or Toxic?

Air plant is a common name to genus Tillandsia (family Bromeliaceae), which has over 650 perennial flowering plant species, some of which are popular houseplants.

Some of the popular houseplants in this genus include T. ionantha, T. maxima, T cyanea, T. aeranthos bergeri, T. kolbii, T brachycaulos, T. bulbosa, T. capitataT. stricta, just but to mention a few.

Air Plants safe to cats
Buy It: 5 Pack Air Plant Tillandsias, $12.75, Amazon.

Most of the air plants are epiphytes (grow on other plants) get their name ‘air plant’ because they can cling and grow on rocks, barks, branches, telephone lines, and so on.

Are they toxic or poisonous to cats? No. air plants are not toxic or harmful to cats, which applies to all other genera in the bromeliad’s family, Bromeliaceae. Therefore, they are a great choice of houseplants, especially if your cats like nibbling greeneries, including house plants.

However, while nibble a little bit of grass and other plants is ok, your cant shouldn’t overdo it. It may indicate something else like nutritional deficiencies and other causes of pica (the eating of things that are not their typical foods).

Besides being lovely ornamental with bracts that may be green, purple, or reddish, air plants help purify your air by absorbing carbon monoxide and other air pollutants, making them suitable for your bedroom.

Spider plant

Air plants may also refer to the Chlorophytum or Chlorophytum comosum plant species, popularly known as spider plants and other names like airplane plant, spider ivy, hens and chicken, or St. Bernard’s lily. The spider plant is safe for cats and dogs.

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