- Binomial name: Syngonium podophyllum
- Common name: Arrowhead vine, arrowhead plant, arrowhead philodendron, African evergreen, American evergreen.
- Safety to cats: Arrowheads vines are toxic to cats, dogs, and horses.
- Toxicity cause: Insoluble calcium oxalate crystals
- Typical toxicity symptoms: Excessive drooling, vomiting, swallowing difficulties, breathing difficulties (rare), mouth pawing, oral irritation, pain, and swelling of tongue, mouth, and lips.
While toxic, there are ways to have this beautiful plant which we are going to look at briefly.

Arrowhead vines and cat poisoning
Arrowhead vines are toxic to cats, dogs, and horses since they have insoluble calcium crystals that penetrate your cat’s oral cavity as well as gastrointestinal tract lining upon ingestion.
As these insoluble oxalates penetrate their oral and mucous membrane, you expect your cat to have trouble eating, drool, paw their mouth, and have oral pain. Arrowhead plants join ranks with peace lilies, pathos, umbrella plant, Elephant’s ears, dumbcane, dieffenbachia, calla lilies, and chive evergreens that have insoluble calcium crystals.
Finally, if you suspect your cat ate arrowhead vines and has any of these symptoms, the best shot is to call any animal poison helpline or take your kitty to your veterinarian. We don’t recommend trying any home remedies. Let professionals handle it.
While arrowhead vines are lovely houseplants, avoid them if you have cats and opt for other plants such as true palms, African violets, air plants, Christmas cactus, lace flower vines, lipstick plants, moth orchids, and friendship plants as they are safe to cats.
Alternatively, if it a must that you have them, all is not lost. You use the following ways to prevent accidental nibbling of this toxic plant.
Firstly, get an enclosed plant terrarium. One made with glass or wire mesh will work perfectly well as it will prevent access. Terrariums are best and safest way.
Also, you can try various cat repellents. We recommend the PetSafe SSSCAT Spray Dog and Cat Deterrent, or any other good brand in the market. We cannot guarantee that they will deter your cat 100%.
For those who grow arrowhead plants outdoor, there are many outdoor cat repellents as well as deterrents such as Orbit 62100 Yard Enforcer, and many others which use various principles to keep your cats off landscaping or garden plants.
Also, minimize boredom with cat toys, train your cats not to eat plants, use homemade repellents like cayenne pepper, among other ways to reduce the chances of your cats eating this poisonous plant.