Beetroot (table, garden, golden, or dinner beets) is the taproot of the Beta vulgaris or the beet plant in the amaranth family, Amaranthaceae. Other famous amaranth family members include sugar beets, spinach, quinoa, Celosia, and irresine. Both the taproot and beet tops or green are edible quite nutritious.
While the most common variety is red or dark red colored one, there is a yellow or golden colored variety too.

Can kitties eat beetroot?
Cats can eat beetroot and beet greens or tops in moderation as a treat. ASPCA gives them a clean bill of health, i.e., non-toxic cats, horses, or dogs. However, ensure they don’t replace regular feline diets. Remember that all treats that your felines eat, including beetroot, shouldn’t exceed 10% of your cat’s calorie intake.
However, as a warning, we have to point out the fact that beet greens, especially mature leaves, are high in oxalic acid, meaning your cats should have only a limited amount as a rare treat. As you know, oxalic acid will increase the chances of calcium oxalate crystal formation, which may cause kidney damage.
We must also let you know that beetroot’s red or deep red color may make your cat’s urine and feces change their color, i.e., look blood-like.
Why is beetroot good?
Felines are strict carnivores that don’t need any plant material. However, although they have little enzymes to process plant material, they can effectively digest and utilize nutrients from plants, including carbohydrates. Some of the benefits of beets include:
Beetroot is nutritious. A peek at their nutritional profile shows that per 100g, they have 43 calories, 88.58g water, 9.56g carbohydrates (6.76g sugars and 2.8g dietary fiber), 1.61g protein, 0.17g fats. It also has folate, vitamin C, manganese, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, and zinc.
All these nutrients are essential to your cat. For instance, folate or vitamin B9 helps in neurotransmitter and nucleoprotein synthesis, red blood cell formation, DNA synthesis in rapidly dividing fetus cells or growing kittens, and helps in homocysteine syntheses, among other benefits.
Dietary fiber
Beets are an excellent dietary fiber source, a reason why you may see beet pulp in your commercial feline diets. As IAMS puts it, “research has shown that moderate levels of moderately fermentable fiber, such as beet pulp, provide the benefits of energy for the intestinal lining and bulk, without the negative effects of excessive stool or gas and, therefore, are beneficial in cat diets.”
While cats don’t require fiber in their diet, it will help improve gut health, help with diarrhea and constipation, weight loss (bulks their diet), control sugar levels in diabetic cats, and manage hairballs, etcetera.
Boost hydration
Since it is high in water, beetroot may help boost hydration, especially if you have a kitty that isn’t a drinker. However, this shouldn’t be the only reason. Try the Veken Pet Fountain, 84oz/2.5L Automatic Cat Water Fountain Dog Water Dispenser with 3 Replacement Filters & 1 Silicone Mat for Cats, Dogs, Multiple Pets that is a best seller instead. It may encourage more water drinking.
Rich in phytonutrients
Beetroot has betalains with anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce effects of chronic illnesses like cancer and fight against these diseases.
We have seen the benefit. We want to let you know that cats can’t digest plant material as we do. Therefore, either give them cooked beetroot (roasted, grilled, or boiled) as it is easier to digest or puree it.
Pureed is better as it will preserve the various nutrients that will otherwise be degraded by the cooking process. Just sprinkle the pureed beetroot on your feline food.
As with any other new food, you need to introduce it slowly over a week, beginning with a very tiny amount as you watch how their stomach reacts. If it doesn’t cause any stomach upsets or vomiting, you can increase the amount gradually.
Finally, while quite beneficial, never fall into the temptation to give your cat too much as it will result in indigestion and stomach upset.
More on beetroot
Beets may be eaten raw or after they have been roasted or boiled as well as in juices. Additionally, they are also used as a red food colorant and help improve the flavor and color of sauces, jams, jellies, candies, ice cream, breakfast cereals, desserts, etc.
To humans, the high dietary nitrates in beetroot help it lower blood pressure. Also, beetroot may improve athletic performance, may help fight inflammation (has betalains that has anti-inflammatory properties), better digestion and cognitive functions (increase blood flow to the brain)
Also, it may help fight cancer, weight loss, among many benefits. Therefore, it is one such food that you can share with your kitties.